Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)
Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)
Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)
Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)
Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)
Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)
Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)

Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata)

Turanian tigerCaspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata Illiger, 1815)


Class: Carnivores (Carnivora)

Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Expansion: Late Pleistocene - our time in Central Asia (extinct 50 years ago)

Dimensions: length - 2 m, tail length - 100 cm, height - 95-110 cm, weight - 150 - 240 kg.


Caspian tiger or Turanian tiger - extinct subspecies of tigers in Central Asia, the Caucasus and northern Iran. This cat has/differs a rather large size and bright chestnut coat color, with long stretches of brownish. Winter fur became thicker and longer on the underbelly and whiskers became more lush. Reliably known maximum mass Caspian tiger is 240 kg, making it one of the largest subspecies. This predator lived in reed or cane brushwoods along rivers, which are called riparian forests in the Central Asia. Caspian tiger fed gazelles, saiga, kulans, roe deer and wild boar. According to some reports, in the pursuit of migratory wild boars Caspian tiger reached the Eastern Kazakhstan and Altai. In the north, the upper boundary of the permanent habitat of this Tiger was Lake Balkhash in Kazakhstan. In the past, probably this Tiger also met in the Caucasus, but it has long been destroyed there. Caspian tiger was also distributed in the humid subtropical forests of northern Iran and in the river valleys in Afghanistan. Their rookeries Caspian tigers staged in the reeds, necessarily not far from water sources, and were able to go for a twenty-four hours to a hundred kilometers. In the thirties of the XX century tigers lived on the banks of the Amudarya in the reserve "Tiger gully" on the territory of Tajikistan, near the border with Afghanistan. Last documented sightings of tigers in the territory of Soviet Central Asia were recorded/locked in in the late forties - early 1950s. Last action tiger on Soviet territory dated 10 January 1954 (the border with Iran - Kopetdag, Turkmenistan). It is believed that the tiger had come there from northern Iran. According to the molecular-genetic data, Caspian tiger or Turanian tiger is almost identical to the Amur tiger.

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Turanian tigerCaspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata Illiger, 1815)


Class: Carnivores (Carnivora)

Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Expansion: Late Pleistocene - our time in Central Asia (extinct 50 years ago)

Dimensions: length - 2 m, tail length - 100 cm, height - 95-110 cm, weight - 150 - 240 kg.


Caspian tiger or Turanian tiger - extinct subspecies of tigers in Central Asia, the Caucasus and northern Iran. This cat has/differs a rather large size and bright chestnut coat color, with long stretches of brownish. Winter fur became thicker and longer on the underbelly and whiskers became more lush. Reliably known maximum mass Caspian tiger is 240 kg, making it one of the largest subspecies. This predator lived in reed or cane brushwoods along rivers, which are called riparian forests in the Central Asia. Caspian tiger fed gazelles, saiga, kulans, roe deer and wild boar. According to some reports, in the pursuit of migratory wild boars Caspian tiger reached the Eastern Kazakhstan and Altai. In the north, the upper boundary of the permanent habitat of this Tiger was Lake Balkhash in Kazakhstan. In the past, probably this Tiger also met in the Caucasus, but it has long been destroyed there. Caspian tiger was also distributed in the humid subtropical forests of northern Iran and in the river valleys in Afghanistan. Their rookeries Caspian tigers staged in the reeds, necessarily not far from water sources, and were able to go for a twenty-four hours to a hundred kilometers. In the thirties of the XX century tigers lived on the banks of the Amudarya in the reserve "Tiger gully" on the territory of Tajikistan, near the border with Afghanistan. Last documented sightings of tigers in the territory of Soviet Central Asia were recorded/locked in in the late forties - early 1950s. Last action tiger on Soviet territory dated 10 January 1954 (the border with Iran - Kopetdag, Turkmenistan). It is believed that the tiger had come there from northern Iran. According to the molecular-genetic data, Caspian tiger or Turanian tiger is almost identical to the Amur tiger.

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Полностью вымершим можно считать только среднеазиатский туранский (каспийский) подвид тигра (Panthera tigris virgata)исчез на территории Казахстана к ХХ в., в Узбекистане, Туркмении и Таджикистане - в 1930-е-1950-е годы, и последние особи вымерли в Иране и Афганистане в 1970-е (1980?) годы.

4)Азиатский (персидский) подвид льва (Panthera leo persica)вымер на юго-востоке Балканского полуострова еще 2100 лет назад, в Сирии и Палестине - во времена крестоносцев (XI-XIV в.в.), в нагорьях Турции (Малой Азии)- в конце XIX в., а в Иране последний раз труп львицы на берегу реки Карун в Хузистане нашли в 1944 г., когда там еще стояли английские оккупационные войска Антигитлеровской коалиции.Сегодня в Индии в заповеднике Гирский лес сохраняется 411 азиатских львов + 300 чистокровных "азиатов" есть в зоопарках по всему миру - надежда на восстановление и реинтродукцию есть.

Почти исчезли самые крупные и опасные кошачьи хищники:
1)Переднеазиатский леопард (Panthera pardus ciscaucasica), ранее обычнейший хищник предгорий и горных речных долин, а ныне - практически исчезнувший повсеместно (в Турции, на крайнем юге Казахстана, в Узбекистане), но еще сохраняющийся в горах Ирана, на юге Туркмении и разводимый сейчас по проекту "Кавказский леопард" в российских Сочинском национальном парке, Домбайском заповеднике Карачаево-Черкессии, Дагестане и Чечне.
В историческое время на территории Средней Азии и Казахстана обитали (и обитают сейчас!) следующие виды кошачьих:
1)Степной кот(Felis silvestris lybica)
2)Каракал или пустынная рысь (Caracal caracal)
3)Камышовый кот или хаус (Felis chaus)
4)Снежный барс или ирбис (Uncia uncia или Panthera uncia)
5)Азиатский подвид гепарда (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus), около 100 особей которого, возможно, еще живут в Иране,но которых с 1940-х годов нет в Индии и Пакистане и с 1970-х годов - на юге Казахстана,Туркмении и в Узбекистане.