Panthera youngi Panthera youngi Panthera youngi
Panthera youngi
Panthera youngi
Panthera youngi

Panthera youngi

Panthera youngi (P. youngi Pei, 1934)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Expansion and period of existence: Middle Pleistocene of Asia (Choukoutien, northeastern China and Japan) and lived about 350,000 years ago

Dimensions: length - 1.4m, tail length - 70 cm, height - 90 - 100 cm, weight - 100-180 kg

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Panthera youngi (P. youngi Pei, 1934)


Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Expansion and period of existence: Middle Pleistocene of Asia (Choukoutien, northeastern China and Japan) and lived about 350,000 years ago

Dimensions: length - 1.4m, tail length - 70 cm, height - 90 - 100 cm, weight - 100-180 kg

Reviews (2):
Scott Taylor
What a lovely picture of this Marvellous species of Lion, Amazing work. Can you put it in a Prehistoric background for example: Snow with Mammoths in the background please?
Neofelis South Korea
It's been a long time,
Your reconstruction picture of a Panthera youngi is cool...
This body size is fact?
or have a source?