The International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (#IBAHRI), together with many other #humanrights signatories, has appealed to the United Nations Human Rights Council asking that the Special Rapporteur’s mandate in Burundi remains in place.
READ the full statement:
Serious human rights violations continue to be perpetrated in the central Africa country with impunity. As Burundi prepares for more legislative and electoral changes in an already tense environment, these signatories further warn that scrutiny from the United Nations should be linked to structural reforms, and #humanrights improvements instead of political and presidential developments.
Following the unresolved crisis from 2015 and a new presidential term in 2020 showing no evidence of improvements in governance, justice, the #ruleoflaw or human rights as promised, the situation remains crucial. Violations continue such as extrajudicial executions, enforce disappearances, acts of #torture, sexual violations and restrictions in #freedomofspeech.
The country is one of the world’s poorest, where most of its citizens live in poverty amidst fuel, food and commodities shortages. In the northern part of of Burundi, campaigns have been launched against issues such as concubinage, where married individuals live with someone not their spouse, resulting in unlawful evictions of thousands of women and children.
The Burundi Government has failed to tackle economic or human rights concerns by refusing to grant access to independent human rights organisations or cooperate to improve the lives of its citizens. As a current member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, the government has an enhanced responsibility to accept this scrutiny so the mandate of the Special Rapporteur should continue.
#freedom #abuses
READ the FULL STATEMENT here with a list of all signatories:
Burundi Red Cross
UNICEF Burundi
United Nations Human Rights
The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)
Human Rights Without Frontiers International
United Nations SDGs Professional Support Group for Africa
Amnesty International
AfricanDefenders (Pan-African Human Rights Defenders Network)
Human Rights Watch