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The simplest way to navigate egg freezing

About us

More and more women are delaying motherhood in order to give themselves the freedom to reach education/career goals, financial stability, or to simply not feel so rushed in finding “the one”. Let’s face it, having a child is expensive these days and modern dating can be a minefield! Although having this choice is fantastic for women, trying to get pregnant after your mid-thirties can be much harder as our egg count and quality starts to rapidly decline. Amilis is on a mission to raise awareness in younger women about infertility and to help them navigate the start of their own fertility journeys, when they’re ready. Our platform provides the transparent facts about fertility and preservation treatments like elective egg freezing. We partner with the best fertility clinics in the U.K. to collect accurate data, costs and reviews and make it easier for women to find the right clinic for them via our clinic discovery platform. Overall, we are trying to break down informational and financial barriers to give women more choices when it comes to their fertility. Let’s empower women with the freedom to make an informed choice and support them along their fertility journey, whoever they are, wherever they are, whatever they choose.

Technology, Information and Media
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
Egg Freezing, Fertility, and Fem Health


Employees at Amilis


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    Everything women do is both talked about and, at the same time, ignored. Our decisions are questioned, our accomplishments are belittled, and our wants and needs are dismissed. This is especially true when it comes to decisions around motherhood–and fertility. Women are judged for having children too early, for having too many, for having them too late, and, of course, not having any at all. All the while, we’re taught to be silent. We’re told to not push back against unfair (and unwanted) opinions, not to speak out, and not to ask for help. But no one can do it alone–and we shouldn’t have to. No one should have to navigate fertility challenges, parenthood decisions, or health conditions on their own. And we certainly shouldn’t believe that asking for help and support is a sign of weakness. Whether you’re going through egg freezing, dealing with PCOS, struggling with fertility anxiety, or just trying to find a supportive clinic–you can absolutely reach out for help. Life is already so hard and so scary, why wouldn’t we want to lean on our sisters when the going gets tough? We don’t want anyone, especially those feeling unsure about their fertility, to struggle in silence anymore. Ask for help, ask for advice, ask for a hand to hold. Our sisterhood of support is our greatest strength–it’s time to lean in and use it. If you’re concerned about your fertility, know that you’re not alone–and you have options. Our team has helped 100s of women understand those options, so they can move through this life empowered–and supported. Book a call with us today to join our growing sisterhood of support.  

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    Food for thought when talking to your employer about egg freezing 💭 🥚 All employees – those with ovaries and those without – have doctor’s appointments and medical procedures. Your journey deserves the same attention and respect. 🥚 The information you share is up to you! If you want to keep it private, that’s your prerogative. And if you want to lay the details out, then say it proud. 🥚 The egg retrieval procedure is a quick one (only about 30 minutes), but your experience is unique. You might be back working the next day, or you might need some time off. That’s what sick days are for! How did you approach the conversation about egg freezing with your boss? We’d love to hear your thoughts and stories in the comments. No matter what, your journey is an inspiration. 💫 #FertilityJourney #EggFreezing #WorkLifeBalance #Amilis

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    Eeeek, Exciting News! 🌟 We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new AMH test reports at Amilis, revolutionizing how you understand your egg count and fertility options. 🥚✨ After hearing your feedback, we've designed a comprehensive report that deciphers your results like never before.     Not only are our tests the most affordable on the market at just £50 (that’s £100 cheaper than fertility clinics), but they now include clear explanations and actionable steps tailored specifically to your needs. You'll also see how your egg quantity stacks up against others your age and gain personalized insights into what egg freezing could mean for you.     Test your AMH with Amilis today:    PS: If you’ve previously tested your AMH with Amilis and would like a personalized report based on the new format, please email us your test results, age, and name, and we'll create one just for you.

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    Do you ever stop to wonder how much you don’t even know that you don’t know?    Right, yes, sounds a bit confusing. But hear us out.  We didn’t know that our fallopian tubes aren’t connected to our ovaries. We didn’t know that you lose a cohort of eggs each month, not just one. We didn’t know spermicide can cause UTIs. We didn’t know your microbiomes can affect your fertility… And on and on.    And, the thing is, we didn’t know that these were things we could know.  Unless you’re actively going out and looking for this kind of reproductive health information–you wouldn’t realise it even exists.      Up until a few years ago, most of us didn’t know anything about egg freezing. We didn’t know it was an option, didn’t know how to pursue it, didn’t know the mental and physical toll it can take.     At Amilis, we want to increase access to preventative fertility options. But, more than that, we want to help people learn about their reproductive health. About all the things that no one told us, all the things we didn’t even know that we didn’t know.    What’s a hidden reproductive health gem you’ve learned? Share in the learning with us below.

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    If you had to guess the main reason why women choose to freeze their eggs, what would you say? Does your guess start with C and end with A-R-E-E-R?       If so, you’re not the only one. But we’re here to set the record straight!  There’s a stereotype that women freeze their eggs to focus on their careers. But that’s just not the case.🙅🏽♀️      In her book, “Motherhood on Ice” author Marcia C. Inhorn draws on the stories of 150 women who chose to freeze their eggs. And the main reason they did so?      The mating gap.      We won’t spoil the book for you, but in it, Inhorn exposes how most women freeze their eggs due to the lack of suitable partners–not because they’re prioritizing their careers.      But, whatever your reason for thinking about egg freezing, we’re here to support you through it!      Any other myths about egg freezing you think we should dispel? Tell us in the comments below. 💜  

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    At Amilis, we’re working hard – along with all the other kick*ss FemTech orgs out there – to build the biggest bridge you’ve ever seen.      (Like, a bridge big enough to hold half the world’s population.)     We’re in the business of bridging the healthcare gap, so women’s symptoms aren’t dismissed, so our pain isn’t ignored, so we get the right diagnoses the first time.     Our mission is simple: we want everyone with ovaries to understand their reproductive options in advance, so they can make the decision that’s right for them.      How about you? What are you doing to bridge the healthcare gap? #WomenHealth #FemTech #CloseTheGap #Amilis

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    This New York Times article certainly caught our attention, discussing the uptick of employers in the U.S. that now offer fertility benefits–specifically egg freezing.      According to the article, 20 percent of large employers in the U.S. now cover egg freezing, an increase from just five percent in 2015. And while some might say this is just a ploy to squeeze more productivity out of the female workforce, we’re glad to see that more women now have the option.      In the UK, however, there is still significant work to be done. Fertility benefits, such as egg freezing, are less commonly offered by employers, leaving many women without access to this option. The discussion around fertility benefits is gaining traction, but more action is needed to ensure that women have the freedom to make informed decisions about their reproductive futures. Egg freezing isn’t an insurance policy or a guarantee that you’ll have children in the future. But not having the option, or not even knowing it exists? That’s not a solution in our books.      Should more employers cover the cost of egg freezing? Join in the discussion down below!     #EggFreezing #FertilityBenefits #Amilis

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    Female Olympic athletes deal with fertility anxiety, just like anyone else. But, they have to balance athletic performance, training, and competition with their biological clocks. These women have inspired us by being open and honest about their decisions to freeze their eggs. So, 🔊 let’s keep talking loudly about fertility options and make them accessible to all! 💪😘

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    Got fertility on your mind? Come join our next Fertility Café webinar ☕ Egg freezing is the fastest-growing fertility treatment out there– but finding reliable information about the process can be tricky. If you’re looking for concrete answers or wondering how to know if egg freezing is right for you, our Fertility Café is here to help.  Grab a hot bevvy and tune in as we:  ▶️ Deep dive the details of egg freezing   ▶️ Share first-hand experiences from our co-founders  ▶️ Answer ✨ all ✨ of your questions–no matter how small     Mark your calendars for this open & engaging discussion of fertility, egg freezing, and women who understand what you’re going through. See you there. 💋 🎟️ Reserve your spot here: 🗓️ Thursday, August 22nd   ⏰ 12 - 1 pm GMT+1 

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    Most women choose to freeze their eggs because of the mating gap, not because of their careers.      Except for professional athletes.      Female professional athletes face a particularly challenging decision when it comes to starting a family–because their bodies are their careers.      Some women have taken time away from sport to have a child–shall we mention Queen Serena? 🎾 But recovering from pregnancy and childbirth to reestablish themselves at the top of their game is a wildly rough road.      So, is egg freezing a major win for female professional athletes? That’s a question most of us won’t ever have to answer! We’re just here to make egg freezing as clear and accessible as possible–regardless of athletic prowess.      Which working mums inspire you the most? Let’s chat in the comments below!

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