Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board

Hospitals and Health Care

North Wales, North Wales 14,016 followers

About us

We are the largest health organisation in Wales, with a budget of £1.3 billion and a workforce of over 17,000 staff. Providing primary, community, mental health and acute hospital services for the population of North Wales. Ni ydy'r sefydliad iechyd mwyaf yng Nghymru. Mae ein cyllideb yn £1.3 biliwn ac mae gennym ni dros 17,000 o staff. Rydyn ni'n darparu gwasanaethau sylfaenol, cymunedol, iechyd meddwl ac ysbytai acíwt i bobl Gogledd Cymru.

Hospitals and Health Care
Company size
10,001+ employees
North Wales, North Wales


Employees at Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board


  • Overview of activities in the community 2023/24 Here’s a snapshot of the vital services our dedicated staff deliver in the community. Did you know that around 80% of patient interactions happen outside of hospitals? These services take place in GP practices, pharmacies, dental clinics, optometry services, and even in patients’ own homes. Here’s what we achieved in 2023/24: ◾ 71,843 consultations delivered under the Common Ailments Scheme in pharmacies ◾ 38,725 emergency medicines services consultations provided by pharmacies ◾ 18,286 people, on average, received NHS dental treatment every month Read more about our overview of activities and our Annual Report on our website:

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  • Trosolwg o weithgareddau yn y gymuned 2023/24. Dyma gipolwg ar y gwasanaethau hanfodol y mae ein staff ymroddedig yn eu darparu yn y gymuned. Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod tua 80% o ryngweithio â chleifion yn digwydd y tu allan i ysbytai? Mae’r gwasanaethau hyn yn digwydd mewn practisau meddygon teulu, fferyllfeydd, clinigau deintyddol, gwasanaethau optometreg, a hyd yn oed yng nghartrefi’r cleifion eu hunain. Dyma beth gyflawnwyd gennym ni yn 2023/24: ◾ 71,843 o ymgynghoriadau mewn fferyllfeydd o dan y Cynllun Anhwylderau Cyffredin ◾ 38,725 o ymgynghoriadau gwasanaethau meddyginiaethau brys a ddarperir gan fferyllfeydd ◾ 18,286 o bobl, ar gyfartaledd, yn cael triniaeth ddeintyddol y GIG bob mis Darllenwch ragor am ein gweithgarwch a'r Adolygiad Blynyddol ar ein gwefan:

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  • ✨ Band 5 Substance Misuse Community Nurse / CPN ✨ An exciting opportunity has arisen for a 12 month fixed term, Band 5 Community Psychiatric Nurse post within Gwynedd Substance Misuse Service, based in Caernarfon. 📍 Caernarfon LL55 2PH 🕗 37.5 Hours per week 💸 £30,420-£37,030 ➡️ ✨ Gradd 6 Nyrs Cymuned Camddefnyddio Sylweddau / CPN ✨ Mae cyfle cyffrous wedi codi am gyfnod penodol o 12 mis, swydd Nyrs Seiciatrig Gymunedol Band 5 yng Ngwasanaeth Camddefnyddio Sylweddau Gwynedd, sydd wedi'i leoli yng Nghaernarfon. 📍 Caernarfon LL55 2PH 🕗 37.5 awr yr wythnos 💸 £30,420-£37,030 ➡️ #nhswales #nursingjobs #jobsnorthwales

  • Yn ystod mis Mehefin eleni roedd Jack yn newid y crogiant ar ei gar yn ei gartref yng Ngaerwen pan fethodd y jac, ac o ganlyniad disgynnodd y car, a’i ddal oddi tano. Yn ffodus i Jack, daeth criw o gymdogion i'w gynorthwyo yn syth, gan godi'r car a’i ryddhau yn llwyddiannus. Un o’r cymdogion hynny oedd ein Nyrs Newyddenedigol Sasha Wyn Evans – a ddechreuodd CPR ar Jack yn syth gan roi’r cyfle gorau iddo oroesi cyn i gymorth meddygol gyrraedd. Cafodd Jack ei hedfan i’r ysbyty gan Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru a gwellodd yn wyrthiol – a hynny yn bennaf oherwydd iddo dderbyn CPR yn y fan a’r lle. Mae bellach wedi cael aduniad â phawb a’i helpodd y diwrnod hwnnw a gallwch ddarllen ei stori yma: ❤️#DiwrnodAdfywio'rGalon ❤️ Wales Air Ambulance Charity • Elusen Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru British Heart Foundation

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  • Earlier this year Jack was changing the suspension on his car at his home in Gaerwen when the jack failed causing the car to collapse, leaving him trapped underneath. Luckily for Jack, a group of neighbours came rushing to his aid and successfully lifted the car to release him. One of those neighbours was our Neonatal Nurse Sasha Wyn Evans – who began CPR straight away, giving Jack the best chance of survival before medical assistance arrived. Jack was flown to hospital by the Wales Air Ambulance and made a miraculously recovery – this was mainly down to receiving CPR on scene. He has now been reunited with all those who helped him that day and you can read more about his story here: ❤️#RestartAHeartDay ❤️ Wales Air Ambulance Charity • Elusen Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru British Heart Foundation

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  • Mae’r fferyllfa yn yr Orsedd wedi symud i adeilad mwy a mwy modern, gan gynnig gwasanaeth rhagnodi annibynnol newydd, a hynny am y tro cyntaf. Mae’r fferyllwyr Shahbaz ac Abbas wedi dod yn rhagnodwyr annibynnol, ac maen nhw’n cynnig gwasanaeth estynedig sy'n eu galluogi i reoli ystod o fân afiechydon, megis heintiau, gan gynnwys rhagnodi meddyginiaeth fel gwrthfiotigau, heb fod angen mynd at y Meddyg Teulu. Darllenwch ragor yma:

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  • The pharmacy in Rossett has moved to a much larger and more modern building, offering a new independent prescriber service, for the first time. Pharmacists Shahbaz Mirza and Abbas Fazal have both become independent prescribers, which offers an enhanced service which enables them to manage a range of minor illnesses, such as infections, including prescribing medication such as antibiotics, without the need to go to the GP. Read more here:

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  • The past 12 months have again been very challenging for us. We, like every other Health Board in Wales, have faced increased costs, leading to pressure on our already strained budgets as we strive to do the very best for the people of #NorthWales. 2023/24 also marks the first full year of being placed into special measures by Welsh Government, adding to the issues we face here. Being placed into special measures is not the only issue we have had to deal with this past year. We have demonstrated areas of improvement during the year, with activity levels across nearly every aspect of our services building on improvements from last year and continuing to increase, and we have successfully delivered a number of key strategic projects. See our LinkedIn article in full, on the review of our performance for 2023/24:

    Performance Overview 2023/24

    Performance Overview 2023/24

    Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board on LinkedIn

  • Unwaith yn rhagor, mae'r 12 is diwethaf wedi bod yn heriol iawn i'r Bwrdd Iechyd. Rydym ni, fel pob Bwrdd Iechyd arall yng Nghymru, wedi wynebu costau cynyddol sydd wedi arwain at bwysau ar ein cyllidebau sydd eisoes dan bwysau wrth i ni ymdrechu i wneud ein gorau glas i bobl Gogledd Cymru. Mae 2023/24 hefyd yn nodi’r flwyddyn lawn gyntaf ers i ni ddod yn destun mesurau arbennig gan Lywodraeth Cymru, gan ychwanegu at y materion sy’n ein hwynebu yma. Nid dod yn destun mesurau arbennig yw'r unig fater yr ydym wedi gorfod rhoi sylw iddo yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf. Rydym wedi amlygu gwelliannau mewn meysydd yn ystod y flwyddyn, ac mae lefelau gweithgarwch ym mhob agwedd bron iawn ar ein gwasanaethau yn adeiladu ar sail y gwelliannau a wnaed y llynedd ac yn parhau i gynyddu, ac rydym wedi cyflawni nifer o brosiectau strategol allweddol yn llwyddiannus. Edrychwch ar ein LinkedIn article yn llawn, ar adolygiad o'n perfformiad ar gyfer 2023/24:

    Trosolwg o'n perfformiad 2023/24

    Trosolwg o'n perfformiad 2023/24

    Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board on LinkedIn

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