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Public Health Wales

Public Health Wales

Hospitals and Health Care

We work to protect and improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities for the people of Wales

About us

Public Health Wales’s ambition is to achieve a “healthier, happier and fairer Wales”. Our purpose is to protect and improve health and wellbeing, and to reduce health inequalities for the people of Wales. We share this purpose with our stakeholders and partners, and can only achieve our vision by working together. We are a unique national NHS organisation delivering public health services in Wales and working closely with communities, the wider NHS, local authorities and other agencies including housing, police and fire and rescue services, Welsh Government and the population of Wales. In our approach, we lead the public health system to define effective services and prioritised actions; we mobilise others to develop community solutions to health problems; and we deliver services directly, where there are distinct advantages to doing so. We employ around 1,700 staff, including 85 at consultant level, and operate a budget of approximately £108million. We are passionate and driven to succeed. Our focus is to support the shift to a system-based approach centred around prevention and helping people to stay healthier for longer. We therefore need to make a positive difference to the quality of people’s lives for current and future generations, and reduce the health inequalities that exist in parts of Wales. We provide public health knowledge, scientific expertise and intelligence to lead change, as well as the intellectual challenge to ensure public services focus on delivering health improvement and reducing inequality. We run screening, health and healthcare improvement programmes, and provide microbiology and other health protection services.

Hospitals and Health Care
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Public Company
Health Improvement, Health Protection, Public Health, Policy, Research and International Development, Health & Wellbeing, Microbiology, Environmental Health, Screening, Immunisation and Vaccines, Infection Prevention and Control, Emergency Preparedness, and Official Statistics


Employees at Public Health Wales


  • Today is National Social Prescribing Day! 🎉 Social prescribers connect people with their communities, whatever their age or background. 🤝 They take time to understand what matters to people, helping them find the best way forward to improve their wellbeing. 😊 #SocialPrescribingWales _______ Mae heddiw yn Ddiwrnod Cenedlaethol Presgripsiynu Cymdeithasol! 🎉 Mae presgripsiynwyr cymdeithasol yn cysylltu pobl gyda’u cymunedau, beth bynnag fo’u hoedran neu gefndir. 🤝 Maen nhw’n treulio amser yn dod i ddeall beth sy’n bwysig i bobl, a’u helpu i ddod o hyd i’r ffordd orau ymlaen i wella eu llesiant. 😊 #PresgripsiynuCymdeithasol

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  • Yesterday, we had a fantastic day hosting our Tackling Diabetes Together event at University of South Wales, bringing together decision makers, clinicians, the third sector, and people living with diabetes to shape the future of diabetes care in Wales! The insights shared are key in helping us improve care and support for those living with or at risk of diabetes. Key topics that were discussed included self-care, service access, policy changes, and the role of digital health in care. Together, we’re building a healthier, brighter future! 💙 - Ddoe, cawsom ddiwrnod gwych yn cynnal ein digwyddiad Mynd i’r Afael â Diabetes Gyda’n Gilydd yn University of South Wales, gan ddod â penderfynwyr, clinigwyr, y trydydd sector, a phobl sy’n byw gyda diabetes ynghyd i lunio dyfodol gofal diabetes yng Nghymru! Mae’r mewnwelediadau rhannwyd yn allweddol i’n helpu i wella gofal a chymorth i’r rhai sy’n byw gyda diabetes neu sydd mewn perygl o hyn. Roedd y pynciau allweddol a drafodwyd yn cynnwys hunanofal, mynediad i wasanaethau, newidiadau polisi, a rôl iechyd digidol mewn gofal. Gyda’n gilydd, rydyn ni’n adeiladu dyfodol iachach, mwy disglair! 💙

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  • #NEWS The Public Health Outcomes Framework tracks how behaviours, services, and policies impact health in Wales. New data has now been included for: 🦷 Tooth decay - Fewer decayed, missing, or filled teeth in 5-year-olds (1.9 to 1.1 since 2007/8), but the gap between most and least deprived remains. 🌿 Air quality - NO₂ levels rose slightly (2020-22) but remain below 2019 levels. ⏳ Healthy life expectancy - Since before the Covid pandemic (2017-19), healthy life expectancy at birth has fallen by 2.2 years in females (59.6 years) and 1.1 years in males (60.3 years). ⚰️ Mortality rates - Premature deaths from non-communicable diseases are over 2x higher in the most deprived areas. 🦴 Hip fractures in older adults - Changes in hospital coding impact reported admission rates. Read about the findings here:

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  • #NEWYDDION | Mae Fframwaith Canlyniadau Iechyd y Cyhoedd yn olrhain sut mae ymddygiadau, gwasanaethau a pholisïau yn effeithio ar iechyd yng Nghymru. Mae data newydd bellach wedi'i gynnwys ar gyfer: 🦷 Pydredd dannedd - Llai o ddannedd wedi pydru, ar goll neu wedi'u llenwi mewn plant 5 oed (1.9 i 1.1 ers 2007/8), ond mae'r bwlch rhwng y rhan fwyaf a'r lleiaf difreintiedig yn parhau. 🌿 Ansawdd aer - Cododd lefelau NO₂ ychydig (2020-22) ond maent yn parhau i fod yn is na lefelau 2019. ⏳ Disgwyliad oes iach - Ers cyn pandemig Covid (2017-19), mae disgwyliad oes iach adeg genedigaeth wedi gostwng 2.2 o flynyddoedd mewn menywod (59.6 oed) ac 1.1 mlynedd mewn dynion (60.3 oed). ⚰️ Cyfraddau marwolaethau - Mae marwolaethau cynamserol o glefydau anhrosglwyddadwy dros 2x yn uwch yn yr ardaloedd mwyaf difreintiedig. 🦴 Toriadau clun mewn oedolion hŷn - Nododd newidiadau mewn effaith codio ysbytai gyfraddau derbyn. Darllenwch am y canfyddiadau yma:

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  • Mae’r ffigurau diweddaraf gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn datgelu bod marwolaethau sy’n gysylltiedig ag alcohol yng Nghymru wedi cyrraedd y lefel uchaf erioed yn 2023 gyda 562 o farwolaethau sy’n ymwneud ag alcohol yn benodol. Roedd y cyfanswm hwnnw’n nodi cynnydd o dros 15 y cant o’r flwyddyn flaenorol. Roedd gwrywod yn cyfrif am bron i ddwy ran o dair o farwolaethau a oedd yn ymwneud yn benodol ag alcohol. Mae derbyniadau i ysbytai oherwydd camddefnyddio alcohol hefyd yn parhau i godi gyda thros 12,000 o achosion wedi'u cofnodi. Os ydych chi neu rywun rydych yn ei adnabod angen cefnogaeth, mae Dan 24/7 yma i helpu 24 awr y dydd, 7 diwrnod yr wythnos: ☎️ 0808 808 2234 📧 💻

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  • #NEWS Latest figures from Public Health Wales reveal that alcohol-related deaths in Wales reached a record high in 2023 with 562 alcohol-specific deaths. That total marked an increase of over 15 per cent from the previous year. Males accounted for nearly two thirds of alcohol-specific deaths. Hospital admissions due to alcohol misuse also continue to rise with over 12,000 cases recorded. If you or someone you know needs support, Dan 24/7 is here to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: ☎️ 0808 808 2234 📧 💻

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  • Adolygiad Newydd: Adolygiad o Effeithiau Crychdonni Cymorth Gwyddor Ymddygiad    Mae Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wedi comisiynu adolygiad i asesu effaith gwyddor ymddygiad ar draws y system iechyd cyhoeddus.     Mae'n tynnu sylw at themâu allweddol fel meithrin perthnasoedd, datblygu gallu, a chymhwyso ymarferol i helpu siapio polisi ac arfer yn y dyfodol.    Darllen mwy:

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  • New Review: Ripple Effects of Behavioural Science Support     Public Health Wales has commissioned a review to assess the impact of behavioural science across the public health system.     It highlights key themes like relationship-building, capability development, and practical application to help shape future policy and practice.    Read more:

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  • Ar #DiwrnodRhyngwladolMenywod hon, rydym yn dathlu’r menywod anhygoel sy’n llywio iechyd y cyhoedd yng Nghymru a thu hwnt. Yn Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru, rydym yn falch o’n Rhwydwaith Menywod cryf, sy’n darparu lle diogel a grymusol ar gyfer cysylltu, cymorth a sbarduno newid cadarnhaol, yn y gweithle ac mewn cymunedau. Heddiw a phob dydd, dewch i ni ddathlu a chefnogi’r merched anhygoel yn ein bywydau.❤️♀️

    • Teal background with title 'International Women's Day' and image of a group of diverse women.
  • This #InternationalWomensDay, we celebrate the incredible women shaping public health in Wales and beyond. At Public Health Wales, we're proud of our strong Women’s Network, which provides a safe and empowering space for connection, support, and driving positive change, both in the workplace and in communities. Today and every day, let’s celebrate and support the amazing women in our lives. ❤️♀️

    • Teal background with the title 'International Women's Day' and an image of a group of diverse women.

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