Dr Rob Archer explores how empirical research underpins his High Performance Routines framework 👇 #highperformanceroutines #performance #mentalhealth
Psychologist focused on sustainable high performance, mental health Keynote speaker I Interactive workshops I Author I Researcher I Dad
When I created the High Performance Routines framework I really wanted to explore how well supported it was by empirical research. I realise this is quite a niche and geeky thing to aspire to - but hey, we are where we are. So along with Karen Sawkins and with help from researchers like Samuel Keightley, PhD I started putting together a library of peer-reviewed articles which support the concept. Of course this risks some confirmation bias, but it’s still a genuine attempt to support theory with evidence. And I've learned a lot and deepened the model from the research. Below are 5 studies which highlight various aspects of the #Preparation stage. It’s interesting stuff (interesting if you need to get out more, like I do) with empirical support for: 1. Morning daylight 2. Mental preparation rituals 3. Starting the day positively, with a sense of control 4. Planning 5. Mental rehearsal Enjoy!