Great result for the decarbonization of industrial heat - congratulations to all teams involved! EcoPragma Capital LLP is proud to have worked with Heaten and its investors on this transaction with Advent International and INNIO Group.
Heaten sets course for growth through strategic partnership with Advent International · Strategic partnership to accelerate the rollout of Heaten’s industry-leading very-high-temperature-heat-pump solutions. · Enable greater collaboration between Heaten and the INNIO Group. Heaten is happy to announce that we have been acquired by funds managed by Advent International Our heat pump technology for decarbonizing industrial heat has been developed over a decade and will make a significant impact to decarbonize heat across industrial processes," said Jeroen Koot, CEO, Heaten. "With Advent International and Innio, we have an excellent opportunity to industrialize manufacturing and drive the rollout of our highly efficient heat pumps in the megawatt class." See Press release Heaten's piston-based technology is one of the leading solutions across temperature-level, efficiency, flexibility and variability. Heaten's heat pumps deliver hot water or steam of up to 200°C by utilizing waste heat. As of 2025, the product portfolio ranging from 1 to 8 megawatt is expected to be rolled out. The engine-based technology is mature and earlier versions have performed more than 30,000 operating hours in the field #veryhightemperatureheatpump #vhthp #heatpump