Balazs and Julia delivered yet another successful project...
Business Management Consultant & Trainer | ISO9001 14001 45001 50001 AS9100/9120, AS6081 & IATF 16949 and Volunteer
ISO 9001 Foundation and Internal Auditor Training in Malmö, Sweden I had the pleasure of delivering a comprehensive ISO 9001 Foundation (1 day) and Internal Auditor (2 days) training on behalf of DNV GL Training Sweden and Temple Quality Management Systems in beautiful Malmö, Sweden. We had an enthusiastic group of nine delegates, all from different offices and countries, each bringing unique perspectives and a deep passion for their company. The first day focused on a detailed overview of the ISO 9001 requirements. Through interactive activities and stimulating professional debates, we explored how to apply the standard's principles to real-world scenarios. Days two and three followed the guidance of ISO 19011, focusing on audit programme management and first-party internal auditing. These days were full of hands-on experience, with plenty of role-play exercises such as opening and closing meetings, and auditing a case study where I took on the role of an employee from our theoretical company. Most importantly, it was wonderful to see this diverse group come together and form a powerful expert network. Their collaboration and shared knowledge will undoubtedly benefit their company as they move forward with their newly acquired skills. A huge thank you to the delegates for their passion and engagement – I look forward to hearing about your continued success! Me and Julia also did have a bit of time to explore Malmö and enjoy some good weather.