MADE Cymru

MADE Cymru

Education Management

Supporting industry though knowledge, innovation, and collaboration (a research centre within UWTSD).

About us

MADE Cymru is University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD) project that supports manufacturers and industry in Wales.

Education Management
Company size
11-50 employees
manufacturing, industry 4.0, advanced manufacturing, innovation management, education, circular economy, Product Development, and engineering


Employees at MADE Cymru


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    💡 If you're wondering about what happens at a PACE Cymru Digital Clinic, here’s a video of two we hosted at Folly Farm Adventure Park and Zoo in Pembrokeshire last week. The morning session was focused on Food and Drink, and the afternoon was Hospitality and Tourism. 🤖 The University of Wales Trinity Saint David team demonstrated how the latest technology can support local businesses in a practical, affordable, and results-driven way. A huge thank you to all the brilliant and impressive businesses that attended! We’re excited about the meaningful projects already in the pipeline as a result. 👏 And a special thank you to Jacqui Jones and her incredible students for their invaluable help. PACE Cymru is funded by the UK Government in partnership with the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Pembrokeshire County Council. ----- 💡 Os ydych chi’n pendroni beth sy’n digwydd yng Nghlinig Digidol PACE Cymru, dyma fideo o ddau a gynhaliwyd gennym yn Folly Farm yn Sir Benfro yr wythnos diwethaf. Roedd sesiwn y bore yn canolbwyntio ar Fwyd a Diod, a’r prynhawn oedd Lletygarwch a Thwristiaeth. 🤖 Dangosodd tîm PCYDDS sut y gall y dechnoleg ddiweddaraf gefnogi busnesau lleol mewn ffordd ymarferol, fforddiadwy sy’n cael ei gyrru gan ganlyniadau. Diolch enfawr i'r holl fusnesau gwych a thrawiadol a fynychodd! Rydym yn gyffrous am y prosiectau ystyrlon sydd eisoes ar y gweill o ganlyniad. 👏 A diolch arbennig i Jacquie Jones a'i myfyrwyr anhygoel am eu cymorth amhrisiadwy. Ariennir PACE Cymru gan Lywodraeth y DU mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant a Chyngor Sir Penfro. Lisa Lucas / Richard Morgan / Neil Cunningham / Amanda Hayden / Ashley Laurent Pullen / Dr. Andrew Killen / Glyn Jenkins / Luca Pagano / Andrew Campbell

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    🦁 The PACE Cymru team held a Digital Clinic at Folly Farm Adventure Park and Zoo last week. More about that later. But we wanted to give a huge shout-out to Jacqui Jones and her amazing Hospitality, Leisure, and Tourism students from University of Wales Trinity Saint David. 🙌 They didn’t just help us out, ensuring everything ran smoothly; they were professional, engaging, and friendly all day. They brought so much energy with them. They also told us all about their incredible industry placements too – not that we're envious... 🎓 We’re also proud to share that our very own Lisa Lucas is a graduate from one of these fantastic courses! See you all at our next event! -------------------- 🦁 Cynhaliodd tîm PACE Cymru Glinig Digidol ym Mharc Antur a Sŵ Folly Farm yr wythnos diwethaf. Mwy am hynny yn nes ymlaen. Ond roedden ni eisiau rhoi gweiddi mawr i Jacqui Jones a’i myfyrwyr anhygoel Lletygarwch, Hamdden a Thwristiaeth o Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant. 🙌 Nid dim ond ein helpu ni wnaethon nhw, gan sicrhau bod popeth yn rhedeg yn esmwyth; roeddent yn broffesiynol, yn ddeniadol ac yn gyfeillgar drwy'r dydd. Daethant â chymaint o egni gyda nhw. Fe wnaethant hefyd ddweud popeth wrthym am eu lleoliadau diwydiant anhygoel hefyd - nid ein bod yn genfigennus... 🎓 Rydym hefyd yn falch o rannu bod ein Lisa Lucas ni ein hunain wedi graddio o un o’r cyrsiau gwych hyn! Welwn ni chi gyd yn ein digwyddiad nesaf!

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    📢 Our PACE Cymru project is working with industry champions to deliver our Digital Clinics (helping businesses with new technology). 📍 In Ceredigion, we’re collaborating with Ray D'Arcy and Tregroes Waffle Bakery Ltd, who are a key part of our efforts in the Food and Drink sector. 🍽️ If you work in or with the Food and Drink sector in Ceredigion, join Ray and the PACE Cymru team to explore how tech can boost your business. We'll also be showcasing some of the technology. 📅 October 17th at Food Centre Wales! All the details are in this article: This project is funded by the UK Government in partnership with University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Cyngor Sir CEREDIGION County Council Council. ---------- 📢 Mae ein prosiect PACE Cymru yn gweithio gyda hyrwyddwyr diwydiant i ddarparu ein Clinig Digidol (helpu busnesau gyda thechnoleg newydd). 📍 Yng Ngheredigion, rydym yn cydweithio gyda Ray D’Arcy a Tregroes Waffle Bakery Ltd, sy’n rhan allweddol o’n hymdrechion yn y sector Bwyd a Diod. 🍽️ Os ydych yn gweithio yn neu gyda’r sector Bwyd a Diod yng Ngheredigion, ymunwch â Ray a thîm PACE Cymru i archwilio sut y gall technoleg roi hwb i’ch busnes. Byddwn hefyd yn arddangos peth o'r dechnoleg. 📅 Hydref 17eg yng Nghanolfan Bwyd Cymru! Mae’r holl fanylion yn yr erthygl hon: Ariennir y prosiect hwn gan Lywodraeth y DU mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant a Chyngor Sir CEREDIGION. Amanda Hayden / Lisa Lucas / Pat Jones / Neil Cunningham / Lisa Lucas / Richard Morgan / Ashley Laurent Pullen

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    🤔 Are you wondering what happens at one of our PACE Cymru Digital Clinics at University of Wales Trinity Saint David. 🎥 Check out this short video. 🔗 For information about upcoming Digital Clinics and the PACE Cymru project, click here : P.S. We’re slightly annoyed with Spot the Dog, who’s managed to sneak into every clip! --------- 🤔 Ydych chi'n pendroni beth sy'n digwydd yn un o'n Clinigau Digidol PACE Cymru? 🎥 Gwyliwch y fideo byr yma. 🔗 I gael gwybodaeth am Glinigau Digidol sydd ar y gweill a phrosiect PACE Cymru, cliciwch yma : P.S. Rydyn ni wedi ein cythruddo ychydig gyda Spot the Dog, sydd wedi llwyddo i sleifio i mewn i bob clip! Gareth Evans / Simon Thomas / Luca Pagano / Richard Morgan / Ashley Laurent Pullen / Amanda Hayden / Neil Cunningham / Raoul Chappell / James Millns / Laurence Wood / Pat Jones

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    🍽️ Do you work in (or with) the food & drink or hospitality & tourism sectors in Pembrokeshire? The PACE Cymru team are running a drop-in Digital Clinic at Folly Farm, where we’ll be chatting with you about how new tech can boost your business. 🕶️ From using VR for training staff to digital twins for manufacturing, we’ll talk you through it. We can also talk about how this can help your marketing. Details: 🕒 Friday, 11th October 🍴 Morning Session (10am-12pm): Food and Drink 🏨 Afternoon Session (2pm-4pm): Hospitality 📍 Venue: Folly Farm Begelly Kilgetty SA68 0XA You are also welcome to join us for a networking lunch at 12:30pm. To book, email PACE Cymru is funded by the UK Government in partnership with Pembrokeshire County Council and University of Wales Trinity Saint David. -------- 🍽️ Ydych chi’n gweithio yn (neu gyda) y sectorau bwyd a diod neu letygarwch a thwristiaeth yn Sir Benfro? Mae tîm PACE Cymru yn cynnal Clinig Digidol galw heibio yn Folly Farm, lle byddwn yn sgwrsio â chi am sut y gall technoleg newydd roi hwb i’ch busnes. 🕶️ O ddefnyddio VR ar gyfer hyfforddi staff i efeilliaid digidol ar gyfer gweithgynhyrchu, byddwn yn siarad â chi drwyddo. Gallwn hefyd siarad â chi am sut y gall hyn helpu eich marchnata. Manylion: 🕒 Dydd Gwener, Hydref 11eg 🍴 Sesiwn Bore (10am-12pm): Bwyd a Diod 🏨 Sesiwn Prynhawn (2pm-4pm): Lletygarwch 📍 Lleoliad: Fferm Folly Begeli Cilgeti SA68 0XA Mae croeso i chi hefyd ymuno â ni am ginio rhwydweithio am 12:30pm. I archebu, e-bostiwch Ariennir PACE Cymru gan Lywodraeth y DU mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Sir Penfro a Phrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant. Amanda Hayden / Ashley Laurent Pullen / Lisa Lucas / Richard Morgan / Jacqui Jones

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    🙏 A big thank you to everyone who joined us at the PACE Cymru Digital Clinic in Port Talbot last week! We were surprised (and pleased) by the turnout, with so many businesses keen to discover how technology can boost productivity. We hosted two sessions – one on Manufacturing and the other on Renewable Energy. 🤖 Special thanks to British Rototherm Group (and Oliver Conger & team) for providing the perfect venue and making us feel so welcome. 💡 The University of Wales Trinity Saint David team showcased some new tech and demonstrated just how accessible it can be for businesses. 🔗 If you're interested in learning more or attending future Digital Clinics, visit: We’re already seeing some fantastic results from this project, and we can’t wait to see what’s next! Funded by UK Government, partnered with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. ---- 🙏 Diolch o galon i bawb a ymunodd â ni yng Nghlinig Digidol PACE Cymru ym Mhort Talbot wythnos diwethaf! Cawsom ein synnu (a’n plesio) gan y nifer a bleidleisiodd, gyda chymaint o fusnesau’n awyddus i ddarganfod sut y gall technoleg hybu cynhyrchiant. Fe wnaethom gynnal dwy sesiwn – un ar Gweithgynhyrchu a’r llall ar Ynni Adnewyddadwy. 🤖 Diolch yn arbennig i Rototherm am ddarparu'r lleoliad perffaith a gwneud i ni deimlo cymaint o groeso. 💡 Bu tîm PCYDDS yn arddangos technoleg newydd ac yn dangos pa mor hygyrch y gall fod i fusnesau. 🔗 Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn dysgu mwy neu fynychu Clinigau Digidol yn y dyfodol, ewch i: Rydym eisoes yn gweld rhai canlyniadau gwych o’r prosiect hwn, ac ni allwn aros i weld beth sydd nesaf! Ariennir gan Lywodraeth y DU, mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Sir Castell-nedd Port Talbot.

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    🙌 A big shout out to sinead edwards, an Events and International Festival Management student at University of Wales Trinity Saint David! Sinead was volunteering at the 4theRegion event we attended last week, and our entire team was blown away by her organisational skills, experience, and warm welcome – especially given how busy the event was! It's so important for students to be prepared for the real world, and Sinead is an example of someone who’s incredibly employable. We also found out that she will be one of the organisers of the Institute of Travel & Tourism Future You Wales which the students host at Swansea Arena.  AND on Sunday, she managed the Ironman VIP hospitality with other students and graduates - from 5am in Tenby! And she’s is working all week at UWTSD's Welcome Day & Induction Week. 😊 Thanks for the warm welcome, Sinead – you are amazing (and busy!). Jacqui Jones / Amanda Hayden / Neil Cunningham ------------------ 🙌 Bloedd mawr i sinead edwards, myfyrwraig Digwyddiadau a Rheoli Gwyliau ym Mhrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant! Roedd Sinead yn gwirfoddoli yn nigwyddiad y 4yddRhanbarth yr wythnos diwethaf, a chafodd ein tîm cyfan ei synnu gan ei sgiliau trefnu, ei phrofiad, a’i chroeso cynnes – yn enwedig o ystyried pa mor brysur oedd y digwyddiad! Mae mor bwysig i fyfyrwyr fod yn barod ar gyfer y byd go iawn, ac mae Sinead yn enghraifft o rywun sy’n hynod gyflogadwy. Cawsom wybod hefyd y bydd hi'n un o drefnwyr Sefydliad Teithio a Thwristiaeth Future You Wales y mae'r myfyrwyr yn ei gynnal yn Arena Abertawe.  A dydd Sul, bu’n rheoli lletygarwch Ironman VIP gyda myfyrwyr a graddedigion eraill – o 5am yn Ninbych-y-pysgod! Ac mae hi’n gweithio drwy’r wythnos yn Niwrnod Croeso ac Wythnos Sefydlu PCYDDS. 😊 Diolch am y croeso cynnes, Sinead – rydych yn anhygoel (a phrysur!).

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    🚀 The PACE Cymru team thoroughly enjoyed meeting businesses from the Neath Port Talbot area at Friday's 4theRegion event. We’re back in the area on Wednesday, holding two Digital Clinics where you can chat to us about how the latest tech can boost your business. 📅 Wednesday, 25th September   10am – 12pm: Manufacturing   2pm – 4pm: Renewable Energy 📍 Rototherm, Kenfig Industrial Estate, Margam, Port Talbot, SA13 2PW To register, email us at PACE Cymru is funded by the UK Government in partnership with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and University of Wales Trinity Saint David. --------- 🚀 Mwynhaodd tîm PACE Cymru gwrdd â busnesau o ardal Castell-nedd Port Talbot yn nigwyddiad y 4ydd Rhanbarth ddydd Gwener. Rydyn ni'n ôl yn yr ardal ddydd Mercher, yn cynnal dau Glinig Digidol lle gallwch chi sgwrsio â ni am sut y gall y dechnoleg ddiweddaraf roi hwb i'ch busnes. 📅 Dydd Mercher, Medi 25ain  10am – 12pm: Gweithgynhyrchu   2pm – 4pm: Ynni Adnewyddadwy 📍 Rototherm, Ystâd Ddiwydiannol Cynffig, Margam, Port Talbot, SA13 2PW I gofrestru, e-bostiwch ni ar Ariennir PACE Cymru gan Lywodraeth y DU mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot a Phrifysgol Cymru y Drindod Dewi Sant. Lisa Lucas / Richard Morgan / Luca Pagano / Ashley Laurent Pullen / Neil Cunningham / Amanda Hayden / Pat Jones / Simon Thomas / Dr. Andrew Killen

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    🏗️ The PACE Cymru team from University of Wales Trinity Saint David was thrilled by the success of this week's Digital Clinic at Coleg Sir Gar | Coleg Ceredigion! 👏 A huge thank you to the businesses, apprentices, and students who joined us to learn from Gareth Evans (CWIC Wales) and Rachel Cook and Dr Diana Waldron (Woodknowledge Wales) about how digital tools can boost businesses in the Built Environment sector. 🤖 Spot, the agile robot dog, was a campus favourite with just about everyone who walked past - as always! It was a very productive day with some follow up plans being made with businesses. We're already excited for the next event. For more details, visit: ------------- 🏗️ Roedd tîm PACE Cymru wrth eu bodd gyda llwyddiant y Clinig Digidol yr wythnos hon yng Ngholeg Ceredigion! 👏 Diolch yn fawr iawn i’r busnesau, prentisiaid, a myfyrwyr a ymunodd â ni i ddysgu gan Gareth Evans o CWIC a Rachel Cook and Dr Diana Waldron o Woodknowledge Wales am sut y gall offer digidol wella busnesau yn y sector Amgylchedd Adeiledig. 🤖 Roedd Spot, y ci robot ystwyth, yn ffefryn ar y campws gyda bron pawb oedd yn cerdded heibio - fel bob amser! Roedd yn ddiwrnod cynhyrchiol iawn gyda rhai cynlluniau dilynol yn cael eu gwneud gyda busnesau. Rydym eisoes yn gyffrous ar gyfer y digwyddiad nesaf. Am fwy o fanylion, ewch i:  Amanda Hayden / Lisa Lucas / Ashley Laurent Pullen / Richard Morgan / Pat Jones / Hywel Davies / Neil Cunningham

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    🌍 Are you a business based in Neath Port Talbot? Working in the MANUFACTURING or RENEWABLE ENERGY sectors? The PACE Cymru team at University of Wales Trinity Saint David is holding a drop-in Digital Clinic on Wednesday, 25th September at British Rototherm Group in Port Talbot. Why attend? Chat to us about how the latest digital technologies can help you stay ahead of the competition and improve efficiency. There's an optional lunch at 12:30pm too! 📍Wednesday, 25th September 10am – 12pm: Manufacturing   2pm – 4pm: Renewable Energy 📍Rototherm, Kenfig Industrial Estate, Margam, Port Talbot, SA13 2PW To register, email us at PACE Cymru is funded by the UK Government in partnership with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and UWTSD. ----------- 🌍 Ydych chi'n fusnes yng Nghastell-nedd Port Talbot? Gweithio yn y sectorau gweithgynhyrchu neu ynni adnewyddadwy? Mae tîm PACE Cymru ym Mhrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant yn cynnal Clinig Digidol galw heibio ddydd Mercher, 25 Medi yn British Rototherm Group ym Mhort Talbot. Pam mynychu? Siaradwch â ni am sut y gall y technolegau digidol diweddaraf eich helpu i aros ar y blaen i'r gystadleuaeth a gwella effeithlonrwydd. Mae yna ginio dewisol am 12:30pm hefyd! 📍Dydd Mercher, 25ain Medi 10am – 12pm: Gweithgynhyrchu   2pm – 4pm: Ynni Adnewyddadwy 📍Rototherm, Ystâd Ddiwydiannol Cynffig, Margam, Port Talbot, SA13 2PW I gofrestru, e-bostiwch ni ar Ariennir PACE Cymru gan Lywodraeth y DU mewn partneriaeth â Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Castell-nedd Port Talbot a PCYDDS.

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