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Medical Architecture

Medical Architecture

Architecture and Planning

We design therapeutic environments that promote wellbeing and recovery.

About us

We are Medical Architecture. We design therapeutic environments that promote wellbeing and recovery. Our strategic approach to clinical planning is combined with a committed focus on design quality, making effective spaces feel truly special. We work closely with our clients to develop a clear vision for their estate, sharing the pride that comes with providing the best possible healthcare. We constantly evaluate our work and evolve our thinking to ensure we push the field of medical architecture forward. Founded in 1991, we are based in London and Newcastle upon Tyne, with current projects in the UK, Europe and North America.

Architecture and Planning
Company size
51-200 employees
Privately Held
Architectural Design, Interior Design, Masterplanning, Landscape Design, Research and Development, Clinical Planning, Strategy, Auditing and Evaluation, and Business Case Writing


Employees at Medical Architecture


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    We are excited to host Lianne Knotts and Ruairi Reeves at the #DesigninMentalHealth2025 Conference! On Tuesday 3 June Lianne & Ruairi from Medical Architecture will join us to present the ways that good healthcare can support the NHS in tackling the challenges they face. The presentation will present the collaborative output of ideas and recommendations that they gathered. 📜View the Full Programme: 🎫Book your pass: #DiMH #DiMHConference #DesignLedResponse #Collaboration #ServiceUserEngagement #MentalHealthcareDesign #MedicalArchitecture

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    BBHA 2024 Winner Spotlights! 🥇 In this edition of the BBH Awards winner spotlights, we spoke to our 2024 Best Healthcare Development between £25 - £75 million winner, Medical Architecture, who highlighted the unique aspects of their award-winning project, their goals, lessons learnt, and much more. Read the full article to find out more > You could be the next winner! Entries for our 2025 awards are now open, enter today > #BBHA2024 #BBHA2025 #WinnerSpotlights #BuildingBetterHealthcare #Healthcare

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    View profile for Alex Senciuc PhD RIBA

    PhD in Strategic Healthcare Planning, Senior Architect at Medical Architecture

    In urgent projects, deadlines press hard on both clients and designers to get things right. In this case, physical simulation of ambulant / bed / wheelchair movement through the department helped unlock some key design decisions very quickly, allowing us to progress at significant pace. And we had some fun in the process too. Pictured below the brilliant #neuroradiology team from #UCLH. Kudos to Diana Kootstra, Aldo Cupido, Julia P., Steve Umbers for being a great team

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  • Earlier this year, we completed the transformation of an unused space at the Freeman Hospital, to create The Haven Suite, a space that provides a ‘haven’ for the families, friends and carers of patients who are receiving palliative care. This is the second such space to be delivered for The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, following completion of a similar suite at the Royal Victoria Infirmary. The delivery of the two suites is fundamental to the Trust achieving the standard set out in the National Audit of Care and End of Life (NACEL) programme. This ensures relatives and carers of patients who are receiving end of life care can access dedicated spaces for rest, refreshment and privacy. The haven suites provide a peaceful space away from the ward environment with a variety of facilities that support comfort and wellbeing, including a restful seating area, a shower room, a kitchen, and integrated shelving providing a variety of useful resources. The space has been designed to provide a break from the clinical environment of the hospital, with special attention given to material specification, lighting and colour palette. Discussing the suites, Lizzy Zabrocki, Nurse Specialist – End of Life Care at Newcastle Hospitals, said: “Families who have used RVI Haven tell us it’s like a hug. It provides the simple things – a shower to freshen up, a quiet place to reflect and even just the pack of cards that act as a distraction. Some families are called in unexpectedly and can’t bring anything with them so spaces like this can make a huge difference when your world is turning upside down.” Medical Architecture | OPUS BUILDING SERVICES LIMITED | ARMSTRONG RHEAD LIMITED | CK21 Ltd | #healthcaredesign

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  • Medical Architecture reposted this

    We are excited to host Ruairi Reeves from Medical Architecture at the #DesigninMentalHealth2025 Conference! Ruairi Reeves will present recent work taken place within the East London Mental Health Foundation Trust (ELFT) to reconfigure its existing inpatient mental services to provide care closer to the population it serves. He will discuss the collaboration between staff and service users alongside architects to provide optimal results.  📜View the Full Programme: 🎫Book your pass: #DiMH #DiMHConference #InpatientMentalHealth #collaboration #MedicalArchitecture 

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  • Work is progressing well on site of our 8-bed Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) for Dorset HealthCare, being built by Kier Construction. The building will take advantage of its elevated woodland site to create a safe and therapeutic space for the recovery of vulnerable patients aged between 12 and 18 years. The building design has been influenced by the challenges and opportunities presented by the site’s constraints, as well as the very specific requirements of the patient group. Taking advantage of the steeply sloping site and woodland setting, the new building is located on an existing plateau, elevating the patient accommodation so there is a direct connection to the surrounding tree canopies. A generous window seat in each patient bedroom provides a personal space that encourages calm contemplation. We look forward to seeing more as the build progresses. Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust | Kier Construction | Hoare Lea | Calcinotto | Ubu Design Ltd | Hellis Solutions Ltd | MMC Project Consulting LLP | Savills | Sweco | RPS Group | Bureau Veritas Group | #architecture #healthcaredesign

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  • The latest issue of Landscape, the journal of the Landscape Institute, is dedicated to the pivotal role of landscape design in shaping the future of healthcare environments. “Landscape design for healthcare facilities represents one of the most vital and timely challenges of our era, offering opportunities not only to support patient healing but also to enrich local communities and nurture the environment.” By way of introduction to the issue, Bob Wills explores the long and enduring relationship between architecture and landscape in healthcare design and the ever more pressing need for an approach that integrates the two. Read the issue here: Project illustrated: Cavell Community Health and Wellbeing Hub by Medical Architecture and Architype.

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  • We were pleased to receive clarity on the future of the NHS New Hospital Programme (NHP) last week, with a revised implementation plan for delivery featuring prioritised 5-year ‘waves’ of investment. To date, we have proudly made progress in the delivery of three of the seven ‘Wave 0’ schemes, all of which are either partly complete or under construction: 📌 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Unit in Dorset 📌 St Ann’s Hospital Mental Health Inpatient Facility in Dorset 📌 CEDAR Mental Health Facility Programme in Northumberland Sycamore, a major component of the CEDAR programme, was awarded Best Healthcare Development (£25m – £75m) at the 2024 Building Better Healthcare Awards. We are also encouraged to see that our two remaining NHP schemes, that had been waiting for the certainty to proceed, have now been prioritised in ‘Wave 1’ of the programme, with a timeline to begin construction before 2028: 📌 Shotley Bridge Community Hospital in County Durham 📌 North Manchester General Hospital (designed by Sheppard Robson in collaboration with Medical Architecture) We look forward to seeing these important schemes delivered, with their focus on technologically advanced and patient-focused environments that will deliver long term value to the NHS estate. #healthcaredesign #newhospitalprogramme #nhp

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  • As the year draws to a close, there is an opportunity to reflect on our achievements over the last twelve months and to thank those that have been instrumental in our journey. We were extremely proud this year to be named Architectural Practice of the Year at the IHEEM Healthcare Estates Awards. We consider this a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our outstanding team, as well as the successful partnerships we have built with our network of clients, consultants and collaborators. Our body of work has been enjoyably varied, with projects at a range of scales; across acute health, community health, and mental health; in the UK and overseas. Looking ahead, we have collaborated on pioneering initiatives which have the potential to transform the delivery of healthcare infrastructure, through a proactive approach to health, wellbeing, and the environment. We look forward to championing these further in the new year. Despite the challenges that health services face internationally, we are lucky to be working with magnificent people, who are dedicated to creating therapeutic environments for patient care. We are thankful for the relationships we have developed this year, both new and old, and we look forward to continuing these into 2025. Season’s Greetings from all at Medical Architecture!

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