Thank you Robin Edwards, this certainly is a milestone. The theft of metal from national infrastructure projects is a significant problem. Not only does it cost the nation but it costs businesses and individuals. The work of the National Infrastructure Crime Reduction Partnership (NICRP) continues to support our members and partners Safer Business Network
We are about to hit another milestone with almost 3000 police, enforcement officers and partners from across the country who have received my CPD accredited Metal Crime Awareness Training. This milestone highlights the significance of Infrastructure Crime and its impact which is often overlooked and misunderstood. I had the pleasure of training 45 West Yorkshire Officers on Monday and Licencing officers from Bassetlaw Council on Tuesday. These enforcement officer now have the knowledge they require to target those involved in this type of crime and as a result help protect our National Infrastructure and communities. None of this would have been possible without the support of the British Transport Police and the NICRP who are leading nationally to reduce Infrastructure and Metal Crime. Infrastructure and Metal Crime continues to have a significant impact on our National Infrastructure, Heritage and communities but it can, unfortunately, be overlooked as a victimless crime, which it is not. A recent APPG report estimated it cost the UK economy half a billion pounds a year, but this doesn't take into account the hidden costs, which impact on communities and businesses and can be much more difficult to quantify. @National Infrastructure Crime Reduction Partnership (NICRP) @metalcrime @Infrastructure @BTP