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Newtrality Ltd

Newtrality Ltd

Business Consulting and Services

London, London 386 followers

Supporting meaningful change and transformation

About us

We are helping organisations to better understand themselves and their transformation requirements. Working with them to secure the right approach and support to change and transform, drive efficiencies and improve outcomes for both customer and employees.

Business Consulting and Services
Company size
11-50 employees
London, London
Privately Held


Employees at Newtrality Ltd


  • Newtrality Ltd reposted this

    View profile for Ben Ward

    Partner - LGR, Business Transformation & Programme Delivery

    It has been a very busy week and several late nights…. Conferences, meetings, workshops (not too surprisingly very focused on LGR and Devo) Between all of that though we did something very special. #different. This was the brain child of Deborah Cadman OBE DL BSc MSc MA and Meena Kishinani, stemming from their lived experience. Several months ago, we started work on building a leadership development programme which focused on giving people (from the global majority) the real life skills, confidence and belief to lead and thrive at an executive director level. With the amazing support and hard work of our recruitment partner Tile Hill (Anj Popat Chantelle Wooldridge and Anthony Lewis) this programme came to life and I have been truly inspired by the passion, talent and ambition of our initial cohort. I am now super excited to work with them all over the next 12 months and see how we can change our little part of the world and bring through the next generation of succesful leaders. Here’s to great things…

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  • Whilst we await the governments steer on Devolution/LGR and during this period of ambiguity, we want to provide some support and help to those who may be affected. With this in mind, we have set up a "Hive Mind" of Devolution/LGR experts to help answer any of your questions. This is not just about the process, but also how it feels, what you need to look out for and how you can maximise and best navigate the opportunity in your region. No question too big or too small. Some of the key practitioners are shown below but we are supported by a wider raft of subject matter experts from the sector. Of course, we don't know the exact process which this government will follow but our team has been through numerous rounds and understand the practical realities of similar processes. Please reach out if we can help.... #LGR #Devolution #governmentreform

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  • Deadline is looming so apply before it is too late to join this super exciting programme.

    View profile for Anthony Lewis

    Managing Director at Tile Hill Executive Recruitment

    Different is a targeted leadership development programme that will nurture leadership skills and confidence of aspirant corporate directors. With LGR and devolution looming in many parts of the country, this programme will help equip you, or those in your team, to seize on the opportunities ahead. To find out more, visit or contact me on 07747318128. Closing date for applications is 31st January 2025. #edi Tile Hill #leadershipdevelopment #globalmajority #corporatedirector #localgovernment

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  • Newtrality Ltd reposted this

    View profile for Ben Ward

    Partner - LGR, Business Transformation & Programme Delivery

    So I am officially on hols at the moment but as many of you know I am also a very big LG nerd. I worked on Wiltshire’s unitary transition in 2007/08 and have been involved in all subsequent LGR rounds. I have actually been super excited about the white paper today and have bored my family to tears! Having read it this afternoon (admittedly by the pool) I have a few specific LGR reflections; Local Government structures and funding are far too complex, based on historical, all too often, politically motivated decisions. The paper starts to address some of these issues which is good. I will await the detial but I am a little concerned around the lack of mandating the change on LGR. We have had several attempts over the years to find sensible solutions which work for individual regions but again - “We expect all councils in an area to work together to develop unitary proposals that are in the best interests of the whole area, rather than developing competing proposals.” Let’s hope the sector has the political maturity to do this and what is best for the communities that elected them regardless of the personal cost. Opening up the possibility of reviewing current “small or failing unitaries” in the context of LGR creates an interesting dynamic in many areas. I don’t disagree with this as a number are struggling but not sure how this will fit into current or future governance structures/boundaries just yet. Will need some creatively and bravery from government. There is a clear focus on local empowerment and communities which is important. The case for strong community/local area boards will be key to any case for change. The links to health, fire and police is also really interesting and where it aligns could be really powerful for an area and should improve regional accountability, especically around poor culture. There is a clearly a lot more detail to come but I do like the ambition outlined. Let’s hope we can all get behind this and make some meaningful, positive change to local government in this parliament.

  • Welcome to team Newtrality Ltd Paul Clarke

    View profile for Ben Ward

    Partner - LGR, Business Transformation & Programme Delivery

    For those of you who we saw at Local Government Association conference last week you will already know that the wonderful Paul Clarke has decided to join Newtrality Ltd as Director of Operations. Paul previously worked at Nottingham City Council where he was Assistant Chief Executive and Director of Policy, Performance and Communications but also has had spells at the Local Government Association leading the Peer Challenge Programme, West Midlands Combined Authority, and Birmingham City Council where he was Director of Programmes, Performance and Improvement.  With the current focus on in-year savings, devolution and LGR, Paul brings 30 years of practical experience in both local and regional government. As part of our leadership team he will help us to further evolve, our devolution, LGR, improvement and organisational transformation offers. Welcome Paul... We even included a lovely corporate photo of him!

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  • Newtrality Ltd reposted this

    View profile for Ben Ward

    Partner - LGR, Business Transformation & Programme Delivery

    I will be heading off to the LGA next week with some of my amazing colleagues Claire Corbett Deborah Cadman OBE DL BSc MSc MA Paul Clarke Meena Kishinani. We have had an awesome year, helping City, Unitary and Counties across the Country to tackle both their in-year financial pressures but also helping them to develop more sustainable operating models. If you want to grab a coffee whilst I am there to discuss then please just message me on here. #lgaconference #localgovernment #transformation

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  • Newtrality Ltd reposted this

    View profile for Ben Ward

    Partner - LGR, Business Transformation & Programme Delivery

    So for me it has been a week of travelling up and down the Country with various clients and colleagues which has been very enjoyable.... like the good old days 😂 What has really struck me though is the situation a number of well run Councils are now finding themselves in. The needs and expectations of communities are now much more complex. Councils have struggled to keep pace with this. As a sector, Local Government (and the wider system), need to find a way to make rapid, in year savings whilst developing new, sustainable operating models of service delivery (changing the wheels whilst driving the car!) Whilst intellectually myself and my colleagues are thriving on this challenge it is hard to see how making these very difficult decisions is affecting senior officers and Members who are so dedicated to the needs of their citizens and the sector. I hope that under this new government they will recognise the chronic underfunding in the sector but also the passion and tireless work people are putting in to try and fix these complex issues. They need to do this by investing in the people who are trying to make a difference wherever they can, at all levels of Local Government. #people #localgovernment #publicsector #investment

  • Our exciting journey continues with the appointment of Deborah Cadman OBE. Please see full details below on why she has chosen to join us. 👇

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