ProMo Cymru

ProMo Cymru

Civic and Social Organizations

Cardiff Bay, Cardiff 629 followers


About us

ProMo-Cymru works to ensure young people and communities are informed, engaged, connected and heard We work collaboratively to make links between people and services using creativity and digital technology. Supporting the third and public sectors to imagine, test and create better services. ProMo works with communities through communications, advocacy, cultural engagement, digital and media production. Our work is informed by over 20 years of delivering digital youth information projects. We share this knowledge through training and consultancy, forming long term partnerships to benefit people and organisations. ProMo is a registered charity and social enterprise; our profits are invested back into our community projects.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Cardiff Bay, Cardiff
youth engagement, ict innovation, community regeneration, helpline, video production, photography, graphic design, and accreditated training


Employees at ProMo Cymru


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    Welsh below👇🏼 🌟 #ThrowbackThursday to 2004! 🌸 We had the privilege of facilitating the "Hwyl Olé - Cardiff-Cordoba" youth exchange, bringing together young people and communities through music and culture. A group of talented RnB singers from Cardiff traveled to Cordoba, performing in the streets and at the Andalucia Youth Institute during the vibrant May Flowers community festivals. 🌷🎶 In return, Cordoba sent musicians and dancers to Cardiff, captivating audiences at the Cardiff Festival with Flamenco-infused las Sevillanas, showcasing the beauty of Andaluz fiestas. 💃✨ This cultural exchange was a wonderful way to unite young people, building creativity, connection, and community across borders! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🤝🇪🇸 #ProMo40 —— 🌟 Taith yn ôl i #HenLunIau 2004! 🌸 Cawsom y pleser o hwyluso'r gyfnewidfa ieuenctid 'Hwyl Olé: Caerdydd-Cordoba', yn dod a phobl ifanc a chymunedau at ei gilydd gyda cherddoriaeth a diwylliant. Teithiodd grŵp o gantorion R&B talentog o Gaerdydd i Cordoba, gan berfformio ar strydoedd Cordoba ac yn Sefydliad Ieuenctid Andalucia yn ystod gwyliau cymunedol bywiog Blodau Mai. 🌷🎶 Daeth cerddorion a dawnswyr Cordoba draw i Gaerdydd, gan swyno cynulleidfaoedd Gŵyl Caerdydd gyda fflamenco las Sevillanas, yn arddangos prydferthwch ffiestas Andaluz. 💃✨ Roedd y gyfnewidfa ddiwylliannol yma yn ffordd hyfryd i uno pobl ifanc, creu creadigrwydd, cysylltiad, a chymuned ar draws y ffiniau! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🤝🇪🇸 #ProMo40

    • Group photo of smiling young people from Cardiff and Cordoba with the ProMo team during the exchange trip. The image is stamped with a ProMo 40th birthday badge.
    • Cordoba’s flamenco dancers at the Cardiff festival wearing traditional dress. The image is stamped with a ProMo 40th birthday badge.
    • Young RnB singers from Cardiff perform in the streets of Cordoba in front of a Welsh flag. The image is stamped with a ProMo 40th birthday badge.
    • Cordoba’s flamenco dancers at the Cardiff festival wearing traditional dress. The image is stamped with a ProMo 40th birthday badge.
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    ENGLISH BELOW 👇 CYFLE OLAF I WNEUD CAIS! CYFLE GYDA THÂL I RAI 16-25 OED 🧠🌟 Mewn partneriaeth â Youth Access rydym yn chwilio am 8 person ifanc sy'n awyddus i ddylanwadu ar wasanaethau iechyd meddwl yng Nghymru a Lloegr fel rhan i Ein Meddyliau Ein Dyfodol. Dyma gyfle i bobl ifanc: ⏰ Siapio dyfodol cymorth iechyd meddwl i bobl ifanc ledled Cymru a Lloegr 🤝 Cysylltu a rhannu syniadau gydag arweinwyr ifanc eraill ac arbenigwyr iechyd meddwl 💰 Cael tâl am dy amser a dy arbenigedd (£15 yr awr!) Bydd ceisiadau yn cau am 5yp ar ddydd Gwener heddiw. Manylion pellach a gwneud cais isod 👇 ------------------------------------------------ LAST CHANCE TO APPLY! PAID OPPORTUNITY FOR 16-25s 🧠🌟  We’ve partnered up with Youth Access and are looking for 8 young people passionate about making change to mental health services in England and Wales as part of Our Minds Our Future. This is a chance for young people to:   ⏰ Shape the future of mental health support for young people across England & Wales   🤝 Connect and share ideas with other young leaders and mental health experts💰 Get paid for your time and expertise (£15 per hour!) Applications close at 5pm today! Find out more and apply below👇  

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    ENGLISH BELOW 👇 Yn #HenLunIau yr wythnos hon awn yn ôl i fis Hydref 2013, pan gafodd theSprout wahoddiad i Lansiad y Wasg 'War Horse' yng Nghymru🐎 Roedd theSprout yn ddigon ffodus i gael sgwrs â meistri'r pypedau am sut mae'r ceffylau yn dod yn fyw!🎎 ---------------------------------------- This week’s #ThrowBackThursday is to October 2013, when ProMo and theSprout were invited to the Press Launch of ‘War Horse’ in Wales 🐎  theSprout were even lucky enough to chat to the puppet-masters on how they make the horses come to life! 🎎

    • 1 - Y pyped ceffyl y tu allan i Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru, ochr yn ochr â' driniwr

1).  The horse puppet outside the Wales Millenium Centre, alongside its handler
    • 2 - Y pyped ceffyl ar garlam y tu allan i Ganolfan Mileniwm Cymru

2 - The horse puppet, galloping outside the Wales Millenium Centre
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    ENGLISH BELOW 👇 CYFLE GWIRFODDOLI DE CYMRU 👀  Mae YMCA Cardiff yn chwilio am fentoriaid gwirfoddol i'r prosiect Y's Girls! Mae'r rhaglen mentora Y's Girls yn hyfforddi mentoriaid gwirfoddol i gefnogi merched ifanc 9-14 oed i fod y gorau gallant. Dros flwyddyn, mae'r mentoriaid a'r bobl ifanc yn cyfarfod am sesiynau dwy awr ac yn gweithio gyda'i gilydd i greu nodau cyraeddadwy fydd yn eu grymuso i gynyddu gwytnwch, caniatáu iddynt fyw bywydau boddhaus a gwella eu hiechyd meddwl a'u lles tymor byr a hir dymor. Maent yn chwilio am fentoriaid yng Nghaerdydd, Y Barri, Penarth, Y Wig a Sain Tathan. Am wybodaeth bellach, cliciwch isod 👇 --------------------------------- VOLUNTEERING OPPORTUNITY IN SOUTH WALES 👀  YMCA Cardiff are looking for volunteer mentors for the Y’s Girls project! The Y’s Girls mentoring programme matches trained volunteer mentors with young girls aged 9–14 years old to support them to be their best. Over a year, mentors and young people meet for two-hour sessions and work together to identify achievable goals that will empower the mentee and build their resilience, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives and improve their short and long-term mental health and wellbeing. They are looking for mentors in Cardiff, Barry, Penarth, Wick and St Athans.  For more information, click below👇



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    ENGLISH BELOW 👇 Rydym yn hoff o ddysgu a datblygu ein sgiliau yma yn ProMo Cymru ac wythnos diwethaf cawsom gyfle i gymryd rhan mewn sesiwn VR wedi'i gyflwyno gan Dr Daniel J. Finnegan. 💻 Mae Daniel yn aelod o Fwrdd Ymddiriedolwyr ProMo ac yn athro yn Ysgol Gyfrifiadureg a Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd, yn ogystal â chyd-gyfarwyddwr Echo Games CIC Cyflwynodd Daniel sesiwn ar gynhyrchu Rhith Realiti yn defnyddio Unity 3D. Dysgwyd staff sut i adeiladu bydoedd rhithiol a sut gellir defnyddio hyn i gefnogi'r trydydd sector! Edrych ymlaen at archwilio hyn ymhellach. Diolch Daniel 🙏 ------------------------------------------------------- We love to learn and develop our skills at ProMo Cymru and last week some of our staff were lucky enough to take part in a VR session hosted by Dr Daniel J. Finnegan 💻 Daniel is a member of ProMo's Board of Trustees and an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University / Prifysgol Caerdydd, as well as being co-director of Echo Games CIC Daniel presented a session on Virtual Reality production using Unity 3D. Staff were taught how to build virtual worlds and how this can be used to support the third sector! Excited to explore this further. Diolch Daniel 🙏

    • WELSH: Aelodau staff yn ein swyddfa yn defnyddio Unity 3D i greu gwrthrychau mewn rhith realiti

ENGLISH: Staff members at our office using Unity 3D to create objects in virtual reality
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    PAID OPPORTUNITY FOR 16-25s 🧠🌟 We’ve partnered up with Youth Access and are looking for 8 young people passionate about making change to mental health services in England and Wales. We will come together for a Youth Action Away Day in Bristol on the 8th February. This is a chance for young people to: - Shape the future of mental health support for young people across England & Wales - Connect and share ideas with other young leaders and mental health experts - Get paid for your time and expertise (£15 per hour!) For the past 5 years, youth and mental health organisations and young people have collaborated to shape mental health services across the UK. To continue the work that has been done, we have planned the “Our Minds Our Future” Youth Action Away Day. To prepare for this event, there will be four online sessions on Wednesdays between 4:30-6:30pm. We will come together for introductions, before planning and designing the Away Day, and then debriefing and planning the next steps for the future. Applications close at 5pm on Friday 4th October. Successful applicants will be contacted by email on or before Friday 18th October. Find out more and apply here 👉

    Paid Opportunity: Calling all Young Changemakers (16-25) in Wales and England! | TheSprout

    Paid Opportunity: Calling all Young Changemakers (16-25) in Wales and England! | TheSprout

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    Bûm yn gweithio ar brosiect gydag Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru yn 2019 i ddarganfod ffordd i wella hygyrchedd gwybodaeth iechyd rhyw i bobl ifanc. Ychydig o broblemau a nodwyd oedd bod pobl ifanc yn mynychu clinigau iechyd rhyw yn rhy gynnar fel nad yw haint yn ymddangos ar y prawf STI eto, ac yn gorfod disgwyl hyd at ddwy awr i gael eu gweld mewn cyfnodau prysur. Siaradom gyda phobl ifanc i ddychmygu'r gwasanaeth iechyd rhyw berffaith a chreu peilot gydag arolwg Typeform sydd yn defnyddio model rhesymeg i ddarparu'r wybodaeth gywir i bobl ifanc mewn llai nag 40 eiliad. Ers hynny, mae dros 26 mil o bobl wedi ei ddefnyddio sydd wedi arbed dros 51 mil o oriau. Rhowch dro arni:

    • Troi disgwyl 2 awr am 'triage' yn ffurflen 40 eiliad. Arbed dros 51 mil o oriau. 26 mil o bobl wedi defnyddio'r arolwg
    • Sgrinlun o ffurflen iechyd rhyw
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    In 2019 worked on a project with Public Health Wales to find a way to make sexual health information more accessible to young people. We identified a few issues, such as young people attending STI clinics too early before tests could detect an infection, and experiencing up to a two-hour wait to be seen during busy periods. We spoke with young people to imagine what a perfect sexual health service would look like and created a pilot that included a Typeform survey that uses a logic model to provide young people with the right information in under 40 seconds. Since then it’s been used by over 26k people and saved over 51k hours! #ProMo40 Try it out:

    • Screenshot of a sexual health form
    • Turned a 2 hour in person wait for triage into a 40s form. Saved over 51k hours. Survey used by over 26k people.

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