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Public Health Wales

Public Health Wales

Hospitals and Health Care

We work to protect and improve health and well-being and reduce health inequalities for the people of Wales

About us

Public Health Wales’s ambition is to achieve a “healthier, happier and fairer Wales”. Our purpose is to protect and improve health and wellbeing, and to reduce health inequalities for the people of Wales. We share this purpose with our stakeholders and partners, and can only achieve our vision by working together. We are a unique national NHS organisation delivering public health services in Wales and working closely with communities, the wider NHS, local authorities and other agencies including housing, police and fire and rescue services, Welsh Government and the population of Wales. In our approach, we lead the public health system to define effective services and prioritised actions; we mobilise others to develop community solutions to health problems; and we deliver services directly, where there are distinct advantages to doing so. We employ around 1,700 staff, including 85 at consultant level, and operate a budget of approximately £108million. We are passionate and driven to succeed. Our focus is to support the shift to a system-based approach centred around prevention and helping people to stay healthier for longer. We therefore need to make a positive difference to the quality of people’s lives for current and future generations, and reduce the health inequalities that exist in parts of Wales. We provide public health knowledge, scientific expertise and intelligence to lead change, as well as the intellectual challenge to ensure public services focus on delivering health improvement and reducing inequality. We run screening, health and healthcare improvement programmes, and provide microbiology and other health protection services.

Hospitals and Health Care
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Public Company
Health Improvement, Health Protection, Public Health, Policy, Research and International Development, Health & Wellbeing, Microbiology, Environmental Health, Screening, Immunisation and Vaccines, Infection Prevention and Control, Emergency Preparedness, and Official Statistics


Employees at Public Health Wales


  • Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod TB yn cael ei ledaenu trwy'r awyr? Pan fydd rhywun â TB yn pesychu neu'n tisian, mae'n cynyddu'r risg y bydd eraill o'u cwmpas yn ei ddal. Gall unrhyw un gael TB, ond gall rhai ffactorau gynyddu eich risg megis: • Cyswllt agos â rhywun sydd â TB • Cael system imiwnedd wan Symptomau i edrych allan amdanynt: ✔️ Peswch sy'n para 3 wythnos neu fwy ✔️ Twymyn neu chwys nos ✔️Colli pwysau anesboniadwy ✔️Teimlo'n flinedig neu'n sâl Cydywch cadw'n wybodus ac amddiffyn eich hun ac eraill.

  • Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod TB yn cael ei ledaenu trwy'r awyr? Pan fydd rhywun â TB yn pesychu neu'n tisian, mae'n cynyddu'r risg y bydd eraill o'u cwmpas yn ei ddal. Gall unrhyw un gael TB, ond gall rhai ffactorau gynyddu eich risg megis: • Cyswllt agos â rhywun sydd â TB • Cael system imiwnedd wan Symptomau i edrych allan amdanynt: ✔️ Peswch sy'n para 3 wythnos neu fwy ✔️ Twymyn neu chwys nos ✔️Colli pwysau anesboniadwy ✔️Teimlo'n flinedig neu'n sâl Cydywch cadw'n wybodus ac amddiffyn eich hun ac eraill.

  • Did you know TB is spread through the air? 😷 When someone with TB coughs or sneezes, it increases the risk of others around them catching it. Anyone can get TB, but certain factors can increase your risk, such as: 👥 Close contact with someone who has TB 🛡️ Having a weakened immune system Symptoms to look out for: 😷 A cough that lasts 3 weeks or more 🌡️ Fever or night sweats ❓ Unexplained weight loss 😴 Feeling tired or unwell Stay informed and protect yourself and others 🤝

  • Os ydych chi: 👉Yn 75 oed neu'n hŷn, neu 👉Yn breswylydd mewn cartref gofal i oedolion hŷn, neu 👉Yn 6 mis oed neu'n hŷn sydd â system imiwnedd wan oherwydd cyflwr iechyd neu driniaeth feddygol Cyn bo hir byddwch yn derbyn gwahoddiad am frechiad gwanwyn COVID-19 gan eich bwrdd iechyd. Hyd yn oed os ydych wedi cael eich brechu o'r blaen, mae eich amddiffyniad yn gwanio dros amser. Dyna pam ei bod yn bwysig cael yr wybodaeth ddiweddaraf am eich brechiadau. Ewch i'n gwefan am fwy o wybodaeth #BrechuYnAchubBywydau

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  • If you’re: 👉Aged 75 or over, or 👉A resident in a care home for older adults, or 👉Aged 6 months and over and have a weakened immune system because of a health condition or medical treatment   You will soon receive an invitation for a COVID-19 spring vaccination from your health board. Even if you’ve been vaccinated before, your protection fades over time. That’s why it’s important to stay up to date with your vaccinations. Visit our website for more information ➡️ #VaccinationSavesLives

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  • Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that mainly affects the lungs, it can also affect other parts of your body such as your lymph nodes or your brain, causing meningitis. TB is preventable and treatable, but early diagnosis is key. Symptoms to look out for: ✔️ A cough that lasts 3 weeks or more ✔️ Fever or night sweats ✔️ Unexplained weight loss ✔️ Feeling tired or unwell If you’re concerned about symptoms, speak to a healthcare professional.

  • Mae twbercwlosis (TB) yn glefyd heintus sy'n effeithio'n bennaf ar yr ysgyfaint, gall hefyd effeithio ar rannau eraill o'ch corff fel eich nodau lymff neu'ch ymennydd, gan achosi meningitis. Mae TB yn cael ei atal a'i drin, ond mae diagnosis cynnar yn allweddol. Symptomau i edrych allan amdanynt: ✔️ Peswch sy'n para 3 wythnos neu fwy ✔️ Twymyn neu chwysu nos ✔️ Colli pwysau anesboniadwy ✔️ Teimlo'n flinedig neu'n sâl Os ydych chi'n poeni am symptomau, siaradwch â gweithiwr gofal iechyd proffesiynol.

  • #NEWYDDION Mae'r ystadegau diweddaraf gan Uned Gwybodaeth a Gwyliadwriaeth Canser Cymru yn dangos bod cyfraddau goroesi canser un flwyddyn wedi gostwng ar ddechrau'r pandemig, ond dim ond wedi adfer i lefelau cyn y pandemig yn 2021. Roedd gwelliannau yn y gyfradd goroesi hirdymor eisoes wedi arafu cyn COVID-19. Dyma rai canfyddiadau allweddol o gyhoeddiad ystadegau swyddogol goroesi canser Cymru heddiw: 🔹 Roedd goroesi canser un flwyddyn wedi gostwng i 71.9 y cant yn 2020 cyn adlamu i 75.2 y cant yn 2021. 🔹 Mae goroesi canser 5 mlynedd yn parhau i fod yn sefydlog ar 63.1 y cant, ond nid yw wedi gwella ers 2014-18. 🔹 Mae anghydraddoldebau amlwg yn parhau gyda 70.1 y cant yn goroesi am 5 mlynedd yn yr ardaloedd lleiaf difreintiedig o gymharu â 51.8 y cant yn yr ardaloedd mwyaf ddifreintiedig. 🔹 Nid yw cyfraddau goroesi canser yr ysgyfaint am un flwyddyn wedi adfer cystal â phrif ganserau eraill ar ôl y pandemig. Darllenwch mwy yma:

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