Katherine Smith has an 11 year old daughter called Nancy, this is her story 😍
"It was by chance that I discovered Reverse Rett in May this year, very, very early on Day 2 of the ‘beautifully brutal’ Jurassic Coast 100k Ultra Challenge which I had gatecrashed with my best friend who was walking for her chosen charity.
After just a few hours of ‘sleep’, my friend and I spotted a group of fresh-faced, intrepid explorers, proudly sporting their Reverse Rett t-shirts, clearly joyful at the prospect of embarking on Day 2 of the challenge.
I was swiftly introduced to Andy and the team who were so kind and interested in my situation, despite their exhaustion…. and I have never looked back!
At the time I was in a very dark place, facing a bleak future which I dared not even imagine. Denial had got me through the early years, and I’d kind of coasted along until it was becoming that my little girl was turning into a young woman. The feelings of grief and helplessness which I’d been suppressing for years were finally taking their toll. So when I say meeting Andy and the Reverse Rett team that day in Dorset changed my life, it is no exaggeration.
I began learning about the extraordinary work Reverse Rett do, and the unbelievable prospect of gene therapy. At first, I didn’t allow myself to get excited, I was too scared.
I took the decision to start fundraising to help Reverse Rett continue their work. I joined the phenomenal Reverse Rett South Coast Striders team and walked 100k with other families affected and finally embraced that hope. I was filled with such light that for the first time in 11 years, I was genuinely excited about the days of relentless care ahead, believing that one day I would be able to ‘meet my daughter’. The feelings of helplessness and desperation that had become embedded within me, were beginning to fade.
Being part of that team has given me a new lease of life; I have met a group of wonderful human beings who I am now honoured to call friends, who all ‘get it’ and are driven by the same goal; to find a cure for our children.
Through fundraising, I have been able to share my story for the first time, and have been touched by the outpouring of support from my local community. I am physically, mentally and emotionally stronger and even in my darkest days I no longer feel alone and I’m proud to have become a Regional Ambassador for Reverse Rett alongside other families and supporters."
Sadly, Katherine's story is all to familiar, if it strikes a chord then please get in touch. Whether you are interested in fundraising or not we are here to help 💜