The Lancet Group reposted this
How can we reduce the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the most cost-effective way? Today, we at WHO Regional Office for Europe presented 25 specific public health measures – quick buys – that can improve people’s health within in a single political cycle. Co-authored by WHO/Europe’s NCD experts, a new paper in The Lancet Group Regional Health - Europe shows how targeted actions can have a positive impact on population health across Europe and Central Asia in as little as 5 years. The 25 quick buys include policies targeting key risk factors, including tobacco, alcohol, unhealthy diets, and physical inactivity, as well as disease groups, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancers. NCDs take a massive toll on lives and economies. In our Region, they account for 90% of all deaths and 85% of disability, including mental ill health. This is why addressing NCDs is a core pillar of the Second European Programme of Work - #EPW2. Ultimately, health is a political choice. We hope this study, with its clear findings, will help the governments and policymakers take bold actions to prevent and respond to the scourge of NCDs – securing better health for generations to come. The paper is available here >> #HealthForAll WHO Regional Office for Europe | World Health Organization | Gauden Galea | Allison Ekberg Dvaladze | David Stuckler | Kremlin Wickramasinghe | Erkin Checheibaev | Martin McKee | Lela Sturua | Svetlana Cotelea-Nicolaescu | Aurelijus Veryga | Benedetta Armocida | Hanna Tolonen | Miranda W.