Stronger development coordination is yielding results

Five years after reform implementation began in 2019, investments in coordination are already enabling a UN development system that is more coherent, effective, efficient and accountable in response to specific country needs and priorities for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) acceleration.

As the senior-most UN development system representative at the country level, Resident Coordinators (RCs):

Rally integrated UN country team (UNCT) responses and leverage resources of diverse partners in support of national efforts to realize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Anchor their leadership in the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks for joint programmes agreed with Governments 

Bring together the expertise available across the UN system to provide integrated policy advice to national governments tailored to different country contexts

Facilitate more access to pooled funding for sustainable development and financing for SDG solutions

Help UN country teams translate the visions of global Summits at the country level

Give visibility to and ensure accountability of the work of the UN development system in countries

Help advance UN system-wide operational efficiencies at the country level to free up more resources for programming

Host governments continue to be highly satisfied with the results of the Resident Coordinator system

Host governments report that Resident Coordinators have strengthened/increased

The report's resource page can be found here, and the glossary here.

To learn about the Resident Coordinator system and the Development Coordination Office visit:
