video story

Verify-Sy story

Verify-Sy platform did not start as a non-commercial or non-profit journalistic project. Rather, it started from the depth of the human experience at its utmost limits and its harshest tests.

 The first confirmation seed was in March 2011, from a news website called "Show Al-Akhbar" that turned to covering the reality of what is happening in Syria, with the names of its explicit employees, in response to what the official Syrian media was promoting, and the price was the arrest of the website's editor-in-chief, And the Syrian intelligence removed its contents completely.

 The seed was watered, with tears and oppression, and the first time the seed made its way to embrace the light and the air was on January 10, 2014, through a post responding to misleading propaganda for ISIS and clarifies the identity of a victim of ISIS who was imprisoned alongside the founder of the platform Syrian journalist Ahmed Primo, who was sentenced to death but escaped later during the expulsion of ISIS from Aleppo.

 After that post, the importance and responsibility of fact-checking was strengthened in victory for the blood of those who were killed in the prisons of ISIS, Bashar al-Assad's regime, and other enemies of truth. 

In the beginning, the word was, and Verify platform started with a word repeated with every information received, and with individual capabilities, the project was launched in early 2016 as a page on the social networking site Facebook, in the name of "Verify-Sy platform".

 Believing in this dream, work and learning, with sincerity and respect, formed the beginning of the Verify platform, and the website was launched in March 2016, and the path was difficult at the beginning because this field of journalism was new and even strange, sometimes provoking disapproval, anger and hostility whenever the platform corrected news for this party or that.

 We set out to work independently and with strength, we accumulated experiences, and learned from previous experiences around the world. And little by little we wrote the methodology of our work, and we became a solid ground, represented in standards and policies that we always work to develop and mature, and finally we mixed theoretical knowledge with practical experience And the methodology became the front of our new website, so that Verify-Sy platform would grow and become famous and reliable as long as we committed to the noble principles, values ​​and goals, and this was our window to a renewed new start on the first of March 2021.

 Are we enough? The above says no, and we add, does the dreamer know boundaries?

When the thinker Edward Said asked: Where do we go after the last borders? Where do birds fly after the last sky?

We answer: We create new borders and a new sky, so the dreamer knows no boundaries, and we will not be satisfied.

  • Verify-Sy platform is licensed in Turkey under the number 14/52861/52569
