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Live wallpaper «Lissandra and the crows-League of Legends»

Live wallpaper Lissandra and the crows-League of Legends
These video wallpapers, titled "Lissandra and the Crows - League of Legends" are dedicated to the eponymous character of the popular MOBA game - League of Legends. Lissandra is an ice witch whose goal is to destroy all life in the world of Runterra (a fictional world in which all the events of the game take place). Wherever this woman appeared, everything began to freeze everywhere - plants, animals, water and earth , and when confronted with a person, Lissandra pierces with her spells not only the body of the poor victim , but also the soul, leaving behind only fragments of ice.

How to install on desktop

  1. Install Wallpaper Engine.
  2. Download and unzip «1567978470.zip» using 7zip;
  3. Move to: «C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\wallpaper_engine\projects\myprojects\1567978470». The path may be different on a pirated version.
  4. Apply live wallpapers, just select them from the list.
  5. If you have any questions, watch a video, shot by one of our users.

Some equalizers require additional modules to work correctly: Audio Visualizer, Simplistic Audio Visualizer or Customizable Module Visualizer. When there is nothing in the archive except video wallpapers: click the «Open file» button in the program window and select mp4/webm in the explorer. You can also use free, alternative solutions.


Video demonstration: Live wallpaper «Lissandra and the crows-League of Legends»

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7.56 Mb - Source #2
Live wallpaper Lissandra and the crows-League of Legends Android

