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Nectar On The Tongue, Lightning In The Veins

by Wings Of An Angel

The fog this morning works with a craftsman's caring hand, Erases buildings line by stubborn line. No grand pronouncements, just a slow command, The city melts as if a watercolor's design. It doesn't judge, this sculptor of the grey, Hides flaws and grandeur with an impartial touch. The office drone, the chief in charge on their way, Both vanish in this leveling, soft clutch. Perhaps a metaphor, this misty shroud, For life's eventual, all-encompassing white. But for this hour, it's simply lost and proud, A world unburdened, bathed in gentle night. But for this hour, it's simply lost and proud, A world unburdened, bathed in gentle night. The sun will pierce it soon, revealing the street, The daily grind resumes its steady pace. But for a breath, the world feels incomplete, A canvas waiting, absent form, and face.
Spine, a sky-forged truss, is not for borrowed moons. Muscles, lithe constellations, map their course. No borrowed wings are allowed on this flight. We accept feathers of grit only, molted from doubt, adorned with random scars of self-reliance. Gravity may suggest your inevitable surrender, but the heart... It roars with Resistance. Vast and surging, it embraces all of our burdens, but refuses to be burdened in itself. Thus, defying the pull of the black hole, a pirouette on the precipice of dependence. This dependence is a sentient compass, which helps us navigate our relationships with others, and with our persona non grata. And as I borrow moons to drift to their own destinies, this sky carries its own constellations, ablaze with self-might. This is a testament to carrying one's own weight, the anthem of the unburdened, in the weightless grace of being. Entitled. Not by circumstance, but by the fire in one's soul. Weightless. Not by absence, but by the strength to rise. I carry. Not a burden, but the song of my own journey.
we break the day apart, slowly, with hesitant fingers. sunlight fractures, spilling shards of gold into morning tea. the world vibrates beneath us, a pulse of unspoken words buried deep in the soil. you told me once, silence has a weight— that it pulls us closer to the core of something we can't name. there are moments when I think I feel it, a gravity dragging me through the floorboards, I watch your hands trace invisible patterns in the dust, as if they could draw the shape of our silence.
from Moscow's drug dens to Siberia's frost, Where freedom's lost and hope is tossed. Through vodka haze, a haunting plea. Of prison camps and hidden hell. Of blades that flash and friendships forged, In this harsh life, where souls are urged. Where broken souls and bad fortunes meet. thieves and whores, their tales unsung, In this underworld all alone Under Moscow's moon, in alleyways so stark, Whispers of dreams that dare to embark. From shadowed corners, a saxophone cries, A melody of sorrow, 'neath the Russian skies. [Chorus] Lost in the city's heartbeat, with stories untold, In the breath of the sax, a tale unfolds.
[Verse] Why are we even here Stars above so clear Searching for the truth In a universe aloof [Verse 2] Woke up in a daze Lost in cosmic maze What does it all mean We're part of this big scene [Chorus] Questions in the dark Groping for a spark Who am I supposed to be What's my destiny [Verse 3] Talking to myself Books upon the shelf Wisdom from the past But the answers never last [Bridge] Am I just a speck Floating deck to deck Life's an open book Still I don't know where to look [Chorus] Questions in the dark Groping for a spark Who am I supposed to be What's my destiny
Woke with the taste of metal on my tongue Junky sweat cold as a morgue sheet. The words twist and writhe on the page – ants under a magnifying glass. Another wasted day, another wasted life. Namibia coils and hisses around me...a snake shedding its skin. The room distorts, light bleeds at the edges. Every black cloud and umbra a lurking threat. The needle finds its home, the rush a fleeting escape. But the Control Machine always wins. The virus language sinking its teeth into the brain. Sex is a pantomime of writhing bodies. No connection, only the desperate scratch of need. The sickness... the hunger... the gnawing certainty that there is nothing outside my cell of skin. Must sleep. Must find oblivion. Tomorrow, the hunt begins again. Tomorrow, I feed the machine and the machine feeds on me.
Yesterday's ghost dances on tomorrow's tightrope. memories bleed through cracked porcelain, each shard a half-remembered dream. The clock ticks backwards, sand castles crumble in reverse. Eastern winds carry forgotten names, faces fade like Polaroid snapshots in the sun. Time is a thief, a ravenous beast devouring the past. We grasp at smoke, clutching fragments of almost nothing... In the depths of the obsidian mirror, truth becomes a distorted reflection, We are prisoners of the present, haunted by the ghosts of what might have been. Remembrance is a fragile essence; easily broken, lost in translation from past perfect to present simple. Yesterday's ghost still dances on tomorrow's tightrope. Not as stable.
Maybe today you have become a standing ovation with your ankles struck by lightening in deep sea water, not yet trusting not yet there yet not far from hell.....


released July 11, 2024




Wings Of An Angel Israel

Haunting Celestial Architectures Of Sound. Euphonious Shadows From A True Virtuoso, Labeled As The Most Versatile, Insightful And Prolific Ambient Composer In The World And As An "Unmedicated Neurotic Genius".

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