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Easy to use page builder to create professional looking websites

WebsitePainter is a web editor for creating static professional looking Websites, without HTML knowledge and programming. With a few clicks it is possible to create static web pages with elements like buttons, gradients, round borders, hover effects, transparencies, continuous text and more.

Download WebsitePainter 3.7.1


For Windows

For macOS

free 30 day trial

Modern looking websites with a few clicks

Web 2.0 Buttons, Transparent Shapes, Gradients at your finger tips with a few simple clicks in WebsitePainter, you can create all the shapes you need for modern websites.

Exact placement for pixel perfect layouting

WebsitePainter allows you to place all elements of your Website exactly where you want them to be, by simply clicking and moving them. No comlex layouting rules are needed anymore, WebsitePainter will take care of this and generate the HTML site as you want it to look for you

Slideshows, Menus and Image Galleries with a few clicks

WebsitePainter has built-in support for dynamic HTML content. You can for example create dynamic SlideShow with a list of images which will fade in and out at an adjustable speed. Everything without programming, just with a few clicks.

No programming required!

You do not need any knowledge of HTML or write any line of code to use WebsitePainter. Just click your web page together or choose from a great variety of templates. WebsitePainter is a WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) editor which supports all the major industry standards, including HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and ASP. Available for macOS and Windows.

Fast and affordable!

Need a website for your company but don't want to spend thousands of euros just for an expensive web designer? Website Painter creates 100% standard compliant web pages, is completely free to try and costs as much as a visit to your local cinema.

Supports Absolute as well as Dynamically Sized Layouts

As opposed to other website editors, Website painter does not only support absolute layouting of websites, but is also able to create dynamically sized elements: Want a side bar spanning the whole left of the screen? Need a bottom menu area? Or two? Not a problem with WebsitePainter. Just use the editor's 'Layout Containers' for this.

Create HTML, PHP and ASP pages

WebsitePainter is not limited to creating HTML pages, you can also use it to create PHP, ASP and other pages. Simple set the extension for a page and WebsitePainter will do the rest for you. With the HTML-Code element, you can even directly edit your PHP, ASP or whatever code in WebsitePainter.

Full control over the generated HTML code

If you need more control about the HTML code generated by WebsitePainter, you can also edit it yourself. Simply right-click any element and select the menu 'HTML Code...'. Here you can view the generated HTML code for that element, or even insert your own html attributes, javascript handlers and more, if you want to.

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