Is Samsung Blocking Froyo for Vibrant?

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You read the headline right. According to a source of site AndroidSpin, manufacturer Samsung might be holding back an Android 2.2 OS update for T-Mobile customers. Why you might ask, well there isn’t a solid reason behind it, but it could have something to do with the recently announced Vibrant 4G. The source says that there is actually a finished, fully functioning 2.2 Froyo OTA that is ready for T-Mobile and its customers.

The source also claims that Samsung has told the carrier that the update is not to be released yet, because it could decrease the value of the recently announced Vibrant 4G.  Samsung has been contacted about the OTA rumor, but there has been no reply.

“Some disturbing things have happened the last week or so concerning our “Vibrant”.  Samsung has NOT allowed us to push the update OTA for 2.2 because they feel it will decrease the value of the upcoming Vibrant4G +. While from a marketing aspect i totally understand, as the Vibrant 4G is what the original Vibrant should have been in the 1st place. But to shun off and bold face lie to customers is NOT what T-Mobile is about.

…Being that, Vibrant 4G and Vibrant have exactly same stats, added FFC and a new movie and the 4G. But i will tell you this, the original vibrant CAN utilize 4G FULLY. Yes FULLY. not what they are telling you.”

This is a double-edged sword. Samsung might be holding the update for some grand reveal with the release of a new device, but current loyal customers need to be kept happy as well. We all know that money makes the world go round, so for Samsung it could make business sense to hold out on its customers. We’ll see how long it takes for the OTA to come out after the release of the Vibrant 4G.

Update: The source wrote in again to clarify speed gains on the original Vibrant:

We have already put it out there that most of out devices would see a speed boost with the new network. Just the Vibrant will see a bit more. So I dont see why that is such a huge surprise to your readers. But not full 4G.

So, not full 4G for the Vibrant, but still worth the upgrade… if Samsung lets T-Mobile release it.

Source: AndroidSpin
