Take Note, WritePad Brings Stylus Optimized Handwriting to any Honeycomb Tablet.

Featured image for Take Note, WritePad Brings Stylus Optimized Handwriting to any Honeycomb Tablet.

When HTC released the Flyer tablet, Ií¢€™ll admit, I was a bit jealous of its Scribe technology and writing capability; enough so, that I went out and purchased a capacitive stylus to use with my own Xoom tablet. Surely the Xoomí¢€™s larger screen would be better for writing anyway, but to my dismay, there weren’t many apps for me to write with. Those that did exist werení¢€™t exactly as useful  or smooth looking as what the Flyer was touting.

Weeks later, however, XDA forum member Transceiver, has made my pen purchase a worthy investment. Transceiver is the creator of an a…

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Take Note, WritePad Brings Stylus Optimized Handwriting to any Honeycomb Tablet.
Jim Farmer – talkandroid.com
