Rumor: Netflix Offline Viewing To Arrive By The End Of 2016

Featured image for Rumor: Netflix Offline Viewing To Arrive By The End Of 2016

Netflix is by far and large one of the most dominant video streaming service providers. Although, it is also one of those which currently does not offer one of the most useful features that a video service provider can offer, the ability to consume video content offline. There are many reasons as to why this would be a beneficial feature to Netflix users. Not only can it provide those users with a way to watch content when completely away from any sort of connection (like when in-flight), but it also means users can simply download content and watch it anywhere and at anytime, like from a mobile device and without having to worry about incurring data charges to do so.

So while this is a beneficial feature, it is one which has yet to arrive for Netflix customers and in spite of what seems to be a large appetite for the feature. Although it is worth noting that as recent as April of this year the company had hinted that they were considering introducing the feature. Now, reports are going much further than just suggesting it might happen and instead are looking to confirm that not only is the feature definitely coming, but it is likely to arrive by the end of this year.

The information comes by way of ‘industry insiders’ and those who are thought to be directly involved in similar technology like Dan Taitz, COO of Penthera, a company who specializes in making video content available on mobile devices and offline. According to Taitz, “We know from our sources within the industry that Netflix is going to launch this product” with Taitz further adding that by the end of this year “Netflix will be launching download-to-go as an option for their customers.” So while this is not in any way an official confirmation that the feature is coming to Netflix or that it will arrive by the end of the year, it does add to the growing literature suggesting not only is Netflix considering offline viewing, but they do seem to be currently in the process of making it happen. A move which will likely be welcomed by many current Netflix users and a move which will likely attract even more users to the service going forward.
