Using adblockers will now skip YouTube videos to the end

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The number of users using adblockers for websites and YouTube is increasing daily. However, Google doesn’t want this to happen and is taking every possible step to tackle adblockers. YouTube has tried multiple ways to ban adblockers. Some users have reported that YouTube is now skipping the videos to the end for those who are using an adblocker.

Adblocker is causing YouTube videos to skip to the end

YouTube is taking strict actions to prevent users from using adblockers. The firm tried a lot of methods such as displaying a warning message, blocking the adblockers, and even more. The tech giant is now taking another step to stop users from using adblockers.

A plethora of users have reported that YouTube is skipping videos to the end for no reason. Replaying the video doesn’t work either. Many believed that this was a bug and nothing else. However, the discovery was later made that only users with ad blockers are affected.

That’s not all. Users also report that skipping the video to certain parts also doesn’t work. The videos get stuck in a reloading loop. It’s unclear whether this is a deliberate action by YouTube or a different cause.

It could be a problem with the adblockers itself

There’s a strong belief that this is a step by YouTube to counter adblockers. The platform wants its users to either shift to YouTube Premium or face ads. However, because of a lack of official confirmation, the actual reason is still unknown. Another possible reason could be the adblockers itself. Recent backend changes might be causing adblockers to malfunction, resulting in videos automatically skipping to the end. There’s a high probability of both to happen.

There was a similar instance a few months ago where adblockers were causing videos to load slowly. Many users accused YouTube of this. YouTube was later cleared of involvement.
