Saturn Transit 2025 – Horoscope, Impact, & Remedies!

Saturn Transit 2025: Known as the judge and punisher, Saturn has been positioned in its own sign, Aquarius, for an extended period. Now, Saturn is preparing to leave Aquarius and enter Pisces, which is governed by Jupiter. This significant transit will occur on March 29, 2025, at 22:07. As Saturn moves into Pisces, the Sade Sati for Capricorn will conclude, while it will commence for Aries.

Saturn Transit 2025

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Since Saturn remains in a single sign for about two and a half years, it has the longest transit period among the planets, influencing all living beings. With Saturn's entry into Pisces, the first phase of Sade Sati will impact Aries, the second phase will influence Pisces, and the final phase will affect Aquarius. In terms of Saturn's Dhaiya or Panoti (troublesome period), the Dhaiya for Scorpio will come to an end, and it will start for Sagittarius. Moreover, the Kantaka Shani (another difficult period) for Cancer will conclude, and it will begin for Leo.

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On February 22, 2025, at 11:23 AM, Saturn will enter a state of combustion before it transits from Aquarius to Pisces on March 29, 2025. When Saturn makes this transition into Pisces on March 29, 2025, it will still be in a combust state and will emerge from this state of combustion on March 31, 2025, at 12:43 AM.

Saturn will have a significant influence on individuals with Pisces as their sign. While in Pisces, Saturn will begin its retrograde motion on July 13, 2025, at 7:24 AM, and will shift back to its direct motion on November 28, 2025, at 7:26 AM.

Saturn is a disciplinarian and a teacher who imparts the principles of justice. Similar to a teacher, Saturn guides us to focus our energies properly and utilize them in the right manner, ensuring we follow the correct path. If we continue on the wrong path despite repeated warnings, Saturn holds the authority to administer punishment. Saturn teaches us to operate within boundaries and to appreciate the importance of our work.

As Saturn moves into Pisces, a sign symbolizing wisdom and ruled by Jupiter, it will transit through the nakshatras of Jupiter (Purva Bhadrapada), its own nakshatra (Uttara Bhadrapada), and Mercury’s nakshatra (Revati). This transit is expected to be particularly significant, exerting a considerable influence on your zodiac sign.

Let's delve into the details of how Saturn's transit in 2025 will impact your profession, employment, and personal life.

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Aries Horoscope

For Aries, Saturn, the ruler of your tenth and eleventh houses, will enter your twelfth house, initiating your Sade Sati period. From this position, Saturn will influence your second, sixth, and ninth houses, potentially bringing opportunities for extensive travel. You might find your desires for foreign journeys and extended stays abroad being fulfilled. However, this period also signals a rise in expenses. Your spending could exceed your income, making it essential to manage your finances carefully.

Health concerns may arise during this time. Issues such as eye irritation, watery eyes, reduced vision, foot injuries, and sprains could become bothersome. If you are involved in a business with international ties or employed by a multinational company, you might see financial gains from foreign sources. During this period, you may notice a decrease in your immune system's strength, making you more susceptible to illnesses. From July to November, when Saturn is retrograde, these problems could escalate, requiring you to be particularly vigilant. After this retrograde period, you might experience some respite.

Remedy: Recite "Shri Bajrang Baan" on Saturdays.

Taurus Horoscope

For Taurus natives, Saturn is a beneficial planet as it rules the ninth and tenth houses. During the Saturn Transit 2025, Saturn will enter your eleventh house, bringing various advantages. Your relationships with senior officials will improve, and Saturn’s aspect from this position will influence your sign, your fifth house, and your eighth house. This will help resolve your problems and ensure success in multiple areas of life. The transit of Saturn in the eleventh house is highly auspicious. However, you may face some disruptions in your education, particularly from July to November when Saturn is retrograde.

You might experience concerns regarding your children during this time, but the period following it will be more favorable. Your desires will be fulfilled, and the support from senior officials may lead to promotions in your career. You could also achieve significant success in business. Long journeys will be beneficial for your work. You will prefer to lead a disciplined life, and financial obstacles hindering your progress will be resolved as you find a reliable source of income, enabling you to complete pending tasks.

Remedy: Chanting the Beej Mantra of Goddess Durga will be beneficial for you.

Gemini Horoscope

For Gemini natives, Saturn governs the eighth and ninth houses and will move into your tenth house during Saturn Transit 2025. Given that Saturn is an ally of Mercury, your ruling planet, this transit will be advantageous for you. It will present opportunities to excel in your professional field. While you may experience an increase in workload and the pressure to work harder, success will come through diligent effort and persistence.

Saturn’s position will fully aspect the twelfth, fourth, and seventh houses. This may lead to reduced expenses but can also cause fluctuations in family life. Between July and November, it’s crucial to pay special attention to the health of elderly family members, especially your parents, as they may fall ill. Additionally, maintaining good relations with your spouse is important. If you are engaged in business, following policies and regulations will prove beneficial.

This transit will aid in fulfilling your desires, and with the favor of fortune, all your efforts will succeed, bringing you overall success in life. Moreover, this period will introduce stability into your career.

Remedy: Provide food to differently-abled individuals on Saturdays.

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Cancer Horoscope

According to Saturn Transit 2025, Saturn, governing the seventh and eighth houses for Cancer natives, will move into your ninth house. This transition will mark the end of the challenging period of Kantaka Shani for Cancer, gradually removing work-related obstacles. Business travels will prove beneficial, and your relationship with your spouse will start to improve. Long journeys together will enhance your bond, making it more mature and sweeter by resolving misunderstandings. You will have opportunities for extensive travel, and sudden financial gains are likely. Funds that have been stuck for a long time will begin to come through.

However, from July to November, you need to be cautious as health issues may arise. After this period, conditions will become more favorable. Saturn’s influence on your eleventh, third, and sixth houses will lead to the defeat of your adversaries. Your income will rise, desires will be fulfilled, and you may experience unexpected financial gains. Investments in the stock market might also yield profits during this time. Nonetheless, your father's health could be a concern, so it’s essential to take care of him.

Remedy: Donate whole black urad dal on Saturdays.

Leo Horoscope

For Leo natives, Saturn, which governs the sixth and seventh houses, will move into your eighth house, marking the start of the challenging Kantaka Shani's Dhaiya period. During this Saturn Transit 2025, paying close attention to your health is crucial, as this time may foster the onset of a chronic illness. Even minor health issues should not be ignored to prevent them from escalating. You might manage to repay your debts during this period, making significant efforts to clear outstanding loans. You will cultivate a strong resolve to combat illnesses, and legal matters may resolve in your favor, although you should anticipate substantial and unexpected expenses.

Frequent interactions with your in-laws will occur, involving discussions on important matters. Saturn's aspect on your tenth, second, and fifth houses from this position will lead to professional fluctuations. However, staying calm and working diligently will bring success in your career. Between July and November, be especially cautious as work-related ups and downs may intensify, and health concerns might arise. After this period, conditions will improve, leading to success.

Remedy: Recite the "Neel Shani Stotra" composed by Maharaj Dasharath on Saturdays.

Virgo Horoscope

During Saturn Transit 2025, Virgo natives will experience Saturn moving into their seventh house, ruling the fifth and sixth houses. This period emphasizes long-term partnerships, potentially leading to opportunities for love marriages. If you are currently in a relationship, it could pave the way for marriage. Seeking loans from banks for marriage, business endeavors, or other essential matters is likely to be fruitful during this phase. It's crucial to nurture relationships with business partners at this time. Saturn's influence on the ninth, first, and fourth houses suggests possibilities for extensive travels, which, although tiresome, may bring mental peace.

From July to November, there may be discord among family members, affecting the household atmosphere. Patience and tactful handling of situations will be essential during this phase. The transit favors long-term investments and international business ventures. Fluctuations in marital relationships might arise, underscoring the importance of maintaining honesty and loyalty for sustained marital happiness.

Remedy: Donate umbrellas on Saturdays.

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Libra Horoscope

During Saturn Transit 2025, Saturn, governing Libra's fourth and fifth houses, will move into your sixth house. This placement is auspicious, promising triumph over adversaries and enhanced influence in your professional sphere. Your diligent efforts at work will yield deserved rewards, strengthening your position and enabling you to surmount competitive challenges. Guard against laziness to prevent health issues, especially between July and November. Family matters, particularly property disputes, may arise and demand careful handling.

Saturn's influence on your eighth, twelfth, and third houses will aid in resolving issues, improving health, and fostering progress. Persistence will be key to success, urging you to commit fully to your pursuits. Students preparing for exams may find this period especially rewarding, though Saturn underscores that diligence is paramount. Prioritize health from July to November; thereafter, conditions are expected to improve.

Remedy: Prepare urad dal pakoras in mustard oil and distribute them to the needy every Saturday.

Scorpio Horoscope

In Saturn Transit 2025, Saturn, the ruler of Scorpio's third and fourth houses, will move into your fifth house. From this position, Saturn will cast its influence on your seventh, eleventh, and second houses. This transit will strengthen your romantic relationships, bringing you closer to your beloved and solidifying your bond. You will engage in your relationship with sincerity and may strive to marry the person you love.

During this period, you might successfully change jobs, but it is crucial to avoid any job transitions between July and November, as this could result in job loss. The period before and after these months will be more favorable. While there may be some worries about your children, they are likely to make good progress. Your income might see an increase, and for businesspeople, it would be wise to explore new investment strategies to enhance earnings. Stock market investments could be profitable. The more effort you put into accumulating wealth, the more financial success you will achieve.

Remedy: Recite the Hanuman Chalisa eight times on Saturdays.

Sagittarius Horoscope

For Sagittarius natives, Saturn, the ruler of the second and third houses, will move into your fourth house during Saturn Transit 2025. From this position, Saturn will cast its aspect on your sixth, tenth, and first houses. This transit signifies the beginning of the challenging Dhaiya period. You might find yourself distanced from your family, potentially needing to relocate due to work or other reasons. This move may create disharmony within the family, and special attention may be required for your mother's health.

However, there are positive aspects to this transit. You might achieve success in legal matters. Yet, considerable effort will be necessary to succeed in your work. It's crucial to pay attention to your health during this period. Adhering to a disciplined lifestyle will facilitate success. Between July and November, be especially vigilant regarding chest infections and your mother's well-being. After this period, conditions are expected to become more favorable.

Remedy: Donate black sesame seeds on Saturdays.

Capricorn Horoscope

As Saturn transits into your third house in 2025, marking the end of your Sade Sati, Capricorn natives will experience a shift. Saturn, ruling Capricorn and the second house, generally exerts a favorable influence in the third house. From this position, Saturn will aspect your fifth, ninth, and twelfth houses. This transit suggests a year filled with short trips and potential foreign travel, as well as relocations. You'll find a growing interest in religious and spiritual activities. While your siblings may encounter health issues, your relationship with them will remain positive. Your children will make significant progress, and your social circle will expand, aiding your success in various areas through your intelligence and cleverness.

From July to November, be vigilant about digestive issues, and keep a close watch on your parents' health. Post-November, conditions are likely to improve. Hard work and effort will be key to achieving success during this time. Businesspeople should be ready to take calculated risks to maximize gains.

Remedy: Observing a fast on Saturdays will be highly beneficial.

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Aquarius Horoscope

During Saturn Transit 2025, Saturn, the ruler of Aquarius and your twelfth house, will move into your second house, initiating the final phase of Sade Sati for Aquarius natives. From this position, Saturn will cast its influence on your fourth, eighth, and eleventh houses. This period will emphasize the importance of accumulating wealth, teaching you how to save and manage money effectively. Success in building your savings will require considerable effort.

If you are employed abroad, work for a multinational company, or are involved in international trade, this transit will bring notable success and an increase in savings. Family relationships may experience fluctuations, but there will be moments of mutual understanding among relatives. You might also gain from property transactions. However, it is essential to take care of your health and refrain from speaking harshly. Your spouse might encounter health issues, and any increase in income will necessitate significant hard work.

Between July and November, expect some family discord and challenges in saving money. Nevertheless, through persistent effort, you can achieve your desires and attain financial gains.

Remedy: Recite the Shani Chalisa on Saturdays.

Pisces Horoscope

Saturn Transit 2025 will greatly influence Pisces natives as Saturn moves into your sign. As the ruler of your eleventh and twelfth houses, Saturn's position in Pisces will impact your third, seventh, and tenth houses. This transit will increase your affection and sweetness towards your siblings. However, expect some ups and downs in your marital life, with potential health issues for your spouse that could strain your relationship, requiring careful attention.

This period will be favorable for professional relationships, enabling you to establish new business connections that benefit your trade. Long-term business planning will be effective. Those employed will gain from working wisely and putting in hard effort, though mental stress will continue. From July to November, expect increased mental stress and physical problems, along with more pronounced fluctuations in marital relationships. Extra caution is necessary during this time.

Remedy: Performing "Chhaya Daan" on Saturdays will be beneficial.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: When will Saturn transit occur in 2025?

Answer: Saturn will enter Pisces on 29th March 2025 at 22:07 hours (10:07 PM).

Question 2: Which zodiac signs will benefit from Saturn transit?

Answer: Capricorn natives will benefit from this transit as it marks the end of their Sade Sati period.

Question 3: Which zodiac signs are currently undergoing Dhaiya (Saturn's half phase)?

Answer: Scorpio will see the end of Dhaiya with this transit, Sagittarius will begin Dhaiya, and Cancer will conclude the phase of Sade Sati, while Leo will commence it.

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