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What is Docker?

Docker is a set of platform as a service products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Docker virtualizes an interface exactly the same as the underlying hardware functions, allowing you to quickly build, test, and deploy applications. In short, it is a software environment that simulates a hardware environment.

docker asustor NAS

Docker packages your application with the operating environment, making the app compatible across all platforms and easier to move between different hardware.
Since Docker can package the app in an environment that makes it easier to execute in a container, a container is able to execute wherever Docker is installed. There is no need to rebuild the app or environment every time and it runs on almost any type of hardware.

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As an emerging virtualization method, Docker has many advantages over traditional virtualization.
First, because its lightweight, Docker containers start very quickly and faster than traditional virtual machines. Second, Docker uses system resources very efficiently, and thousands of Docker containers can be executed simultaneously on a single host.

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Introducing the Architecture of Docker

Docker has several components, of which three are the most important components of Docker.

Docker images

Images are used to launch the actual application in the container. This concept is similar to the image of a VM. The VM uses the image to start the operating system and run needed services and drivers, but the Docker image is just the read-only storage component.

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Docker containers

Containers are application executables. Docker provides an independent and secure environment for application execution and are created from image files to run on the host.

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Docker registries

Registries are used to store image files created by Docker. Image files can be uploaded to registries to share with others. Registries are also divided into public and private. General public registries are found on the Docker hub, which provides all basic images uploaded by users worldwide.

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Why should I use Docker?

Imagine deploying a server that contains an unfamiliar operating system with requirements to install apps like php7 and MySQL. In unfamiliar environments, installation may be difficult, tedious or a waste of time. Docker simplifies this and makes installation of apps easier than ever. In addition to executing applications within the container, the container itself does not consume additional system resources, keeping application performance high whereas traditional virtual machines may need to be initiated for each application, thus increasing system resource use. Docker only requires one virtual machine for as many apps as necessary.
Advantages to using Docker:

1. Compile and release software faster

For development and maintenance workers, setting and forgetting is crucial. Developers can use a standard image file to create a set of development containers. After deployment, maintenance personnel can directly use the deployed container to deploy code. Docker can quickly build containers, start applications quickly, and is completely transparent. This makes it easier for other members of a team to understand how an application is built and works. Docker containers are light and fast, significantly saving development, testing, and deployment time and costs.

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2. Deployment is easy

Different applications can be easily deployed with standardized commands.

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3. More Efficient Virtualization

Docker container execution does not require additional virtualization support. It is hardware-level virtualization, which increases performance and efficiency, allowing you to easily run more code on each server while saving resources.

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4. Easy to expand and port

Docker containers can be executed on almost any hardware platform, including, but not limited to physical machines, virtual machines, public cloud services and NAS devices. This compatibility allows for direct migration of an application from one platform to another for easier management.

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Docker Containers and Virtual Machines –The Difference

Generally speaking, containers are like virtualization apps implemented at the operating system level, using the local host operating system directly, while traditional methods are implemented at the hardware level. Different virtual machines require independent operating systems to communicate the level of control hardware, requiring higher amounts of system resources.

docker asustor NAS

ASUSTOR Supports Docker

ADM is an operating system based on the Linux Kernel and is compatible with Docker. ASUSTOR provides the Docker Community Edition (CE) on most models*. After downloading and installing from App Central, Docker apps on an ASUSTOR NAS and start deploying containers provided by developers on Docker Hub to further customize the experience on an ASUSTOR NAS. Apps, services, or various server functions are supported, thereby enhancing the experience on an ASUSTOR NAS.

Supported on: AS10, 31, 32, 40, 50, 51, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, Nimbustor and Lockerstor series. *The types of Containers that can be deployed vary depending on the platform supported by the developer. ASUSTOR NAS models vary in hardware configurations. Please double check compatibility before making a purchase.

docker asustor NAS

Supporting Portainer to Manage Docker Apps

Docker does not have a GUI. To use Docker, an understanding of Docker's commands or refer to documentation to download, install and deploy images. Portainer is a powerful Docker management tool. Throughout the web interface, Portainer makes management of Docker apps and images more convenient for those not familiar with Docker commands, making it easier to use. Thousands of images from developers in Docker Hub can be easily deployed through Portainer. Portainer has a user-friendly interface that does not require typing commands into a command line interface. Simply download and deploy. Since Portainer is easy to use, apps can be directly and easily updated to the latest version while retaining the same settings. Portainer ensures that the possibilities on your ASUSTOR NAS are virtually limitless.

docker asustor NAS

Using Portainer with an ASUSTOR NAS
