
Ba'ni (Heb. Bani', בָּנִי, built; Sept. usually Βανί, sometimes Βουνί or Βανουϊv, etc.), the name of at least five men.

1. A Levite, son of Shamer, and father of Amzi, of the family of Merari (1Ch 6:46). B.C. long ante 1043.

2. A Gadite, one of David's thirty-seven warriors (2Sa 23:36). B.C. 1046.

Bible concordance for BANI.

3. A descendant of Pharez, and father of Imri, one of whose descendants returned from Babylon (1Ch 9:4). B.C. long ante 536.

4. One of the heads of families whose retainers to the number of 642 returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel (Ezr 2:10; Ezr 10:29,34; Ne 10:14; Ne 1 Esdras 5:12). He is elsewhere (Ne 7:15) called BINNUI SEE BINNUI (q.v). SEE BANID. He was himself one of those who divorced their heathen wives (Ezr 10:38). Others consider this last a different person, and identify him with some of those referred to below. B.C. 536-410.

See also the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

5. A Levite, whose son Rehum repaired a portion of the (branch) wall of Jerusalem skirting the brow of Mount Zion on the east (Ne 3:17). Apparently the same Bani was among those who were conspicuous in all the reforms on the return from Babylon (Ne 8:7; Ne 9:4 twice, 5; 10:13). He had another son named Uzzi, who was appointed overseer of the Levites at Jerusalem; his own father's name was Hashabiah (Ne 11:22). B.C. 446-410. SEE CHENANI.

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