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Locomotion is by means of limbs and by sinuous body movements. Elongated species of the genera Phaeognathus, Batrachoseps, Oedipina, and Lineatriton have reduced limbs and rely mainly on body movements for rapid locomotion. Species of the genus Aneides have arboreal (tree-dwelling) tendencies, and their long legs and digits, expanded toe tips, and prehensile (grasping) tails make them effective climbers. Some salamanders of the genera Ixalotriton, Nyctanolis, Dendrotriton, Pseudoeurycea, and Chiropterotriton, found in the New World tropics, are similarly adapted. Others, members of the genus Bolitoglossa, have extensively webbed forefeet and hindfeet with indistinct digits, allowing them to move across moist leaves and other smooth surfaces.

Behaviour and ecology

Adult salamanders are nearly all nocturnal (i.e., active mainly at night) animals. They may be highly seasonal, remaining hidden underground until the breeding season, or they may emerge from hiding places on any evening when moisture and temperature are at the proper levels. Fallen logs, rocks, crevices in soil, and surface litter commonly provide daytime refuge. Home ranges of salamanders are small, often less than 3 or 4 square metres (about 30 to 40 square feet), and in favourable areas some of the smaller species can be very abundant, occasionally numbering thousands per acre.

Most terrestrial species live near the surface of the ground, often in thick leaf litter and rock piles. Some enter subterranean retreats, sometimes by way of burrows made by mammals and invertebrates. Caves are often occupied during cold or dry periods. Climbing species live on rock faces and in crevices, in trees, on broad-leaved herbs and shrubs, and in bromeliads. Many species are semiaquatic, frequenting streamside and spring habitats throughout their lives. The terrestrial species that have direct development have been able to free themselves entirely from reliance on standing or flowing water. Among the bolitoglossine plethodontids, species are found in habitats ranging from true deserts and frigid alpine areas to tropical rainforests and from sea level to elevations of more than 4,000 metres (13,000 feet).

Food and feeding

Insects are by far the most important food of salamanders. All terrestrial salamanders initially contact the prey with the tongue, which retracts quickly to deliver the quarry into the mouth. Some members of the Salamandridae and Plethodontidae, however, have evolved highly specialized tongue-protrusion mechanisms. These are especially well developed in the tropical plethodontids, many of which are arboreal. The tongue can be extended from the mouth for a considerable distance and retracted almost instantaneously, with the prey attached to the sticky tongue pad. The gill skeleton found in larvae has evolved into a biomechanically efficient tongue-projection mechanism in adults, and most of the tongue skeleton is shot from the mouth with the tongue pad on the end; in contrast, in frogs only the soft parts of the tongue leave the mouth. When the tongue is maximally projected, the retractor muscles are stretched; because contraction of these muscles takes place at the same time as the protractor muscles are contracted, the tongue is rapidly returned to the mouth.

Form and function

Skin and external features

The most distinctive and important feature of amphibians in general and salamanders in particular is their smooth, moist skin. This organ consists of an epidermis, or surface tissue, that is several layers thick and a rather thick dermis containing mucous and poison glands as well as pigment cells. The integument, or skin, is highly vascular and serves a major respiratory function. The poison glands of some species produce some of the most virulent toxins known. The fleshy tongue pad contains many mucus-secreting glands.

Most species are drab gray or brown; but some species, especially the more poisonous ones, are spectacularly coloured, with bright spots, blotches, or streaks. The few integumentary specializations include keratinized skins of the terrestrial stages of many salamandrids, keratinized claws in stream-dwelling hynobiids, and glands that to some degree stimulate sexual activity by making the female more receptive. Cryptobranchids have large, lateral folds of skin that serve respiratory functions.

Bones and cartilage

The rather weak skull of adults is composed of various paired and unpaired bones. These bones may fuse or be lost in different groups, and their presence and arrangement are important in classification. Much of the fusion and loss of skull bones is associated with a trend toward tongue feeding. Small double-cusped teeth line the margins of the jaw and spread over parts of the palate. They are important in holding but not chewing the prey.

Cartilage plays an important role in the salamander head, especially in supportive structures in the throat region. These are ossified (bony) to different degrees, with more cartilage in the more highly evolved groups. Species such as the bolitoglossine plethodontids that display tongue protrusion often have flexible, cartilaginous tongue skeletons. In larvae and permanently gilled species the tongue is not developed.

The vertebrae constituting the spinal column are generalized with centrums (i.e., ventral, or lower, sections connecting with the adjacent vertebrae) that are rather poorly developed. The notochord (i.e., a resilient, flexible cord of specialized cells passing through the vertebral column) is usually persistent in adults. An intervertebral cartilage forms the articulation between vertebrae. If it remains cartilaginous, the vertebrae are said to be amphicoelous (biconcave, or depressed on both the anterior and posterior sides), but, if it mineralizes or ossifies, the vertebrae are termed opisthocoelous (bulged on the anterior side and depressed on the posterior side). There is one cervical vertebra with a characteristic projection called the odontoid process and two large facets for articulation with the skull. There may be from 11 (Ambystoma talpoideum) to 60 (Amphiuma) dorsal, or trunk, vertebrae, all but the last 1 or 2 usually bearing ribs. Most salamanders have from 14 to 20 trunk vertebrae. One sacral vertebra, 2 to 4 caudosacral vertebrae, and from about 20 to more than 100 (Oedipina) caudal, or tail, vertebrae complete the column. Many plethodontids are capable of autotomizing, or dropping off, the tail, a valuable defense mechanism in the event that the tail is grasped or bitten by a predator. These salamanders have various specialized features associated with the last caudosacral and the first caudal vertebrae, between which the break usually occurs.

The limbs and girdles are similar to those of generalized vertebrates. The pectoral, or chest, girdle, supporting the forelimbs, is relatively reduced, and the fused elements remain largely in a cartilaginous condition. An ypsiloid cartilage, attached to the front of the pelvic girdle, is used in exhalation in several groups, especially ambystomatids, dicamptodontids, hynobiids, and salamandrids. Digits and digital bones have been lost in many different groups. There are never more than four fingers, but nearly all species have five toes.
