
Catalan cultural movement
Also known as: Renaixença

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Catalan literature

  • Ausias March, detail of a lithograph
    In Catalan literature: The Renaixença

    In 1813 appeared the Gramatica y apología de la llengua cathalana (“Grammar and Apology of the Catalan Language”) of Josep Pau Ballot; its publication heralded the Renaixença (“Rebirth”), the literary and linguistic renaissance that characterized the Romantic period in Catalonia. Bonaventura Carles Aribau’s “La…

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  • Antoni Gaudí: Sagrada Família
    In Antoni Gaudí: Life

    …an important participant in the Renaixensa, an artistic revival of the arts and crafts combined with a political revival in the form of fervent anti-Castilian “Catalanism.” Both movements sought to reinvigorate the way of life in Catalonia that had long been suppressed by the Castilian-dominated and Madrid-centred government in Spain.…

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