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Theatre and dance in South Asia stem principally from Indian tradition. The principles of aesthetics and gesture language in the Natya-shastra, a 2,000-year-old Sanskrit treatise on dramaturgy, have been the mainstay of all the traditional dancers and actors in India. Even folk performers follow some of its conventions; e.g., the Kandyan dancers of Sri Lanka preserve some of the whirls and spins described in this ancient Indian text. Despite the influence of the different religious waves that swept the subcontinent through the centuries, the forms of South Asian dance and theatre were always able to preserve their ancient core.

Traditionally, dance and acting are inseparable. The classical South Asian dancer, equipped with a repertoire of gesture language, alternates between nritta, pure dance; nritya, interpretive dance; and natya, dance with a dramatic element. (The Sanskrit word nata means a dancer-actor.) Traditional theatre throughout both South and Southeast Asia is a combination of music, dance, mime, stylized speech, and spectacle. The classical and folk actor must be a dancer, a singer, and a mime in one.

Between the 2nd century bce and the 8th century ce, South Indian kings sent overseas trade missions, priests, court dancers, and sometimes armies to Southeast Asia. During these years of cultural expansion, Indian dance forms, mythological lore, and the language of gesture flourished in Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, Java, Sumatra, and Bali. Later, when India’s economic and political power shrank, its cultural empire remained intact. Even when these Southeast Asian countries embraced Buddhism or Islam, they continued performing dance dramas with Hindu gods and goddesses, adding to these their own local myths, costumes, and masks. The two Hindu epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, storehouses of dramatic personae of traditional dramas, have been absorbed by these countries as part of their own cultural heritage. Some dance forms and gesture vocabulary that died out in their land of birth have been preserved in Bali. For a discussion of the dance and theatre of Southeast Asia, see Southeast Asian arts: The performing arts.

The performing arts in India

The royal courts and temples of India traditionally have been the chief centres of the performing arts. In ancient times, Sanskrit dramas were staged at seasonal festivals or to celebrate special events. Some kings were themselves playwrights; the most notable of the playwright-kings was Shudraka, the supposed 4th-century author of Mrichchakatika (“The Little Clay Cart”). Other well-known royal dramatists include Harsha, who wrote Ratnavali in the 7th century; Mahendravikramavarman, author of the 7th-century play Bhagavad-Ajjukiya; and Vishakhadatta, creator of the 9th-century drama Mudrarakshasa.

In the 4th century bce, Kautilya, the chief minister of Emperor Chandragupta, referred in his book on the art of government, the Artha-shastra, to the low morals of players and advised the municipal authorities not to build houses in the midst of their villages for actors, acrobats, and mummers. But, in the glorious era of the Hindu kings during the first eight centuries ce, actors and dancers were given special places of distinction. This tradition continued in the princely courts of India even under British rule. Kathakali dance-drama, for instance, was created by the raja of Kottarakkara, ruler of one of the states of South India in the 17th century. The powerful peshwas (chief ministers) of the Maratha kingdom in the 18th century patronized the tamasha folk theatre. Nawab Wajid Ali Shah (flourished mid-19th century) was an expert kathak dancer and producer of Krishnalore plays in which his palace maids danced as the gopis (milkmaids who were devotees of Krishna). Maharajas of Travancore and Mysore competed with each other for the excellence of their dance troupes. In the 20th century the maharaja of Banaras (Varanasi) carried on this tradition by being patron and producer of the spectacular ramlila, a 31-day cycle play on Rama’s life that he witnessed every night while sitting on his royal elephant. On special nights the spectators numbered more than 30,000.

Dance is a part of all Hindu rituals. Farmers dance for a plentiful harvest, hunters for a rich bag, fishermen for a good catch. Seasonal festivals, religious fairs, marriages, and births are celebrated by community dancing. A warrior dances before the image of his goddess and receives her blessings before he leaves for battle. A temple girl dances to please her god. The gods dance in joy, in anger, in triumph. The world itself was created by the Cosmic Dance of Lord Shiva, who is called Nataraja, the king of dancers, and worshipped by actors and dancers as their patron.

Religious festivals are still the most important occasions for dance and theatrical activity. The ramlila krishnalala and raslila in North India (Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Punjab), the chhau masked dance-drama in Saraikela region in Jharkhand, and the bhagavatha mela in Melatur village in Tamil Nadu are performed annually to celebrate the glory of their particular deities. During the Dashahara festival every village in North India enacts for a fortnight the story of Rama’s life, with songs, dances and pageants. The jatra in West Bengal is a year-round dramatic activity, but the number of troupes swells to many thousands in Kolkata during the Puja festival. The hill and tribal people dance all night to celebrate their community festivals and weddings rich in masks, pageants, and carnivals. In more-remote areas of South Asia, people may not have seen a drama, but there will be hardly a person who has not witnessed or taken part in a community dance.

In folk theatre, traditional dance, classical music, and poetical symposia (especially the Urdu mushāʿirah), performances are held in the open air or in a well-lit canopied courtyard so that the players can see the spectators and be motivated by their reactions.

For the usually all-night folk dramas, people come with their children, straw mats, and snacks, making themselves at home. At these performances there is a constant inflow and outflow of spectators. Some go to sleep, asking their neighbours to awaken them for favourite scenes. Stalls selling betel leaves, peanuts, and spicy fried things, adorned with flowers and incense and lighted by oil lamps, surround the open-air arena. The clown, an essential character in every folk play, comments on the audience and contemporary events. Zealous spectators offer donations and gifts in appreciation of their favourite actor or dancer, who receives them in the middle of the performance and thanks the donor by singing or dancing a particular piece of his choice. The audience thus constantly throws sparks to the performer, who throws them back. People laugh, weep, sigh, or suddenly fall silent during a moving scene.

In both folk and classical forms of drama, the performer may lengthen or shorten his piece according to audience response. During a kathak dance, the drummer, in order to test the perfection of the dancer, disguises the main beat of his drum by slurs and offbeats, a secret he shares with the audience and announces by a loud thump that is synchronized with the dancer’s stamping of the foot. At this point in the dance, the spectators shout, swaying their heads in admiration. They show their approval and disapproval through delighted groans or sullen headshakes as the performance goes on. In the raslila, the audience joins in singing the refrain and marks the beat by hand clapping. At a climactic point the people rock and sway, rhythmically clapping and singing. These practices bind the performers, chanters, and spectators together in a sense of aesthetic pleasure.

Instrumental music and singing are integral parts of Indian dance and theatre. Musicians, chanters, and drummers sit on the stage in view, a tradition observed throughout almost all of Asia. They watch the dancer and play on their instruments following his movements, whereas in the West the movements of a ballerina are timed and controlled by the already written music. An Indian dancer is constantly reacting to the accompanying musician, and vice versa. He may signal the chanters and drummers and even instruct them during the performance without spoiling its aesthetic effect.

In some classical dance forms, such as kuchipudi, the dancer sings in voiceless whispers as she dances. In bharata natyam the dance movements are like sculpted music in space, and the accompanying musician is invariably a dance guru (teacher). In kathak the rhythmic syllables beaten out by the dancer with her feet are vocalized by the singer and then chirped out by the drummer. No folk dancing is complete without the use of drum and vocal singing. Women’s folk singing such as the giddha in the Punjab and the men’s kirtan in West Bengal takes the form of dance when the rhythm becomes fast.

In folk theatre this relationship is even more apparent. Raslila dance sequences are interspersed with the singing as a decorative frill, to accentuate emotional appeal, or to mark the climax of a song. The yakshagana hero gives a brisk dance number to announce his entry. In many folk forms of opera (bhavai, terukkuttu, and nautanki), the characters sing and dance at the same time or alternate. Ballad singers from the states of Orissa and Andhra Pradesh dramatize their singing by strong facial gestures and rhythmic ankle bells and execute dance phrases between the narrative singing. On the other hand, no one can imagine a dancer who is not at the same time a musician. This double aesthetic discipline enriches both of these arts, and the Indian audience is conditioned to this tradition.
