Briton Hadden

American publisher

Learn about this topic in these articles:

association with Luce

  • Henry Luce and Clare Boothe Luce
    In Henry Luce

    At Yale Luce met Briton Hadden, with whom he launched Time magazine. The magazine attracted attention because of its lively layout, its stylistic eccentricities, mostly introduced by Hadden, and its emphasis on personalities. In four years Time was making a profit. In 1929, the year in which Hadden died,…

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creation of “Time”

  • In Time

    Luce and Briton Hadden, who wanted to start a magazine that would inform busy readers in a systematic, concise, and well-organized manner about current events in the United States and the rest of the world. With Hadden as editor and Luce as business manager, they brought out…

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  • The Jazz Singer
    In WarnerMedia: Time

    Its founders, Briton Hadden and Henry R. Luce, sought readers among the 1,000,000 college-educated citizens in the United States at the time. The magazine made a modest \$700 profit in its second year of publication; by 1928 its profits were \$125,000 on a circulation of 200,000. Hadden…

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role in magazine publishing
