
king of Lombards

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Italian history

  • Pippin III
    In Pippin III: Pippin and Pope Stephen II

    …April 757 a new king, Desiderius, became ruler of the Lombards. That year Stephen II also died, and Paul I was elected pope. He, too, constantly wrote to Pippin asking for help.

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  • Italy
    In Italy: The Lombard kingdom, 584–774

    Aistulf’s successor, Desiderius (757–774), allied himself by marriage with the Franks and kept control of the southern duchies. But when he too threatened Rome in 772–773, the Frankish king, Charlemagne, invaded and this time conquered the Lombard kingdom outright (773–774). Italy became absorbed into the Carolingian lands…

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Lombard reign

  • In Lombard

    …kings Aistulf (reigned 749–756) and Desiderius (reigned 756–774) compelled Pope Adrian I to seek aid from the Frankish king Charlemagne. The Franks entered Italy in 773, and after a year’s siege Pavia fell to their armies. Desiderius was captured, and Charlemagne became king of the Lombards as well as of…

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