Gaius Petronius Arbiter

Roman author
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Also known as: Titus Petronius Niger
Quick Facts
Original name:
Titus Petronius Niger
ad 66
Notable Works:
“Cena Trimalchionis”
Movement / Style:
Silver Age

Gaius Petronius Arbiter (died ad 66) was the reputed author of the Satyricon, a literary portrait of Roman society of the 1st century ad.


The most complete and the most authentic account of Petronius’ life appears in Tacitus’ Annals, an account that may be supplemented, with caution, from other sources. It is probable that Petronius’ correct name was Titus Petronius Niger. From his high position in Roman society, it may be assumed that he was wealthy; he belonged to a noble family and was therefore, by Roman standards, a man from whom solid achievements might have been expected. Tacitus’ account, however, shows that he belonged to a class of pleasure-seekers attacked by the Stoic philosopher Seneca, men who “turned night into day”; where others won reputation by effort, Petronius did so by idleness. On the rare occasions, however, when he was appointed to official positions, he showed himself energetic and fully equal to public responsibilities. He served as governor of the Asian province of Bithynia and later in his career, probably in ad 62 or 63, held the high office of consul, or first magistrate of Rome.

After his term as consul, Petronius was received by Nero into his most intimate circle as his “director of elegance” (arbiter elegantiae), whose word on all matters of taste was law. It is from this title that the epithet “Arbiter” was attached to his name. Petronius’ association with Nero fell within the emperor’s later years, when he had embarked on a career of reckless extravagance that shocked public opinion almost more than the actual crimes of which he was guilty. What Petronius thought of his imperial patron may be indicated by his treatment of the rich vulgarian Trimalchio in the Satyricon. Trimalchio is a composite figure, but there are detailed correspondences between him and Nero that cannot, given the contemporary nature of the work, be accidental and that strongly suggest that Petronius was sneering at the emperor.

Tacitus records that Nero’s friendship ultimately brought on Petronius the enmity of the commander of the emperor’s guard, Tigellinus, who in ad 66 denounced him as having been implicated in a conspiracy of the previous year to assassinate Nero and place a rival on the imperial throne. Petronius, though innocent, was arrested at Cumae in southern Italy; he did not wait for the inevitable sentence but made his own preparations for death. Slitting his veins and then bandaging them again in order to delay his death, he passed the remaining hours of his life conversing with his friends on trivial topics, listening to light music and poetry, rewarding or punishing his slaves, feasting, and finally sleeping “so that his death, though forced upon him, should seem natural.”

The Satyricon.

The Satyricon, or Satyricon liber (“Book of Satyrlike Adventures”), is a comic, picaresque novel that is related to several ancient literary genres. In style it ranges between the highly realistic and the self-consciously literary, and its form is episodic. It relates the wanderings and escapades of a disreputable trio of adventurers, the narrator Encolpius (“Embracer”), his friend Ascyltos (“Scot-free”), and the boy Giton (“Neighbour”). The surviving portions of the Satyricon (parts of Books XV and XVI) probably represent about one-tenth of the complete work, which was evidently very long. The loose narrative framework encloses a number of independent tales, a classic instance being the famous “Widow of Ephesus” (Satyricon, ch. 111–112). Other features, however, recall the “Menippean” satire; these features include the mixture of prose and verse in which the work is composed; and the digressions in which the author airs his own views on various topics having no connection with the plot.

The longest and the best episode in the surviving portions of the Satyricon is the Cena Trimalchionis, or “Banquet of Trimalchio” (ch. 26–78). This is a description of a dinner party given by Trimalchio, an immensely rich and vulgar freedman (former slave), to a group of friends and hangers-on. This episode’s length appears disproportionate even to the presumed original size of the Satyricon, and it has little or no apparent connection with the plot. The scene is a Greco-Roman town in Campania, and the guests, mostly freedmen like their host, are drawn from what corresponded to the petit bourgeois class. Trimalchio is the quintessence of the parvenu, a figure familiar enough in ancient satirical literature, but especially so in the 1st century ad, when freedmen as a class were at their most influential.

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Two features distinguish Petronius’ “Banquet” from other ancient examples: its extraordinary realism and the figure of Trimalchio. It is obvious that the table talk of the guests in the “Banquet” is based on the author’s personal observation of provincial societies. The speakers are beautifully and exactly characterized and their dialogue, quite apart from the invaluable evidence for colloquial Latin afforded by the vulgarisms and solecisms in which it abounds, is a humorous masterpiece. Trimalchio himself, with his vast wealth, his tasteless ostentation, his affectation of culture, his superstition, and his maudlin lapses into his natural vulgarity, is more than a typical satirist’s figure. As depicted by Petronius he is one of the great comic figures of literature and is fit company for Shakespeare’s Falstaff. The development of character for its own sake was hardly known in ancient literature: the emphasis was always on the typical, and the classical rules laid down that character was secondary to more important considerations such as plot. Petronius, in his treatment of Trimalchio, transcended this almost universal limitation in a way that irresistibly recalls Dickens, and much else in the “Banquet” is Dickensian—its exuberance, its boisterous humour (rare in ancient literature, where wit predominates), and its loving profusion of detail.

The rest of the Satyricon is hardly to be compared to the “Banquet.” Insofar as any moral attitude at all is perceptible in the work as a whole, it is a trivial and debased brand of hedonism. The aim of the Satyricon was evidently above all to entertain by portraying certain aspects of contemporary society, and when considered as such, the book is of immense value: superficial details of the speech, behaviour, appearance, and surroundings of the characters are exactly observed and vividly communicated. The wealth of specific allusions to persons and events of Nero’s time shows that the work was aimed at a contemporary audience, and certain features suggest that the audience in fact consisted of Nero and his courtiers. The realistic descriptions of low life recall the emperor’s relish for slumming expeditions; and the combination of literary sophistication with polished obscenity is consistent with the wish to titillate the jaded palates of a debauched court.

If Petronius’ book has a message, it is aesthetic rather than moral. The emphasis throughout the account of Trimalchio’s dinner party is on the contrast between taste and tastelessness. Stylistically, too, the Satyricon is what Tacitus’ account of the author would lead one to expect. The language of the narrative and the educated speakers is pure, easy, and elegant, and the wit of the best comic passages is brilliant; but the general impression, even when allowance is made for the fragmentary state of the text, is that of a book written quickly and somewhat carelessly by a writer who would not take the necessary trouble to discipline his astonishing powers of invention. In his book, as in his life, Petronius achieved fame by indolence.

Edward John KenneyThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica