Gianfranco Fini

Italian politician

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development of neofascism

  • Benito Mussolini
    In fascism: Italy

    …illustrated by the declaration of Fini, elected party secretary in 1987: “Fascism was part of the history of Italy and the expression of permanent values.” At a campaign rally in October 1992, Alessandra Mussolini, the granddaughter of the duce, stood in the balcony of the 15th-century Palazzo Venezia (Venice Palace)…

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history of Italy

  • Italy
    In Italy: The rise of Berlusconi

    …“post-Fascist” National Alliance led by Gianfranco Fini, which in Rome and the mainland south became the party of continuing Italian patriotism as well as of continuing state subsidies and economic interventionism. Above all, the political vacuum was filled early in 1994 by media entrepreneur Berlusconi, who controlled three national commercial…

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  • Italy
    In Italy: Scandal and the struggling economy

    …Berlusconi and former AN leader Gianfranco Fini triggered the departure of Fini and dozens of supporters from the PdL.

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role in National Alliance

  • In National Alliance

    …four years later it elected Gianfranco Fini as its leader. After support for the party dipped in the early 1990s, in 1994 it refashioned itself as the National Alliance. The following year the MSI was formally dissolved. The National Alliance joined two newly formed centre-right parties, the Forza Italia and…

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