James Adam

Scottish architect

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collaboration with Robert Adam

  • Robert Adam, oil painting by an unknown artist; in the National Portrait Gallery, London.
    In Robert Adam: The Adam style

    …help of his younger brother James, who joined him in London in 1763, created and fully developed the Adam style. They later claimed that it “brought about, in this country…a kind of revolution in the whole system of this useful and elegant art.” The Adam style was marked by a…

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use of mirrors

  • Gothic mirror, detail from The Marriage of Giovanni Arnolfini and Giovanna Cenami by Jan van Eyck, 1434; in the National Gallery, London.
    In mirror

    …the English brothers Robert and James Adam created fireplace units stretching from the hearth to the ceiling and depending largely for their effect on mirrors. On the whole, mirror frames reflected the general taste of the time and were often changed to accommodate alterations in taste, frames usually being cheaper…

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