James Carroll

American physician

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investigation of yellow fever

  • Walter Reed
    In Walter Reed

    …appointed Reed and army physician James Carroll to investigate Sanarelli’s bacillus. It also sent Aristides Agramonte, an assistant surgeon in the U.S. Army, to investigate the yellow-fever cases in Cuba. Agramonte isolated Sanarelli’s bacillus not only from one-third of the yellow-fever patients but also from persons suffering from other diseases.…

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role in medical history

  • Polio vaccine
    In public health: Developments from 1875

    …the Americans Walter Reed and James Carroll demonstrated that yellow fever is caused by a filterable virus carried by mosquitoes. Thus, modern public health and preventive medicine owe much to the early medical entomologists and bacteriologists. A further debt is owed bacteriology because of its offshoot, immunology.

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