Voltaire: References & Edit History

Additional Reading


Gustave Desnoiresterres, Voltaire et la société au XVIII siècle, 2nd ed., 8 vol. (1871–76, reprinted 1967), is a narrative work that was the basis for most later Voltaire biographies but is outdated now because of the numerous documents discovered since its original publication; Theodore Besterman, Voltaire, 3rd rev. ed. (1976), offers a thorough, informed life story that is characterized by the author’s full agreement with the views of Voltaire himself; Ira O. Wade, The Intellectual Development of Voltaire (1969), is another broad-ranging, scholarly biography; A. Owen Aldridge, Voltaire and the Century of Light (1975), examines both the life and works; John E.N. Hearsey, Voltaire (1976), provides a highly readable introductory survey of important events of Voltaire’s life; Jean Orieux, Voltaire (1979; originally published in French, 1966), is a detailed biographical account by a French historian, written in the tradition of Desnoiresterres; Peyton Richter and Ilona Ricardo, Voltaire (1980), is a short work that introduces the general reader to Voltaire; and Haydn Mason, Voltaire: A Biography (1981), is a scholarly study that places particular emphasis on the philosopher’s later years and serves as a companion to Mason’s critical survey of Voltaire’s work, cited below.

Wayne Andrews, Voltaire (1981), provides a well-researched biography with a discussion of Voltaire’s social and literary contacts; and Jean Mohsen Fahmy, Voltaire et Paris (1981), explores his Parisian life at different periods. Social and literary contacts and associates are studied in Paul O. LeClerc, Voltaire and Crébillon Père: History of an Enmity (1973); and Christiane Mervaud, Voltaire et Frédéric II: une dramaturgie des lumières, 1736–1778 (1985). Voltaire and the English (1979) is a collection of scholarly articles, with an illustrated catalog of a documents exhibition on Voltaire’s journeys and the intellectual influences stemming from them. English literary and social influences are also studied in Ahmad Gunny, Voltaire and English Literature (1979). Russian influences and Voltaire’s place in Russian historiography are explored in Carolyn H. Wilberger, Voltaire’s Russia: Window on the East (1976). Voltaire’s temperament and personality are studied in Norman L. Torrey, The Spirit of Voltaire (1938, reprinted 1968); and R.S. Ridgway, Voltaire and Sensibility (1973). Nancy Mitford, Voltaire in Love (1957, reissued 1985); and Samuel Edwards, The Divine Mistress (1970), are substantial histories of Voltaire’s involvement with Mme du Châtelet, who greatly influenced both his work and his life.


René Pomeau, La Religion de Voltaire, rev. ed. (1969, reissued 1974), examines the religious beliefs of Voltaire within the intellectual background of the 18th century, concluding that he was indeed a deist; other studies of Voltaire’s views on religion and religious matters include John Renwick, Marmontel, Voltaire, and the Bélisaire Affair (1974); Richard A. Brooks, Voltaire and Leibniz (1964); William H. Trapnell, Christ and His "Associates" in Voltairian Polemic: An Assault on the Trinity and the Two Natures (1982), and Voltaire and the Eucharist (1981); R.E. Florida, Voltaire and the Socinians (1974); Graham Gargett, Voltaire and Protestantism (1980); David D. Bien, The Calas Affair: Persecution, Toleration, and Heresy in Eighteenth-Century Toulouse (1960, reprinted 1979), on Voltaire’s intervention in a case of religious persecution; and Bertram Eugene Schwarzbach, Voltaire’s Old Testament Criticism (1971).

For political and social views, see Henry Meyer, Voltaire on War and Peace (1976); and Peter Gay, Voltaire’s Politics: The Poet as Realist, 2nd ed. (1988), dealing with Voltaire’s politics in relation to England, France, Prussia, Russia, and Geneva and relating his ideas for social reform directly to events in 18th-century Europe. A.J. Ayer, Voltaire (1986), assesses him as a historian and dramatist, with a focus on his religious and philosophical arguments. Patrick Henry, Voltaire and Camus: The Limits of Reason and the Awareness of Absurdity (1975), is a study of Voltaire’s interpretation of the philosophical categories of rationalism and absurdity.

Critical studies

Virgil W. Topazio, Voltaire: A Critical Study of His Major Works (1967), analyzes the thought and work of Voltaire the storyteller, historian, playwright, and philosopher. J.H. Brumfitt, Voltaire, Historian (1958, reprinted 1985), studies the principal features of his historical works and the theories behind them. Other introductions to Voltaire’s criticism, analyzing selections of representative works without detailed exploration of individual ones, include Theodore Besterman, Voltaire Essays, and Another (1962, reprinted 1980); William F. Bottiglia (ed.), Voltaire: A Collection of Critical Essays (1968); R.H. Howells et al. (eds.), Voltaire and His World (1985); Haydn Mason, Voltaire (1975); and Jean Sareil (ed.), Voltaire et la critique (1966), a collection of essays, both in English and in French, devoted to Voltaire as poet, historian, philosopher, storyteller, and propagandist. For separate analyses, in English, of major works, see Dennis Fletcher, Voltaire, Lettres Philosophiques (1986), a brief critical guide; and Geoffrey Murray, Voltaire’s Candide: The Protean Gardener, 1755–1762 (1970).

Voltaire as a playwright is studied in Jack Rochford Vrooman, Voltaire’s Theatre: The Cycle from Œdipe to Mérope (1970); Robert L. Herbert, David, Voltaire, "Brutus," and the French Revolution (1972), an exploration of the political atmosphere at the time of the 1790 revival of Voltaire’s play Brutus and its role in the French Revolution; Lilian Willens, Voltaire’s Comic Theatre: Composition, Conflict, and Critics (1975); and Marie Wellington, The Art of Voltaire’s Theatre: An Exploration of Possibility (1987). Fiction and poetry are discussed in Douglas A. Bonneville, Voltaire and the Form of the Novel (1976); Jacques Van Den Heuvel, Voltaire dans ses contes: De “Micromégas” à “L’Ingénu,” 3rd ed. (1982), a new interpretation of the stories, showing how Voltaire both revealed and resolved his inner conflicts in these stories; Carol Sherman, Reading Voltaire’s Contes: A Semiotics of Philosophical Narration (1985); and Ralph Arthur Nablow, A Study of Voltaire’s Lighter Verse (1974).


A summary of scholarship on Voltaire is presented in Mary Margaret H. Barr, Century of Voltaire Study: A Bibliography of Writings on Voltaire, 1825–1925 (1929, reissued 1972), continued in her Quarante Années d’études voltairiennes: bibliographie analytique des livres et articles sur Voltaire, 1926–1965 (1968). Since 1955 the Institut et Musée Voltaire, in Geneva, and the Voltaire Foundation, at the Taylor Institution in Oxford, Eng., have been publishing the multivolume series “Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century”; several works appear in the series each year, and many of the titles above belong to it.

René Henry Pomeau The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

Article History

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Add new Web site: Online Library of Liberty - Voltaire: The French Enlightenment is Born. Jul 25, 2024
Anniversary information added. May 26, 2024
First paragraph modernization. Apr 22, 2024
Add new Web site: Libertarianism.org - Voltaire (1694-1778). Mar 30, 2024
Add new Web site: World History Encyclopedia - Voltaire. Feb 15, 2024
Anniversary information added. Nov 17, 2023
Add new Web site: Official Site of Voltaire Foundation. Oct 11, 2023
Add new Web site: Academia - Voltaire. Aug 17, 2023
Add new Web site: Official Site of Voltaire Foundation. Apr 28, 2023
Add new Web site: Free Speech Center at Middle Tennessee State University - Voltaire. May 01, 2022
Corrected display issue. Mar 02, 2021
Corrected display issue. Jan 07, 2021
Add new Web site: The Basics of Philosphy - Biography of Voltaire. Nov 29, 2019
Top Questions updated. Jul 17, 2019
Add new Web site: Age of the Sage - Transmitting the Wisdoms of the Ages - Biography of Voltaire. Sep 20, 2018
Changed title of the "Assessment" section to "Legacy." Nov 15, 2017
Replaced photograph. Oct 20, 2017
Corrected display issue. Jul 19, 2017
Add new Web site: The Literature Network - Biography of Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire. Apr 26, 2015
Add new Web site: World History International - Biography of Voltaire. May 26, 2014
Add new Web site: Modern Europe for Kids - Voltaire. May 26, 2014
Added photographs of an early printing of Candide. Apr 23, 2014
Add new Web site: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Biography of Voltaire. Mar 21, 2014
Add new Web site: The European Graduate School - Biography of Voltaire. Apr 11, 2013
Add new Web site: Buzzle.com - Biography of Voltaire. Apr 11, 2013
Britannica Classic video Voltaire Presents Candide added. Sep 16, 2009
Article revised and updated. Aug 23, 2007
Article revised and updated. Jun 21, 2007
Added new Web site: The EServer - "Candide" by Voltaire. Oct 26, 2006
Added new Web site: Literature.org - "Candide" by Voltaire. Jul 07, 2006
Article added to new online database. Jul 20, 1998
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