Iran’s presidential election of 2024

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Masoud Pezeshkian emerged as the surprise victor of an early presidential election in Iran, which was held in June–July 2024 after Ebrahim Raisi, a hard-line conservative, died unexpectedly in a helicopter crash on May 19. Raisi, one of the few figures trusted by both the security establishment and the regime’s clerical guardians, was expected to oversee the transition to a new supreme leader after the death of the aging Ali Khamenei (and perhaps become supreme leader himself), and so Raisi’s death has thrown a wild card into Iran’s future. The election was expected to place another conservative loyalist of Khamenei in power. But Pezeshkian, a reformist who was critical of the government’s response to the death of Jina Mahsa Amini in 2022 and a vocal supporter of the Woman, Life, Freedom protests, managed to outperform the conservative frontrunners. He won in a runoff against Saeed Jalili with 54.8 percent of the vote.

The victory for the most liberal and Western-friendly president since Mohammad Khatami (1997–2005) came amid an era of historically low voter turnout and widespread dissatisfaction with the regime. After an especially tumultuous few years under Raisi, Pezeshkian offers the Islamic Republic a chance to restore public faith in Iranians’ ability to determine their own future and reset the country’s relations with the West.

What’s at stake?

Pezeshkian will have a lot on his plate, including:

Pezeshkian is expected to seek outreach to the West to return to a nuclear agreement and to set a more cooperative tone for Iran’s foreign policy, but he is not expected to diminish Iran’s support for Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthi movement, and other allies in the region. As an ethnic minority (Azerbaijani) from the northwest of Iran and a vocal critic of the government during the 2022–23 protest movement, he is expected to push for greater social and civic freedom, but it is unclear whether he will be able to effect any major reform.

What does it mean to be a reformist in Iran?

Reformists (eslāḥ-ṭalabān) seek to liberalize Iran’s political system and take a cooperative approach toward international relations. Reformists do not belong to an organized political movement but are loosely defined against principlists (uṣūl-garāyān; often called “conservatives”), who emphasize the need to safeguard Iranians from corrupting and foreign influences.

It is important to note that reformists do not seek to undermine Iran’s system of governance and generally accept the main principles of its Islamic Republic. They embrace the political oversight of the clerical class (velāyat-e faqīh) and believe in fostering an Islamic society. But they tend to reject enforcing Islamic principles through coercion and prefer an open society with freedom of expression and other social freedoms. Reformists also favor democratic governance over autocratic rule and some activists call for constitutional changes to remove some of the powers of the supreme leader (rahbar), but reformist politicians rarely push for changes to the constitution.

Pezeshkian was the minister of health (2001–2005) in the second term of Iran’s previous reformist government. The reformists’ agenda was generally stifled by standoffs with the principlists in the Majles (parliament) and, to an extent, Khamenei. As president, Pezeshkian will face a Majles with even fewer reformists than before and a majority comprised of members of the Paydari Front, a fundamentalist faction.

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Why does Iran’s president matter? Isn’t Iran ruled by a supreme leader?

The supreme leader is powerful, but the president matters.

The president’s role as head of state is indeed diminished by the post of supreme leader, who wields broad oversight over policymaking, oversees the armed forces, and generally sets the agenda for Iran’s government. But the presidency is hardly a ceremonial position. The president is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Iranian government and manages relations abroad, even if policy does not always originate in the president’s office.

Presidents throughout Khamenei’s tenure have set very different agendas. Mohammad Khatami (1997–2005) sought reform at home and outreach abroad. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (2005–13) pursued a strongman approach, ramping up security and taking provocative and confrontational stances. Hassan Rouhani (2013–21) prioritized economic stability and engaged constructively with the West to achieve the JCPOA nuclear deal. Each one had a different presidency, and each one faced tensions with Khamenei, demonstrating that the president has some agency.

Does the supreme leader choose the president?

Not directly, but he does have significant clout in deciding who is eligible to be president. But Pezeshkian’s victory shows that Khamenei, who most analysts believe preferred Jalili, does not always get what he wants.

The president of Iran is chosen by popular election, but electoral candidates are vetted by the Council of Guardians, a deliberative body that supervises elections to ensure that they align with the ideals of the Islamic Republic. In practice, this often means making sure that the candidate is loyal to the supreme leader and his vision. The supreme leader virtually determines the makeup of the council’s majority: it is composed of 12 members, half of whom are religious jurists appointed by the supreme leader and the other half of whom are civil jurists nominated by the Supreme Judicial Council (whose chief is appointed by the supreme leader) and appointed by the parliament (whose members are also vetted by the Council of Guardians before they can run).

Following the presidential election, the winner must be approved by the supreme leader before taking office. Shortly after the election results were announced, Khamenei met with Pezeshkian and congratulated him on winning the presidency.

How free are elections in Iran?

Iran has universal suffrage, meaning all adult citizens are able to vote, and they can do so unimpeded. But the selection of candidates offered to voters has been considerably restrictive in recent decades, and the process by which the Council of Guardians determines a candidate’s qualification is opaque.

In February 2024 former Pres. Mohammad Khatami said Iran was “very far from free and competitive elections.” He abstained from voting in parliamentary elections in March.

Reformists, the liberal faction within the Islamic Republic, have been systematically disenfranchised from the political process since 2009, when irregularities in the results for the presidential election led to massive demonstrations across Iran. A high voter turnout appeared to favor Mir Hossein Mousavi, the reformist candidate, but the official results showed that the conservative incumbent Ahmadinejad had won by an implausibly wide margin. The Council of Guardians investigated and later confirmed irregularities; after a partial recount, it declared that Ahmadinejad had won nonetheless. In 2011 Mousavi was placed under house arrest for his continued criticism of the government, and in the 2013 presidential election the most high-profile reformist candidate, former president Hashemi Rafsanjani (1989–97), was disqualified. In the 2021 presidential election only conservative candidates were approved, and Ebrahim Raisi, whom Khamenei favored, was the only viable candidate.

The lack of reformist and centrist candidates in both parliamentary and presidential elections has resulted in record low voter turnout in the 2020s. The qualification of one reformist candidate, Masoud Pezeshkian, in the 2024 presidential election was thought to be an attempt to raise voter participation and thereby bolster the election’s legitimacy. But after the suppression of the massive Woman, Life, Freedom demonstrations in 2022–23, few Iranians appeared to have faith in their ability to change the direction of the country through the ballot box. The first round of voting saw record low turnout below 40 percent—lower than the turnout in 2021, when Raisi was the only major candidate. After Pezeshkian earned more than 44 percent of the vote in the first round, voter turnout was near 50 percent, the highest of any election since 2017.

Who were the front-runners?

Saeed Jalili, who serves as Khamenei’s representative to the Supreme National Security Council, and Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, who was this year reelected as parliament speaker after parliamentary elections, were considered the main contenders going into the election. Masoud Pezeshkian, the only candidate who was not in the conservative camp, won a plurality of votes in the first round, despite widespread voter apathy and record low turnout that were expected to disfavor him.

Jalili and Ghalibaf represent two factions within Iran’s conservative strand. Jalili, who is perhaps best known for his role as the intransigent chief nuclear negotiator under Ahmadinejad, is a populist academic with extreme loyalty to the supreme leader. He represents the fundamentalist Paydari Front, which seeks to strengthen the dominance of the clerical class in Iranian policymaking and gained a majority of seats in the parliament after legislative elections earlier in 2024. Ghalibaf, a former mayor of Tehrān, is an establishment figure related to Khamenei through his wife. He is considered a pragmatist and a favorite of the Revolutionary Guards, whose pervasive presence throughout society and government makes their preferences impossible to ignore. Although Ghalibaf would not be expected to venture far from the policies of the Raisi presidency, he has indicated his interest in pursuing negotiations with the West to return to a nuclear agreement and have sanctions lifted. Jalili would be more likely to maintain Raisi’s hard line on engagement with the West—insisting on the importance of a “resistance economy”—as well as his ironfisted approach to domestic issues.

Masoud Pezeshkian, who served as the minister of health under Pres. Mohammad Khatami (1997–2005), could drive some real changes to policy in Iran. He openly calls for greater social freedom, including equal rights for women and freedom of expression, and he was a vocal critic of the government’s response to the Woman, Life, Freedom movement after the death of Jina Mahsa Amini in 2022. He also calls for a return to a nuclear deal with the West in order to reintegrate Iran into the global economy. He will not be able to reduce the role of the supreme leader, however, who thwarted much of Khatami’s agenda when he was president. As the sole candidate representing reformists and moderates, Pezeshkian’s candidacy was considered a wild card in the election. He won the plurality of the vote against his splintered conservative rivals, but not enough to win outright in the first round. His chances to win in the second round depended on voter turnout, which ultimately saw the highest turnout in an election since 2017 but was still much lower than in elections before 2017. Pezeshkian struggled to convince apathetic Iranians that their vote can change the country, although many voters are believed to have turned out for Pezeshkian in effort to keep Jalili from becoming president.

Who was disqualified from running?

“I told him not to stand as I think it is not in his interest or that of the country”

– Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in 2016 after former Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad asked to run for president for a third time

About 80 people registered for the election, but only six qualified. (Two of the six later dropped out of the race before election day.) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is the best known among the disqualified candidates. Ahmadinejad fell out with Khamenei over a power struggle during his second term, and he has since remained out of the supreme leader’s favor. Several moderate administrators and figures from Rouhani’s presidency have been disqualified, including Ali Larijani (parliament speaker, 2008–20), Eshagh Jahangiri (first vice president, 2013–21), and Abdolnaser Hemmati (governor of the central bank, 2018–21). The reasons for these registrants’ disqualification are unknown, other than the general assumption that Khamenei wants a president who is both loyal and conservative.

What happens when nobody wins a majority of the votes?

Presidential candidates in Iran can only win an election if they receive more than half (50 percent) of the votes. Because there was no winner in the first round of voting, a second round will take place between Pezeshkian and Jalili, the top two vote-getting candidates, on July 5. The only other time that Iran held a second round was during the hotly contested 2005 presidential election, when Rafsanjani, a former president, and Ahmadinejad, a charismatic dark horse, each garnered just over 20 percent in the first round. Following that election, the reformist candidate Mehdi Karroubi accused Mojtaba Khamenei (the son of the supreme leader) and the Basij (a paramilitary force in which Jalili once served) of conspiring to influence the outcome.

The candidates and results

Masoud Pezeshkian, the reformist candidate, won the plurality of the vote in the first round of voting held on June 28. He defeated Saeed Jalili, the conservative who won the most amount of votes, in a second round that was held on July 5.

candidate top posts held significance votes in first round votes in the second round
Iran presidential candidate Masoud Pezeshkian - an Iranian reformist lawmaker - speaking to the media in the Iranian Interior Ministry building after registering his candidacy for the Iran presidential elections during the third day of candidates; registration for Iran's early Presidential elections, in Tehran, Iran, on June 1, 2024. Masoud Pezeshkian first deputy speaker of parliament Pezeshkian is the sole reformist candidate and a former health minister (2001–05). He was critical of the government’s response to the death of Jina Mahsa Amini in 2022 and a vocal supporter of the Woman, Life, Freedom protests. He’s also an ethnic Azerbaijani from Iran’s northwest, which in the 2020s has seen some of the most intense antigovernment unrest. 10,415,991 (44.4%) 16,384,403 (54.8%)
minister of health under Pres. Mohammad Khatami
Iran presidential candidate Saeed Jalili gives a press conference after registering his candidacy for the Iran presidential elections during the first day of Iranian presidential election registration at the interior ministry in Tehran, May 30 2024 Saeed Jalili chief nuclear negotiator under Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Jalili is known for his association with the fundamentalist Paydari Front, and he is considered the most likely candidate to follow in Raisi’s footsteps in terms of suppression, brutality, and austerity. Because he has little executive experience under his belt, some regime insiders worry about his ability to prevent and manage events as destabilizing as the Woman, Life, Freedom protests. But, like Raisi, he is one of the few figures with a broad base of support among the regime’s security and clerical establishments. 9,473,298 (40.3%) 13,538,179 (45.2%)
secretary of the Supreme National Security Council under Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Iran presidential candidate Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf - an Iranian Parliament Speaker - speaks during a rally outside the former US embassy in Tehran, to support the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip and to mark the 44th anniversary of the start of the Iran hostage crisis, on November 4, 2023 Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf parliament speaker A former mayor of Tehrān and a three-time presidential contender, Ghalibaf has been well known by Iranians for decades, and, as a former military commander, he is trusted by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He is considered to be an experienced and pragmatic conservative, but he is a lackluster establishment figure and his reputation for corruption has cost him politically. 3,363,340 (14.3%)
mayor of Tehrān
chief of police
Iran presidential candidate Mostafa Pourmohammadi. Iran's conservative former interior minister Mostafa Pourmohammadi registers his candidacy for the Iran presidential elections at the Interior Ministry in Tehran on June 3, 2024. Mostafa Pourmohammadi minister of justice under Pres. Hassan Rouhani Like Ghalibaf, Pourmohammadi is considered a pragmatic conservative. Like Raisi—the “Butcher of Tehrān”—he is known for his role in the execution of thousands of political prisoners in 1988. He has notably served as a minister under both hard-line and moderate administrations. 206,397 (0.9%)
minister of the interior under Pres. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Candidates who withdrew before election day:
Iran presidential candidate Amirhossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi speaks to the press after registering his candidacy for Iran presidential elections at the Interior Ministry in Tehran on June 3, 2024. Amirhossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi head of the Foundation (bonyād) of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs Hashemi is a hard-line figure who, while in parliament (2008–21), was closely associated with the fundamentalist Paydari Front and served for a time as its spokesperson. He ran in the 2021 presidential election, but he received less than 4 percent of the vote.
Iran presidential candidate Alireza Zakani, the Mayor of Tehran, speaking with the media in the Iranian Interior Ministry building after registering his candidacy for the Iran presidential elections during the third day of candidates registration for the Iran early Presidential elections, in Tehran, Iran, on June 1, 2024. Alireza Zakani mayor of Tehrān Zakani was a vocal critic of the JCPOA nuclear agreement since his days in parliament. He was mayor of Tehrān during Raisi’s presidency, and the city became known for especially strict surveillance, which led to the death of Jina Mahsa Amini. He played a role in the crackdown on protests in the capital city, which were particularly brutal.
Adam Zeidan