Panic of 1837

United States history

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effect on New York Stock Exchange

  • Front façade of the New York Stock Exchange, New York City.
    In New York Stock Exchange

    After the panic of 1837, when many investors suffered heavy losses, the exchange began to demand that companies disclose to the public information about their finances as a condition of offering stock. The stock market crash of 1929, which signaled the start of the Great Depression, led to investigation…

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policies of Van Buren

    role of Woodbury

    • Woodbury, Levi
      In Levi Woodbury

      During the Panic of 1837 Woodbury was able to maintain the credit of the federal government and benefited many state banks by doing so. He headed the treasury until he left the cabinet in 1841, upon which he was reelected to the Senate.

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    significance of Specie Circular

    • In Specie Circular

      …the economic crisis called the Panic of 1837. On May 21, 1838, a joint resolution of Congress repealed the Specie Circular.

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    • Andrew Jackson.
      In The Rise of Andrew Jackson: The Bank War

      The Panic of 1837 seemed to vindicate Nicholas Biddle, who had warned that without the BUS to monitor credit and control currency, the economy would run rampant and finally wreck. In any case, Jackson’s successor Martin Van Buren would suffer the consequences of this policy and…

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