Russo-Polish War

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Also called:
Polish-Soviet War
1919 - 1920
Soviet Union
Major Events:
Battle of Warsaw

Russo-Polish War, (1919–20), military conflict between Soviet Russia and Poland. It was the result of the German defeat in World War I, Polish nationalism sparked by the re-creation of an independent Polish state, and the Bolsheviks’ determination to carry the gains they had achieved during the Russian Civil War to central Europe. The decisive Polish victory resulted in the establishment of the Russo-Polish border that existed until 1939.

The end of World War I and the Polish advance

On the day of Germany’s surrender (November 11, 1918), Poland’s independence was proclaimed in Warsaw, but huge German armies still occupied the western part of the former Russian Empire. Józef Piłsudski, provisional head of the Polish state and commander in chief of the nascent Polish army, decided not to interfere with the retreat of the German forces from Russia, provided that they went through East Prussia. A temporary demarcation line between Polish and German forces was established to the west of the Kovel-Brest-Białystok-Grajewo railway. Evacuation of the former Russian lands by German forces had to be completed by the beginning of February 1919.

Because of German-Soviet collusion, every strip of land evacuated by the Germans was immediately occupied by the Red Army. German generals were hoping to bring Soviet Russia and Poland into a war which would destroy the latter and enable Germany to appear as the sole defender of Europe against the revolutionary flood of Marxism. On the Soviet side, Vladimir Lenin’s strategy was the converse: the mission of the Red Army was “to destroy the wall separating Soviet Russia from revolutionary Germany.” Thus, as the February 1919 deadline approached, the Red Army was closing in on the Hrodna-Brest-Kovel line. Piłsudski decided that it was vital “to reject…the forces aiming at imposing a foreign form of government on Poland.” The Polish offensive began on February 9, 1919. At the end of the year, the Polish forces stood on the middle Dvina and along the Berezina, Ptich, Ubort, and upper Sluch rivers to a point east of Kam’yanets-Podilskyy (now in Ukraine) near the Romanian frontier. The Polish advance had of course been helped by the fact that the Red Army was also engaged against White armies in the Russian Civil War.

D-Day. American soldiers fire rifles, throw grenades and wade ashore on Omaha Beach next to a German bunker during D Day landing. 1 of 5 Allied beachheads est. in Normandy, France. The Normandy Invasion of World War II launched June 6, 1944.
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Piłsudski expected a powerful Soviet offensive in the spring of 1920, but on January 28, 1920, the Soviet government offered an armistice based on the existing front line and proposed a peace conference. Piłsudski, however, knew that the Soviets were conducting a massive buildup in the area; Red Army strength on the Polish front increased from 7 divisions in January to 20 in March. Moreover, Piłsudski was convinced that the moment was favourable for reviving the historic idea of a Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian federation. On April 21 he and the Ukrainian leader Symon Petlyura signed a treaty of alliance. Three days later an army group of ten infantry divisions (including two Ukrainian) and four cavalry brigades was launched against two weak Soviet armies south of the Pripet River. On May 7 Kyiv was occupied by a Polish army under Gen. Edward Śmigły-Rydz, while between the Dnieper and Dniester rivers Polish-Ukrainian forces held a line that stretched through central Ukraine, from Bila Tserkva in the north to Yampil’ in the south.

The Russian counterattack and Allied intervention

Further advance southward was halted when Piłsudski learned that, on May 15, 1920, Gen. Mikhayl Tukhachevsky, commander of the Soviet Western Army Group, had attacked across the Dvina. Tukhachevsky reached Narach Lake, but by June 7 he was driven back on the Berezina. In the meantime, however, the Soviet supreme commander, Sergei S. Kamenev, had ordered Semyon Budenny to march northward with four cavalry divisions. By June 7 Budenny had occupied Zhytomyr and Berdychiv in Śmigły-Rydz’s rear; Śmigły-Rydz was therefore ordered to evacuate Kyiv (June 12) and to retreat westward. He succeeded in doing so, but on July 5 Budenny entered Rovno (now Rivne, Ukraine).

The decisive battles started north of the Pripet Marshes. On July 2, 1920, Tukhachevsky issued an order of the day proclaiming to his armies that “the fate of the general revolution will be decided in the west” and that “the road to world conflagration leads over Poland’s corpse.” Two days later, on a front stretching about 300 miles (roughly 500 km), he attacked with 21 infantry divisions and with Gai Khan’s cavalry corps on his right flank (about 220,000 combatants). The Polish army group under the elderly Stanisław Szeptycki, comprising 12 infantry divisions and one cavalry brigade (about 120,000 combatants), started a general retreat. Minsk (now in Belarus) fell to the Russians on July 11, Wilno (now Vilnius, Lithuania) on July 14, and Grodno (now Hrodna, Belarus) on July 19. In less than a month, the Poles had lost virtually all of the gains they had made in the previous year. The Russians now found themselves in a position to invade Poland. Russian war commissar Leon Trotsky was against pushing on, but Lenin allowed political considerations to outweigh the opinions of the military experts. His view, which was strongly supported by many Polish communists who were on the Russian side, was that the Russians would be greeted as revolutionary liberators.

The Battle of Warsaw and “the Miracle on the Vistula”

Although the tide of war had seemingly turned against him, Piłsudski never lost his nerve. Needing arms and ammunition, he sent his prime minister, Władysław Grabski, and his chief of general staff, Tadeusz Rozwadowski, on a mission to the Supreme Allied Council, which was then in session in Belgium. The Western Allies promised help which either did not materialize (as from the United Kingdom) or arrived too late (as from France). However, a Franco-British diplomatic and military mission, led by Gen. Maxime Weygand, was sent to Warsaw. Piłsudski offered Weygand the post of chief of Polish general staff, but Weygand sensibly declined and became, instead, an adviser to Rozwadowski. At this point, Tukhachevsky was still advancing westward, with the bold plan of crossing the Vistula at Płock so as to be able to attack Warsaw’s defenders from the rear. Piłsudski divined this intention and, after discussions with Rozwadowski and Weygand, wrote on the night of August 5–6, 1920, his historic order of the day prescribing (1) that in the south the enemy should be stopped east of Lviv (now in Ukraine); (2) that in the north the left flank of the Polish forces should be covered and the right bank of the Vistula should be held for the defense of Warsaw; and (3) that in the centre an army of five divisions should be concentrated on the Wieprz River for a strategic maneuver designed to disrupt the rear of the Soviet armies as they approached Warsaw.

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Polish morale was high, and the Weygand mission had helped restore service of supplies to the front lines. New bodies of reinforcements were moved forward from depots in western Poland, and depleted units received fresh stores of vital matériel. The Russian forces in the south made no concerted move and appeared to have no inkling of the attack to come. Gen.Władysław Sikorski’s Fifth Army in the north was the first to advance. A Soviet movement around his left flank had assumed alarming proportions and had to be stopped. On August 14 he pressed forward from his defensive position at Modlin Fortress, north of Warsaw, and at once encountered the Soviet Fifteenth Army. Sikorski persisted in his attacks all through August 15–16, his men fighting with determination. Not even the appearance of elements of the Soviet Fourth Army in his left rear deterred him. After dispatching covering detachments to guard his rear, Sikorski attacked again on August 17. His determination reaped its reward, and the Russians gave way in front of him. Their retreat rapidly devolved into a rout.

Piłsudski himself took command of the Wieprz operation, and on August 16 he started advancing with his shock divisions. The blow against the left flank of the Soviet Sixteenth Army came as a complete surprise, and they offered little resistance. Over the next two days, the Poles covered more than 50 miles (80 km). By August 18 the Soviet Third Army, which lay between the Fifteenth (destroyed by Sikorski) and the Sixteenth (broken by Piłsudski), had fallen back in hopeless confusion.

On the extreme Soviet right, their Fourth Army, which contained some of the most experienced Red Army regiments as well as the cavalry corps, had reached the Vistula between Toruń and Płock as part of a great turning movement. The Fourth Army was preparing to fall upon the Polish left flank when Sikorski suddenly advanced. Had the Soviets continued to aggressively press their attack even then, they might have succeeded, but they hesitated and were lost. Their half-hearted efforts against Sikorski’s left had little effect, and it was not until August 20 that Tukhachevsky’s order for a general retreat reached them. On August 22 at Mława (now in Poland), and August 28 at Chorzele (now in Poland), they were successful in cutting themselves a passage through the Polish lines, but on August 24 at Kovno they ran up against Pilsudski’s Fourth Army. Almost without making an effort to attack, they passed ignominiously over the East Prussian border to internment.

The pace of the Polish pursuit was remarkable. From August 16–25, the lead units of the Polish Second Army had covered some 200 miles (320 km). The Polish Fourth Army averaged 25 miles (40 km) a day in their advance. Polish supply lines were left far behind, and the troops existed as they could upon the exhausted countryside. By this point Soviet resistance was so completely broken that there was little fear of counterattack and the Polish units had ample time in which to reorganize. Tukhachevsky’s attempt to make a stand along the Sejny-Grodno-Volkovysk line ended in another defeat (September 20–28). By the beginning of October, Polish forces had reconquered the major part of the territory occupied during 1919.

Casualties and significance

An armistice was signed at Riga on October 12, 1920, and military operations ceased six days later. The Treaty of Riga, concluded on March 18, 1921, provided for the bulk of Ukraine to remain a Soviet republic, although substantial portions of Belorussia (Belarus) and Ukraine were ceded to Poland. Vilnius, which had changed hands several times since the end of World War I, remained a point of contention. The League of Nations arranged a partial armistice that put Vilnius under Lithuanian control and called for negotiations to settle all open border disputes. Just days after that agreement was signed, however, a Polish army drove the Lithuanian troops out of the area, proclaimed the independence of a new central Lithuanian state, and established its government at Vilnius. Poland formally annexed Vilnius and the surrounding area in 1922, a claim that was never recognized by Lithuania. Poland and Lithuania would remain in a state of frozen conflict until 1938.

The war was a disaster for the nascent Soviet Union. In the Battle of Warsaw alone, the Poles captured 66,000 prisoners of war, along with 231 artillery pieces and 1,023 machine guns. During the Soviet collapse, tens of thousands of Red Army soldiers fled into captivity in East Prussia and Lithuania. Lenin had seen the war against Poland as a necessary response to the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War. “By attacking Poland,” he said in a secret party congress, “we are attacking also the Allies. By destroying the Polish army we are destroying the Versailles settlement.” In the end a Soviet-sponsored government for “liberated” Poland, headed by Julian Marchlewski, Feliks Dzerzhinsky, and Feliks Kon, which had already established itself at Białystok, had to flee back to Moscow. Even after the signing of the armistice in October 1920, the Soviets delayed for over six months in the hopes of gaining more advantageous terms. Only the outbreak of the Kronshtadt Rebellion in March 1921 and the threat of a wider uprising against the Bolsheviks would force the Soviets to conclude a final peace agreement.

Kazimierz Maciej Smogorzewski The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica