The Problem of Urban Sprawl

Urban sprawl, also called sprawl or suburban sprawl, the rapid expansion of the geographic extent of cities and towns, often characterized by low-density residential housing, single-use zoning, and increased reliance on the private automobile for transportation. Urban sprawl is caused in part by the need to accommodate a rising urban population; however, in many metropolitan areas it results from a desire for increased living space and other residential amenities. Urban sprawl has been correlated with increased energy use, pollution, and traffic congestion and a decline in community distinctiveness and cohesiveness. In addition, by increasing the physical and environmental “footprints” of metropolitan areas, the phenomenon leads to the destruction of wildlife habitat and to the fragmentation of remaining natural areas.

Urban sprawl has been correlated with increased energy use, pollution, and traffic congestion and a decline in community distinctiveness and cohesiveness. In addition, by increasing the physical and environmental “footprints” of metropolitan areas, the phenomenon leads to the destruction of wildlife habitat and to the fragmentation of remaining natural areas.

During the period of economic prosperity in the United States following the end of World War II, increased manufacturing output and new federal loan programs allowed many American citizens to purchase single-family homes and private automobiles. At the same time, continued road-building projects, most notably the onset of the Interstate Highway System in 1956, and other infrastructure development made it possible to build homes on land that was previously inaccessible. Compared with land in the cities, suburban land was relatively inexpensive, and the homes constructed on this land afforded more space to their occupants than inner-city dwellings. Some citizens moved to the suburbs to enjoy a lifestyle that was ostensibly closer to nature; however, others moved to escape the congestion, crime, and noise of the city. Suburban residents retained a connection to the city through their automobiles.

Over time this migration to the suburbs, along with rising local populations, led to substantial increases in the geographic extent, or spatial footprint, of metropolitan areas in the United States. According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the causes of urban sprawl are divided equally between local population increases and lifestyle choices. For example, between 1970 and 1990, metropolitan areas in the western United States (such as Las Vegas, Nevada, Seattle, Washington, and Salt Lake City, Utah) experienced massive influxes of new residents that contributed to increases in their individual spatial footprints. On the other hand, in the metropolitan areas of the eastern and central United States, relatively modest population growth was also accompanied by significant spatial growth. For example, the population of the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Illinois, Kansas City, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland, grew by 1 percent, 16 percent and 20 percent, respectively, between 1970 and 1990, but each area’s geographic extent grew by 24 percent, 55 percent, and 91 percent, respectively. The spatial footprints of major cities in the Midwest and the Northeast, such as Detroit, Michigan, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, grew approximately 30 percent even as the cities experienced declines in population over the same period.

For many years, urban sprawl was thought to be an exclusively American problem; however, this phenomenon is occurring in several other countries. According to data collected in 2002 by the European Environment Agency, the population of a subset of European countries increased by only 6 percent between 1980 and 2000; however, the spatial footprint of built-up areas within these countries increased by 20 percent. The spatial footprints of some metropolitan areas, such as Palermo, Italy, expanded significantly more from the mid-1950s to the late 1990s. Palermo’s population rose 50 percent but its spatial footprint increased 200 percent over the period.

Aerial view of a suburban neighbourhood in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Credit: ©iofoto/

Worldwide, people are moving to cities. According to the United Nations Population Division, 29 percent of the world’s population lived in urban areas in 1950. By the late 2000s this figure had increased to about 49 percent. In developed countries this fraction was much higher. In the United States, for example, the urban population rose from roughly 64 percent in 1950 to about 81 percent in 2007. Similarly, Japan’s urban population increased from roughly 40 percent to about 66 percent over the same period. In contrast, less-affluent developing countries contain fewer urban residents. In India, for example, the urban population increased from 17 percent in 1950 to about 29 percent in 2007. Similarly, Egypt’s urban population rose from about 32 percent to approximately 43 percent over the same interval.


There are many factors that contribute to urban sprawl. As indicated by the statistics cited above, population increases alone do not account for increases in a metropolitan area’s urban extent. In many cases, urban sprawl has occurred in areas experiencing population declines, and some areas with rising populations experience little urban sprawl, especially in developing countries. Economic growth and globalization are often cited as the principal macroeconomic drivers of urban sprawl; however, increased affluence, attractive land and housing prices, and the desire for larger homes with more amenities (such as yards, household appliances, storage space, and privacy) play significant roles at the level of the individual. Many experts also believe that weak planning laws and single-use zoning also contribute to urban sprawl.

The construction of houses, utilities, and roads in the suburbs, along with the delivery of resources to suburban residents and workers, are integral components of the gross national product of developed countries. Because much of the growth in a metropolitan area occurs at the fringes, large amounts of resources and services are directed there. Construction at the “urban fringe” is increasingly characterized by a standardization of design. Many suburban housing tracts contain similar or identical models that sit on parcels with identical or nearly identical specifications. Standardization reduces costs, since materials (which often come from sources overseas) can be ordered in bulk, and quickens the pace of construction. Some urban planners and social scientists have linked this trend toward design standardization to the rising influence of globalization.

Many urban planners maintain that modern suburban zoning laws have done much to promote urban sprawl. In the United States such laws tend to rely on single-use zoning, a practice that restricts an area to the development of one particular land-use type (such as single-family residential, multifamily residential, commercial, institutional, and light industrial) in an effort to separate “incompatible” land uses from one another. After the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of zoning regulations in Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Company (1926), the practice was largely adopted by American municipalities. As a result of the court decision, the term Euclidean zoning became synonymous with single-use zoning. Despite the honourable intentions of Euclidean zoning, it discourages the development of walkable communities. Homes built deep within housing tracts are located far away from stores, schools, and employment areas. As a result, residents often depend on automobiles. In contrast, in older urban neighbourhoods, diverse land-use types are typically interspersed with one another.

Costs of urban sprawl

On the surface, sprawling subdivisions and commercial zones are economic boons to local businesses and municipalities. The construction of dwellings, stores, and infrastructure creates employment opportunities. Homeowners and commercial ventures that move into the area often provide additional revenue to local governments in the form of property taxes and sales taxes. However, such development often produces drains on local environmental resources, shifts the economic burden of development to longtime residents, increases transportation and energy costs, and diminishes overall community character.

Environmental costs

One of the most obvious environmental effects of widespread building construction is the destruction of wildlife habitat. To make way for human dwellings and their associated infrastructure, natural land is plowed under, graded, and paved. Slow-moving streams are often channeled to provide more efficient drainage for housing tracts and commercial areas. Although small areas of wildlife habitat remain, they may be too small to support all the native species that lived there before or may be widely separated from one another. This arrangement often forces wildlife to cross dangerous human-dominated landscapes to find food or mates.

Exurban low-density neighbourhoods consume more energy per capita than their high-density counterparts closer to the city’s core. (An exurb is an affluent residential community located beyond the suburbs in a metropolitan area.) Energy for heating, cooking, cooling, lighting, and transportation is largely produced by burning fossil fuels (such as gasoline, home-heating oil, natural gas, and coal), a process that contributes to air pollution and global warming. To reach their jobs in the city or other employment areas, many suburban workers must commute by automobile. By the early 21st century the average to-work commute time for Americans was 26.9 minutes, and the bulk of this was done by automobile. In addition, trips to grocery stores or other retail establishments in the suburbs must also be done by automobile. Air pollution produced by gasoline-powered automobiles can combine with other pollutants from industry to form photochemical smog.


the number of minutes in the average American to-work commute

Modern suburban dwellings are typically larger than their counterparts in cities, requiring more energy to heat them in the winter and cool them in the summer. Single-family houses and stand-alone commercial structures can also leak winter heating and summer cooling through multiple exterior walls. In contrast, city apartments not only are typically smaller but also are better able to retain these resources: heating and cooling have greater difficulty escaping because many apartment walls, ceilings, and floors are often shared with neighbouring units.

Vast areas of impermeable surfaces in built-up areas often replace water-absorbing vegetation and permeable soils. Residential and commercial roofs, roads, and parking spaces for automobiles greatly impede the absorption of water into the soil. Rainwater and snowmelt run off these surfaces and may quickly pool in areas of low elevation, increasing the risk of local flooding. Chemicals present on pavement at the time of rain are often carried with runoff as water pollution, reducing water quality and threatening aquatic ecosystems downstream.

Economic costs

Although the phenomenon of urban sprawl contributes greatly to various sectors of the economies of developed countries, there are several economic costs. Many of those costs are passed on to longtime residents of the community or are borne by the public at large. In the United States, current residents of a city or town typically subsidize new construction and infrastructure even before new residents move in. A portion of the tax revenue normally spent on existing neighbourhoods is allocated to the new development. As a result, fewer resources are available to maintain services (such as fire and police protection and the repair of roads and utilities) in older neighbourhoods, and many cities and towns often raise taxes to compensate.

After residents move in, they must contend with high transportation costs associated with automobile ownership and endure time-consuming commutes. Surburban residents pay higher energy fees on average than city dwellers. In addition, since homes, stores, workplaces, and schools are dispersed, suburbs pay more for bus transportation for school-age children, road construction and maintenance, and materials used to build infrastructure, such as electrical wire and pipes needed for energy and water delivery.

Other economic costs are borne by the public at large. For example, new construction typically occurs on land formerly used for agriculture. As this land is converted to urban use, any new agricultural land must be created at the expense of natural areas (such as forests, wetlands, and grasslands). Free ecosystem services (such as flood control and water purification) and natural scenery are often lost or heavily degraded in the process of land conversion.

In newly developed urban areas, the practice of Euclidean zoning segregates housing types by size and income, separating wealthy residents from those in the middle and lower classes. Such economic stratification may also occur in older city neighbourhoods as wealthier residents move to newer housing tracts. A period of decay typically ensues: as the tax base erodes, much-needed repairs to roads and utilities are delayed or canceled.

Community costs

Many authorities argue that urban sprawl diminishes the local character of the community. Ubiquitous retail chains with extravagant signage and façades are often the first to move into newly developed areas. Small local businesses are often hidden by the visual noise of larger stores and restaurants or are clustered into strip malls. Smaller stores and restaurants may not be able to outcompete larger businesses or may be forced to close from lost sales due to changes in automobile traffic patterns that favour larger businesses. While residents may be comforted by the presence of familiar establishments, there is often very little in town centres and commercial zones to distinguish one community from the next.

Alternatives to urban sprawl

Uncontrolled sprawling development does not occur in all communities. Several communities in Europe and North America have been proactive in combating the effects of urban sprawl. Some have developed urban growth boundaries beyond which construction is prohibited or severely restricted, whereas others limit the influence of urban sprawl through innovative land-use planning techniques or community cooperation.

Smart growth communities

Among the many alternatives to urban sprawl, nearly all can be placed under the umbrella of “smart growth” or “New Urbanism.” Smart growth is a management strategy designed to direct the growth of urban areas, whereas New Urbanism focuses on the physical design of communities to create livable and walkable neighbourhoods. In their own ways, both strategies promote economic growth in cities and towns without many of the typical environmental, economic, and community costs associated with urban sprawl.

Advocates of smart growth contend that economic growth can serve the community if it maintains the vitality and distinctiveness of the community and the quality of life for the community’s residents. The movement holds to several principles, and advocates acknowledge that each community must make its own decisions concerning which principles to adhere to or emphasize. The principles of smart growth, which typically include elements of the New Urbanism, are provided below:

  1. An increase in housing opportunities for all.
  2. The creation of pedestrian-friendly communities.
  3. The encouragement of citizen participation in the community decision-making process.
  4. The development of communities that are distinctive and unique.
  5. The creation of opportunities that are favourable to the private sector, since private-sector involvement is essential to smart growth.
  6. The integration of a variety of land-use types into the community.
  7. The preservation of open space, agricultural areas, historic structures and sites, and environmental resources that provide critical services to the area.
  8. An increase in transportation choices.
  9. The support of urban development that includes, rather than excludes, existing neighbourhoods.
  10. The design and construction of compact homes and businesses that use energy efficiently.

One key tool used by officials of cities and towns employing smart growth principles are urban growth boundaries. Urban growth boundaries involve the drawing of mapped lines that separate areas designated for urban expansion from open space and, beyond that, agriculture. The boundary is typically kept in place for a period of 20 years to encourage development within the city and discourage land speculation and subsequent building construction outside the boundary. The most well-known use of the urban growth boundary occurs in Portland, Oregon. The boundary was put in place in 1979. Although Portland’s population increased by 50 percent between 1973 and 2008, new construction was contained within the urban growth boundary. Since that time the city centre has undergone extensive renovation and revitalization, and most areas within the boundary are served by an efficient mass transit system and bicycle trails.

Opponents of smart growth maintain that communities adopting its principles risk exacerbating existing road-congestion problems, unnecessarily burdening mass transit where it is already overused, and prohibitively increasing the operating costs for the private sector, which could induce businesses to relocate to areas governed by more growth-friendly rules. Some opponents say that smart growth does not solve the problem of sprawl, because cities and suburbs must eventually expand to serve rising local populations. If anything, smart growth slows urban sprawl, but it does not stop it where such policies are in place. Other opponents of smart growth maintain that the focus on medium- to high-density developments actually reduces biodiversity in developed areas because all the land is given over to concentrated human uses.

Transit villages

Transit villages, whose residential and commercial areas are built around and served by mass transit networks, might also be linked with the smart growth movement. Before the widespread use of the automobile in the United States and other countries, mass transit, often in the form of streetcars powered by electricity, transported people within urban areas. Transit villages resurrect this old idea by rising up astride existing mass transit lines. They are attractive to environmentalists because they encourage the construction of high-density developments that reduce reliance on private automobiles. The U.S. state of New Jersey has constructed several transit villages since the late 1990s.

Ecovillages and conservation developments

Ecovillages are similar to transit villages. However, they may or may not be served by mass transit. Instead, residents needing to commute to nearby towns and suburbs participate in carpool and ride-share programs. Ecovillages are also characterized by politically involved residents who cooperate with one another to maintain the ecological sustainability of the village. They are often supplied with locally grown foods from nearby farms.

In contrast, conservation developments typically involve individual residential tracts or neighbourhoods set within typical cities and suburbs. These developments may be centred on a particular natural feature or set of features to emphasize the interdependence between humans and the natural environment.

Written by John Rafferty, Editor, Earth and Life Sciences, Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Top image credit: ©Xi Zhang/
