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References & Edit History Facts & Stats

France: References & Edit History

Additional Reading


General works

Comprehensive surveys of the country, using both descriptive and analytic approaches, include Philippe Pinchemel et al., France: A Geographical, Social, and Economic Survey (1987; originally published in French, 1964); Christopher Flockton and Eleonore Kofman, France (1989); Hilary P.M.Winchester, Contemporary France (1993); and Xavier de Planhol, An Historical Geography of France (1994; originally published in French, 1988), all with important bibliographies. Graham Robb, The Discovery of France: A Historical Geography from the Revolution to the First World War (2007), offers an engaging examination of the emergence of a French geographic identity. Michelin Pneu, Michelin: Atlas Routier et Touristique, 7th ed. (2004), is a useful reference source with more detailed information than its title suggests.


Characteristics of major physical regions of France are provided in Clifford Embleton (ed.), Geomorphology of Europe (1984); and Gérard Mottet, Géographie Physique de la France, 3rd rev. and enlarged ed. (1999). Comité National Français de Géographie, Atlas de la France rurale: les campagnes françaises (1984), contains maps and photographs illustrating aspects of rural France, both by type of agriculture and by region; and André Brun et al., Le Grand Atlas de la France rurale (1989), provides documentation on all aspects of life from the point of view of agricultural geography. Ian Scargill, Urban France (1983), includes case studies of new towns.

Human geography

General overviews of regional planning, demography, social structure, economic conditions, culture, and politics are found in John Ardagh, France in the New Century: Portrait of a Changing Society (2000); J.E. Flower (ed.), France Today: Introductory Studies, 8th ed. (1997); Robert Gildea, France Since 1945 (1996, updated 2002); and Emmanuel Todd, La Nouvelle France (1988, reissued 1990). Urban France is discussed in Maryse Fabriès-Verfaillie, Pierre Stragiotti, and Annie Jouve, La France des villes: le temps des métropoles, 2nd ed. (2000). Demographic analyses are provided in Daniel Noin and Yvan Chauviré, La Population de la France, 5th ed., updated (1999); Hervé Le Bras and Emmanuel Todd, L’Invention de la France: atlas anthropologique et politique (2012); and Alec G. Hargreaves, Immigration, ‘Race’ and Ethnicity in Contemporary France (1995).


Comprehensive surveys of modern economic conditions include John Tuppen, The Economic Geography of France (1983); Jean-François Eck, La France dans la nouvelle économie mondiale, 3rd ed. updated (1998); Marcel Baleste, L’Économie française, 13th ed. rev. (1995); and John Tuppen, France Under Recession, 1981–1986 (1988). Additional surveys include Colin Gordon and Paul Kingston, The Business Culture in France (1996); Frances M.B. Lynch, France and the International Economy: From Vichy to the Treaty of Rome (1997); Joseph Szarka, Business in France: An Introduction to the Economic and Social Context (1992); Dominique Taddei and Benjamin Coriat, Made in France: l’industrie française dans la competition mondiale (1993); and Jean Jacques Tur, Géographie humaine et économique de la France (1994). Comprehensive regional studies can be found in Marcel Baleste et al., La France: les 22 régions, 5th ed. (2001); and Pierre Estienne, Les Régions françaises, 2 vol. (1999). Current developments are brought together in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD Economic Surveys: France (annual). Studies of special features of the French economy include Dominique Gambier and Michel Vernieres, L’Emploi en France, new ed. (1998); Nacima Baron-Yellès, Le Tourisme en France: territoires et stratégies (1999); Laurence Bancel-Charensol, Jean-Claude Delaunay, and Muriel Jougleux, Les Services dans l’economie française (1999); and Pierre Bloc-Duraffour, L’Industrie française (1999).

Politics and society

Studies of political administration include Sudhir Hazareesingh, Political Traditions in Modern France (1994); Alistair Cole, French Politics and Society (1998); James F. McMillan, Twentieth-Century France: Politics and Society 1898–1991 (1992); Nick Hewlett, Modern French Politics: Analysing Conflict and Consensus Since 1945 (1998); and Maurice Larkin, France Since the Popular Front: Government and People 1936–1996, 2nd ed. (1997). Law is treated in Christian Dadomo and Susan Farran, The French Legal System, 2nd ed. (1996); and John Bell et al., Principles of French Law (1998). On the more specific question of decentralization, see Jean Marc Ohnet, Histoire de la décentralisation française (1996). Health care is discussed in Marc Duriez et al., Le Système de santé en France, 2nd updated ed. (1999). Social conditions and organizations in the social sphere are the focus of Pierre Laroque (ed.), Les Institutions sociales de la France, updated ed. (1963, reissued 1980). A general view of contemporary features of French society is given in Insee, Données sociales: la société française (1999), France, portrait social 1998–1999, 2nd ed. (1999); and H.R. Kedward, France and the French: A Modern History (2006). A detailed discussion of urban policy is provided in Antoine Anderson, Politiques de la ville (1998).


The philosophical perspectives of French cultural life are examined in Alain Finkielkraut, The Defeat of the Mind (1995; also published as The Undoing of Thought, 1988; originally published in French, 1987). Cultural policies and the interaction of politics and culture are the subject of Pascal Ory, L’Histoire culturelle, 3rd ed. (2011). Bernard-Henri Lévy, Éloge des intellectuels (1987), is an introduction to intellectual life. For literature, see Denis Hollier (ed.), A New History of French Literature (1989, reissued 1994). General views of French culture and society are given in Jill Forbes and Michael Kelly (eds.), French Cultural Studies: An Introduction (1995); Max Silverman, Facing Postmodernity: Contemporary French Thought on Culture and Society, (1999); Martin Cook (ed.), French Culture Since 1945 (1993); and Alex Hughes and Keith Reader, Encyclopedia of Contemporary French Culture (1998, reissued 2002).

Thomas Henry Elkins John N. Tuppen Jean F.P. Blondel John E. Flower


General Works

A great historian’s review of the long sweep of French history, from prehistoric times to the modern era, is Fernand Braudel, The Identity of France, 2nd ed. (1988–90, originally published in French, 1986), and The Identity of France: People and Production (1990; originally published in French, 1986). Excellent thematic treatments are provided in Marc Bloch, French Rural Society: An Essay on Its Basic Characteristics (1966; originally published in French, 1931), a classic study; Fernand Braudel and Ernest Labrousse (eds.), Histoire économique et sociale de la France (1970–82); Georges Duby and Armand Wallon (eds.), Histoire de la France rurale, 4 vol. (1975–76, reprinted 1992); and Georges Duby (ed.), Histoire de la France urbaine, 5 vol. (1980–85).


A stimulating overview of Gaul in the context of French prehistory and early history is found in J.M. Wallace-Hadrill and John McManners (eds.), France: Government and Society, 2nd ed. (1970). Outstanding investigations of particular sites and areas of relevance to the study of Gaul as a whole are Edith Mary Wightman, Gallia Belgica (1985); and A.L.F. Rivet, Gallia Narbonensis: With a Chapter on Alpes Maritimae: Southern France in Roman Times (1988). Life in later Roman Gaul is studied in John Matthews, Western Aristocracies and Imperial Court, A.D. 364–425 (1975, reissued 1998); and Raymond Van Dam, Leadership and Community in Late Antique Gaul (1985, reissued 1992).

John Frederick Drinkwater Jeremy David Popkin

Merovingian and Carolingian age

A comprehensive introduction to the period is found in J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Barbarian West, 400–1000, 3rd rev. ed. (1998). On the Merovingians, see the engaging overview in Patrick J. Geary, Before France and Germany (1988), and J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Long-Haired Kings and Other Studies in Frankish History (1962, reprinted 1982). For the Carolingians, see Pierre Riché, The Carolingians: A Family Who Forged Europe (1993; originally published in French, 1983); and F.L. Ganshof, The Carolingians and the Frankish Monarchy, trans. from French and German (1971). Special studies of the civilization of the period include J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, The Frankish Church (1983); Pierre Riché, Education and Culture in the Barbarian West, Sixth Through Eighth Centuries (1976; originally published in French, 3rd ed., 1962); Suzanne Fonay Wemple, Women in Frankish Society: Marriage and the Cloister, 500 to 900 (1981, reprinted 1985); and Georges Duby, The Early Growth of the European Economy: Warriors and Peasants from the Seventh to the Twelfth Century (1974, reissued 1978; originally published in French, 1973).

Gabriel Fournier Bernard S. Bachrach Jeremy David Popkin

The emergence of France in the Early Middle Ages, c. 850–1180

This period as a whole is well treated in Jean Dunbabin, France in the Making, 843–1180 (1985). The political history of this and the succeeding periods is surveyed best in Elizabeth M. Hallam and Judith Everard, Capetian France, 987–1328, 2nd ed. (2001); but Robert Fawtier, The Capetian Kings in France: Monarchy & Nation, 987–1328 (1960, reissued 1982; originally published in French, 1942), is still a useful classic. Social change and feudalization are studied in Marc Bloch, Feudal Society (1961, reprinted 1989; originally published in French, 1939–40), a seminal work. An alternative to Bloch’s model has been developed by Georges Duby, La Société aux XIe et XIIe siècles dans la région mâconnaise (1953, reissued 1988), and The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined (1980; originally published in French, 1978). Dominique Barthelemy, La Mutation de l’an mil, a-t-elle eu lieu?: servage et chevalerie dans la France des Xe et XIe siècles (1997), is also important.

France in the later Middle Ages, 1180–1490

For the general political history of the period, see the works of Hallam and Fawtier in the previous section. Individual reigns are studied in John W. Baldwin, The Government of Philip Augustus: Foundations of French Royal Power in the Middle Ages (1986); and William Chester Jordan, Louis IX and the Challenge of the Crusade: A Study in Rulership (1979). For economy and society, see Georges Duby, Rural Economy and Country Life in the Medieval West (1968, reprinted 1998; originally published in French, 1962). Social unrest is discussed in Michel Mollat and Philippe Wolff, The Popular Revolutions of the Late Middle Ages (1973; originally published in French, 1970). Charles Petit-Dutaillis, The French Communes in the Middle Ages (1978; originally published in French, 1947), remains the standard account on the cities and towns.

T.N. Bisson Jeremy David Popkin

France from 1490 to 1715

Janine Garrisson, History of Sixteenth-Century France (1995; originally published in French, 1991); and Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, The Royal French State, 1460–1610 (1994; originally published in 1987), offer clear summaries of French history from the Renaissance through the Wars of Religion. David Potter, A History of Modern France, 1460–1560 (1995), is institutional rather than chronological in approach. J. Russell Major, Representative Government in Early Modern France (1980), and From Renaissance Monarchy to Absolute Monarchy: French Kings, Nobles & Estates (1994), explain the role of representative assemblies. Sarah Hanley, The Lit de Justice of the Kings of France: Constitutional Ideology in Legend, Ritual, and Discourse (1983), analyzes one particularly important aspect of the relationship between monarch and institutions. See also R.J. Knecht, Renaissance Warrior and Patron: The Reign of Francis I, rev. and expanded ed. (1994); and David Parker, Class and State in Ancien Régime France: The Road to Modernity? (1996). Donald R. Kelley, The Beginning of Ideology: Consciousness and Society in the French Reformation (1981), is a study of political thought.

Robin Briggs, Early Modern France, 1560–1715, 2nd ed. (1998), is a reliable introduction to 17th-century history. On the religious wars, Mack P. Holt, The French Wars of Religion, 1562–1629 (1995), is an able synthesis. Barbara B. Diefendorf, Beneath the Cross (1991), shows the social origins of the rival religious parties. Roland Mousnier, The Assassination of Henry IV (1973; originally published in French, 1964), is a brilliant analysis of the intersection of politics and religion at the beginning of the 17th century.

Yves-Marie Bercé, The Birth of Absolutism: A History of France, 1598–1661 (1996; originally published in French, 1992), is an admirably clear narrative of the rise of the absolutist monarchy. James B. Collins, The State in Early Modern France (1995, reissued 1999), is an overview of the development of monarchical institutions from 1600 to the Revolution. David Buisseret, Henry IV (1984, reissued 1992), is a good life of the monarch who ended the religious wars. A. Lloyd Moote, Louis XIII, the Just (1989), brings Henri IV’s enigmatic successor to life. A.D. Lublinskaya, French Absolutism: The Crucial Phase, 1620–1629 (1968; originally published in Russian, 1965), discusses the economic crisis of the 17th century. Other works on the period’s political developments include Joseph Bergin, Cardinal Richelieu: Power and the Pursuit of Wealth (1985); J.H. Shennan, The Parlement of Paris, rev. ed. (1998); N.M. Sutherland, The French Secretaries of State in the Age of Catherine de Medici (1962, reprinted 1976); Richard Bonney, The King’s Debts: Finance and Politics in France, 1589–1661 (1981), and Society and Government in France Under Richelieu and Mazarin, 1624–61 (1988); and Sharon Kettering, Patrons, Brokers, and Clients in Seventeenth-Century France (1986). Yves-Marie Bercé, History of Peasant Revolts (1990; originally published in French, 1986), synthesizes scholarship on popular movements. Orest Ranum, The Fronde: A French Revolution (1993), is a concise summary of the confusion of conflicts from 1648 to 1653. A. Lloyd Moote, The Revolt of the Judges: The Parlement of Paris and the Fronde, 1643–1652 (1971), covers one important aspect of the Fronde. Geoffrey Treasure, Mazarin: The Crisis of Absolutism in France (1995), is a thorough biography of the man who preserved Richelieu’s handiwork and set the stage for Louis XIV’s reign. Elizabeth Rapley, The Dévotes: Women and Church in Seventeenth-Century France (1990, reissued 1993), highlights the role of women in the period’s Catholic revival.

On social conditions, see Robert Mandrou, Classes et luttes de classes en France au début du XVIIe siècle (1965); James R. Farr, Hands of Honor: Artisans and Their World in Dijon, 1550–1650 (1988); and Georges Vigarello, Concepts of Cleanliness: Changing Attitudes in France Since the Middle Ages (1988; originally published in French, 1985).

The Age of Louis XIV

Pierre Goubert, Louis XIV and Twenty Million Frenchmen (1970, originally published in French, 1966), provides a synthesis of Louis’s reign; it is supplemented in such special accounts as Lionel Rothkrug, Opposition to Louis XIV: The Political and Social Origins of the French Enlightenment (1965); John C. Rule (ed.), Louis XIV and the Craft of Kingship (1969); Louis André, Louis XIV et l’Europe (1950), on foreign policy; and John B. Wolf, Louis XIV (1968). François Bluche, Louis XIV (1990; originally published in French, 1986), is the most recent full biography of France’s most famous king. Daniel Dessert, Louis XIV prend le pouvoir (1989, reissued 2000), offers a revisionist account of the reign’s beginnings. Albert N. Hamscher, The Parlement of Paris After the Fronde, 1653–1673 (1976), and The Conseil Privé and the Parlements in the Age of Louis XIV: A Study in French Absolutism (1987), provide good introductions to the period. Roger Mettam, Power and Faction in Louis XIV’s France (1988); and Roger Mettam (ed.), Government and Society in Louis XIV’s France (1977), analyze the political structure. William Beik, Absolutism and Society in Seventeenth-Century France (1985), demonstrates in detail how Louis XIV’s government enlisted the collaboration of the nobility. John A. Lynn, Giant of the Grand Siècle: The French Army 1610–1715 (1997), recounts the rise of the main tool of France’s international power. Warren C. Scoville, The Persecution of Huguenots and French Economic Development, 1680–1720 (1960), is important in assessing the effects of the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Peter Burke, The Fabrication of Louis XIV (1992), shows the interconnection between politics and art under the “Sun King.”

J.H. Shennan Jeremy David Popkin

France from 1715 to 1789

Alexis de Tocqueville, The Old Régime and the French Revolution (1955, reprinted 1978; originally published in French, 1856), is still a basic source for the study of the period. Comprehensive histories include Daniel Roche, France in the Enlightenment (1998; originally published in French, 1993), a detailed survey of the period’s society and culture; and vol. 1 of Alfred Cobban, A History of Modern France, 3 vol. (1969). Michel Antoine, Louis XV (1989), is both a biography and an exhaustive account of high politics in that monarch’s reign. Guy Chaussinand-Nogaret, The French Nobility in the Eighteenth Century (1985; originally published in French, 1986), explains the changing nature of the country’s ruling elite.

Steven Laurence Kaplan, Provisioning Paris: Merchants and Millers in the Grain and Flour Trade During the Eighteenth Century (1984), describes a basic feature of the period’s economy. Economic histories make much use of the 18th-century travelogue of Arthur Young, Travels During the Years 1787, 1788, & 1789: Undertaken More Particularly with a View of Ascertaining the Cultivation, Wealth, Resources, and National Prosperity of the Kingdom of France, 2nd ed., 2 vol. (1794), available in many later editions. There are fascinating glimpses of urban life in Louis-Sébastien Mercier, Panorama of Paris: Selections from Tableau de Paris (1999; originally published in French, 1781); and Jacques-Louis Ménétra, Journal of My Life (1986; originally published in French, 1982). The culture and ideology of the period are explored in Robert Darnton, The Forbidden Best-Sellers of Pre-Revolutionary France (1995); Lieselotte Steinbrügge, The Moral Sex: Woman’s Nature in the French Enlightenment (1995; originally published in German, 1992); Dena Goodman, The Republic of Letters: A Cultural History of the French Enlightenment (1994); and Thomas E. Crow, Painters and Public Life in Eighteenth-Century Paris (1985). David Bell, The Cult of the Nation (2001), offers an important new analysis of the growth of national identity. A classic analysis of his thought is Jean Starobinski, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Transparency and Obstruction (1988; originally published in French, 1957). Keith Michael Baker, Inventing the French Revolution (1990); and Dale K. Van Kley, The Religious Origins of the French Revolution (1996), show how revolutionary ideas developed out of prerevolutionary political discourse.

Patrice Louis-René Higonnet Jeremy David Popkin

France from 1789 to 1815

Reliable overviews of the period include D.M.G. Sutherland, France 1789–1815: Revolution and Counter-Revolution (1985); William Doyle, The Oxford History of the French Revolution (1989); and Norman Hampson, A Social History of the French Revolution (1963, reissued 1995).

On the origins of the Revolution, see Jean Egret, The French Pre-Revolution (1977; originally published in French, 1962); and William Doyle, Origins of the French Revolution, 3rd ed. (1998). The best book on the Terror is still R.R. Palmer, Twelve Who Ruled: The Year of the Terror in the French Revolution (1941, reissued 1989). George Rudé, Robespierre (1967), provides excerpts from the Jacobin leader’s speeches. Martyn Lyons, France Under the Directory (1975), surveys the Revolution’s later phase. François Furet and Mona Ozouf (eds.), A Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution (1989; originally published in French, 1988), is an important and original collection of short essays on selected events, actors, institutions, ideas, and historians of the French Revolution. Lynn Hunt, Politics, Culture, and Class in the French Revolution (1984), analyzes the imagery and sociology of revolutionary politics. Notable thematic studies include Georges Lefebvre, The Great Fear of 1789: Rural Panic in Revolutionary France (1973, reissued 1989; originally published in French, 1932); P.M. Jones, The Peasantry in the French Revolution (1988); Albert Soboul, The Parisian Sans-culottes and the French Revolution, 1793–4, trans. from French (1964, reprinted 1979); George Rudé, The Crowd in the French Revolution (1959, reprinted 1986); Dominique Godineau, The Women of Paris and Their French Revolution (1998; originally published in French, 1988); John McManners, The French Revolution and the Church (1969, reprinted 1982); Jean-Paul Bertaud, The Army of the French Revolution (1988; originally published in French, 1979); Emmet Kennedy, A Cultural History of the French Revolution (1989); and Jacques Godechot, The Counter-Revolution: Doctrine and Action, 1789–1804 (1971, reissued 1981; originally published in French, 1961). The international dimension of the Revolution is interpreted in R.R. Palmer, The World of the French Revolution (1971). The best biography of a revolutionary leader is Leo Gershoy, Bertrand Barère: A Reluctant Terrorist (1962). John Hardman, Louis XVI (1993), is a life of the movement’s most illustrious victim; and the reasons for his fate are explained in David Jordan, The King’s Trial (1979, reprinted 1993). Isser Woloch, The New Regime (1994), shows how the Revolution’s principles were institutionalized. Jeremy D. Popkin, Revolutionary News (1990), explains the “media revolution” that was an integral part of the upheaval after 1789.

Martyn Lyons, Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution (1994), is a good overview. On Napoleon’s life, see Felix Markham, Napoleon (1963); Jean Tulard, Napoleon: The Myth of the Saviour (1984; originally published in French, 1977); and Geoffrey Ellis, Napoleon (1997, reissued 2000). The best volume on the Napoleonic regime in France is Louis Bergeron, France Under Napoleon (1981; originally published in French, 1972). Owen Connelly, Blundering to Glory: Napoleon’s Military Campaigns, rev. ed. (1999), is a critical and incisive analysis. For the views of historians across the generations, see Pieter Geyl, Napoleon: For and Against (1949, reissued 1976; originally published in Dutch, 1946).

Isser Woloch Jeremy David Popkin

France since 1815

Volumes 2 and 3 of the already mentioned Alfred Cobban, A History of Modern France, 3 vol. (1957–62, reprinted 1969), present the period from the First Empire to the Republics in a sophisticated synthesis. Gordon Wright, France in Modern Times: From the Enlightenment to the Present, 5th ed. (1995); and Jeremy D. Popkin, History of Modern France, 4th ed. (2012), are general surveys. Good introductions to the periods they cover are H.A.C. Collingham and R.S. Alexander, The July Monarchy 1830–1848 (1988); Maurice Agulhon, The Republican Experiment 1848–1852 (1983; originally published in French, 1973); Alain Plessis, Rise and Fall of the Second Empire 1852–1871 (1985); Jean-Marie Mayeur and Madeleine Réberioux, The Third Republic from Its Origins to the Great War 1871–1914 (1984; originally published in French, 1973); Eugen Weber, The Hollow Years: France in the 1930s (1994); Julian Jackson, France: The Dark Years, 1940–1944 (2002); Jean-Pierre Rioux, The Fourth Republic 1944–1958 (1987; originally published in French, 1980–83); and Serge Berstein, The Republic of de Gaulle 1958–1969 (1993). Serge Berstein, La France de l’expansion: l’apogée Pompidou 1969–1974 (1995), continues the story through the presidency of de Gaulle’s successor. Annie Moulin, Peasantry and Society in France Since 1789 (1991; originally published in French, 1988); and Gérard Noiriel, Workers in French Society in the 19th and 20th Centuries (1990; originally published in French, 1986), are good introductions to social history.

Surveys of special topics on all or most of the period since 1815 include René Rémond, The Right Wing in France from 1815 to de Gaulle, 2nd ed. (1969; originally published in French, 1954), tracing change and continuity of the political right; Gérard Cholvy and Yves-Marie Hilaire, Histoire religieuse de la France contemporaine, 3 vol. (1985–88, reissued 2000), an analysis of the role of various religions; and Raoul Girardet, La Société militaire dans la France contemporaine, 1815–1939, updated ed. (1998), on the changing role and composition of the military corps. The role of France in world affairs is emphasized in Pierre Renouvin, Le XIXe, 2 vol. (1954–55), on the developments of the 19th century, part of the series Histoire des relations internationales. François Caron, An Economic History of Modern France, trans. from French (1979, reissued 1983), revises older views about France’s rate of growth. Theodore Zeldin, France, 1848–1945, 2 vol. (1973–77), explores modern French society, stressing its complexity and continuity. Eugen Weber, Peasants into Frenchmen: The Modernization of Rural France: 1870–1914 (1976), argues that a sense of nationhood came to rural France only in the late 19th century.

Period studies include Guillaume de Bertier de Sauvigny, The Bourbon Restoration (1966, originally published in French, 1955), the standard work on the period 1815–30; Claire Goldberg Moses, French Feminism in the Nineteenth Century (1984), which narrates the growth of women’s movements; Bonnie G. Smith, Ladies of the Leisure Class (1981), a model study of women’s lives; David H. Pinkney, Decisive Years in France, 1840–1847 (1986), arguing that France changed fundamentally in these years; Roger Price, The French Second Republic: A Social History (1972), a thoughtful reevaluation; Philip Nord, The Republican Moment (1995), which analyzes the rise of opposition to the Second Empire; Michael B. Miller, The Bon Marché: Bourgeois Culture and the Department Store, 1869–1920 (1981); Michael Howard, The Franco-Prussian War: The German Invasion of France, 1870–1871, 2nd ed. (2001), a model study; Stewart Edwards, The Paris Commune, 1871 (1971), a balanced reevaluation; and Eugen Weber, France fin de siècle (1986). Roger Shattuck, The Banquet Years: The Origins of the Avant Garde in France, 1885 to World War I, rev. ed. (1968, reissued 1984), is a brilliant survey of Parisian culture of the period. Charles Rearick, Pleasures of the Belle Époque: Entertainment and Festivity in Turn-of-the-Century France (1985), describes the high life in Montmartre. D.W. Brogan, France Under the Republic: The Development of Modern France (1870–1939) (1940, reprinted 1974), is a classic account. Jean-Denis Bredin, The Affair: The Case of Alfred Dreyfus (1986; originally published in French, 1983), provides a highly readable account of the great crisis.

For the 20th century, see Eugen Weber, Action Française: Royalism and Reaction in Twentieth Century France (1962), a full analysis of this right-wing movement; Zeev Sternhell, La Droite révolutionnaire, 1885–1914: les origines françaises du fascisme, new ed., enlarged (2000), a controversial argument that fascism was born in France; Jean-Jacques Becker, The Great War and the French People (1985, reissued 1993; originally published in French, 1980), which shows how France endured the ordeal of total war; Robert O. Paxton, Vichy France: Old Guard and New Order, 1940–1944 (1972, reissued 2001), a critical analysis of the Pétain regime; Jean-Baptiste Duroselle, La Décadence, 1932–1939, 3rd rev. ed. (1985), and L’Abîme: 1939–1945, 2nd rev. ed. (1986, reissued 1990), two volumes of devastating analysis of French foreign policy before and during World War II; Philippe Burrin, France Under the Germans (1996; originally published in French, 1995), a synthesis of research on the occupation; Charles de Gaulle, War Memoirs, 3 vol. (1955–60; originally published in French, 1954–60), and Memoirs of Hope: Renewal and Endeavor (1971; originally published in French, 2 vol., 1970–71), indispensable for an understanding of the Gaullist era; Jean Lacouture, Charles de Gaulle, 3 vol. (1984–86), a full and perceptive biography; Robert Gildea, France Since 1945, rev. ed. (2001), good on the postwar period; and Alfred Grosser, Affaires extérieures: la politique de la France, 1944–1989 (1989), a penetrating analysis of postwar France’s role in the world. Julius W. Friend, The Long Presidency: France in the Mitterrand Years, 1981–1995 (1998), is a handy guide to the recent past. Hugh Dauncey and Geoff Hare (eds.), France and the 1998 World Cup: The National Impact of a World Sporting Event (1999), examines France as the host country and winner of the 1998 football (soccer) championships.

Gordon Wright Eugen Weber

Article History

Type Description Contributor Date
Updated currency exchange rate. Oct 09, 2024
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Sep 13, 2024
Add new Web site: Social Science LibreTexts - France and Cardinal Richelieu. May 31, 2024
Cross-reference corrected. Apr 19, 2024
Media added. Apr 05, 2024
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Jan 10, 2024
Cross-reference added. Nov 17, 2023
Cross-reference added. Oct 30, 2023
Link added. Oct 20, 2023
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Link added. Jul 27, 2023
Media placement updated. Feb 17, 2023
Media added. Feb 16, 2023
Media updated. Feb 16, 2023
Link added. Feb 01, 2023
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. May 19, 2022
Removed media. Jan 03, 2022
Add new Web site: Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - France. Jan 20, 2021
Add new Web site: Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - France. Jan 20, 2021
Country Profile: Updated head of government. Jul 10, 2020
Updated to mention the impact of the Yellow Vest protest movement. Oct 31, 2019
Add new Web site: PBS LearningMedia - Timeline of French History. Jan 10, 2019
Add new Web site: Cool Kid Facts - France Facts For Kids. Jan 10, 2019
Corrected display issue. Jun 27, 2018
Country Profile: Expanded country profile. Jan 30, 2018
Acute accent removed from last letter of Mahore. Aug 09, 2017
Media added. Aug 09, 2017
Updated for the June 2017 parliamentary election. Jun 19, 2017
Country Profile: Updated head of state and head of government. May 15, 2017
In the Major rulers of France table, closed out the term of François Hollande and added Emmanuel Macron. May 14, 2017
Corrected display issue. Jan 05, 2017
Updated for developments in the 2017 presidential race. Dec 07, 2016
In People section, added data charts. Dec 06, 2016
Country Profile: Updated head of government. Dec 06, 2016
Updated to reflect the 2016 administrative reorganization. Dec 06, 2016
In Economy section, added data charts. Dec 06, 2016
Add new Web site: Science Kids - Fun Science and Technology for Kids - France Facts for Kids. Dec 05, 2016
Add new Web site: Easy Science for Kids - France. Dec 05, 2016
Updated for the Bastille Day attack in Nice. Jul 15, 2016
Added locator map to the Introduction. May 05, 2016
Updated for the November 2015 terrorist attacks. Nov 18, 2015
Changed "Francis Ferdinand" to "Franz Ferdinand." Nov 12, 2015
Added video. Aug 24, 2015
Media added. Jun 11, 2015
Added video. May 19, 2015
Added video. May 19, 2015
Updated for additional developments in the Charlie Hebdo attack. Jan 10, 2015
Updated for the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Jan 08, 2015
Added video. Dec 17, 2014
Updated for the resignation of the Valls government. Aug 26, 2014
Replaced photograph. Aug 22, 2014
Add new Web site: globalEDGE - France. Jul 20, 2014
Added photograph of an early printing of Candide. Apr 23, 2014
Updated for March 2014 municipal elections. Mar 31, 2014
Government and society section revised and updated. Apr 24, 2013
History section revised and updated. Apr 24, 2013
Intro section revised and updated. Apr 24, 2013
Land section revised and updated. Apr 24, 2013
People section revised and updated. Apr 24, 2013
Economy section revised and updated. Apr 24, 2013
Cultural life section revised and updated. Apr 24, 2013
Media added. Feb 26, 2013
Updated with details about the first nine months of the Hollande administration. Feb 13, 2013
Add new Web site: Maps of World - France. Feb 07, 2013
Add new Web site: Foreign and Commonwealth Office - France. Dec 13, 2012
Add new Web site: European Union - France. Dec 13, 2012
Updated for the 2012 French parliamentary elections. Jun 21, 2012
Country Profile: Updated for the installation of Jean-Marc Ayrault as prime minister. May 25, 2012
In the Major rulers of France table, closed out the term of Nicolas Sarkozy and added François Hollande. May 15, 2012
Country Profile: Added François Hollande as president. May 15, 2012
Updated for the 2012 presidential election. May 07, 2012
Country Profile: Changed form of government. Feb 27, 2012
Country Profile: Added name of head of state and head of government, along with urban-rural, life expectancy, literacy, and GNI per capita statistics. Feb 27, 2012
Country Profile: Added name of head of state and head of government. urban-rural, life expectancy, literacy, and GNI per capita statistics. Sep 06, 2011
Restructured article. Aug 22, 2011
Add new Web site: Fact Monster - People - Biography of Galina Ulanova. May 10, 2011
Updated for the implementation of France's ban on face-covering veils. Apr 11, 2011
National anthem added. Dec 21, 2010
Updated History section with the continuing nationwide strikes. Oct 19, 2010
Updated People section with France's ban of the full-face veil. Oct 12, 2010
Updated History section with France's ban of full facial veils. Sep 15, 2010
Add new Web site: - France. Aug 16, 2010
Added image of victory parade in Paris. May 25, 2010
Clarified the administrative status of Corsica in the Regional and local government section. Updated Political process section with the continued dominance of the UMP. Mar 23, 2010
Updated with the heavy defeat of Sarkozy's political party in regional elections. Mar 23, 2010
Country Profile: Updated area and population figures. Mar 12, 2010
Added video of Charles de Gaulle in Verdun, 1948. Mar 10, 2010
Added map of French wine regions. Nov 24, 2009
Geologic time data updated. Oct 06, 2009
Video of the 1968 student uprising added. Sep 11, 2009
Changed end date of provisional government from 1947 to 1946, the year the constitution of the Fourth Republic took effect. Aug 12, 2009
Added new Web site: ThinkQuest - France’s Geography. May 01, 2009
Added new Web site: National Geographic Kids - Countries - France. Apr 20, 2009
Updated with France's plans to grant Mayotte the status of French overseas department. Mar 30, 2009
Updated "Security" section with France's announced plan to rejoin NATO's integrated military command. Mar 13, 2009
Updated introduction with France's announced plan to rejoin NATO's integrated military command. Mar 12, 2009
Article revised and updated. Jan 08, 2009
People section revised. Jan 08, 2009
Added new Web site: Jewish Virtual Library - France Virtual Jewish History Tour. Oct 24, 2008
Added new Web site: Think Quest - France's Geography. Aug 07, 2008
Media added. Aug 04, 2008
Added new Web site: UNCG Division of Continual Learning - French History Timeline. Jul 31, 2008
Article revised. Jul 02, 2008
Added new Web site: The Canadian Encyclopedia - France. Jun 25, 2008
Updated finance section with new info on Paris Bourse. Jun 19, 2008
Article revised and updated. Jun 19, 2008
Added new Web site: Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - France. May 09, 2008
Added new Web site: CRW Flags - Flag of France. Mar 18, 2008
Added new Web site: The Catholic Encyclopedia - France. Mar 18, 2008
Added new Web site: Thinkquest - France's Geography. Mar 18, 2008
Media added. Oct 25, 2007
Added new Web site: HistoryWorld - France. Aug 27, 2007
Added new Web site: Official Site of Embassy of France in Zamibia and Malawi. Aug 16, 2007
Article revised and updated. May 11, 2007
Added new Web site: Lonely Planet - France. Jan 19, 2007
Added new Web site: Official Site of the Embassy of France in the United Kingdom. Aug 31, 2006
Added new Web site: Library of Congress - France - Selected Internet Resources. Aug 08, 2006
Added new Web site: CIA - The World Factbook - France. Jul 26, 2006
Added new Web site: Official Site of the Embassy of France in the United States. Jul 20, 2006
Article revised and updated. Apr 27, 2006
Article revised. Dec 01, 2005
Article revised. May 27, 2005
Article revised. Jan 12, 2000
Article added to new online database. Jul 24, 1998
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