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References & Edit History Facts & Stats

United Kingdom: References & Edit History

Additional Reading


Land and people

The Ordnance Survey Motoring Atlas: Britain 2001 (2000) is an authoritative atlas of the United Kingdom. Tony Champion (A.G. Champion) et al., The Population of Britain in the 1990s: A Social and Economic Atlas (1996), provides a detailed social portrait of the nation in map form. Eric H. Brown and Keith Clayton (eds.), The Geomorphology of the British Isles (1976– ), a series arranged by region, explores the evolution of the country’s complex and varied landforms. Changes in the observable landscapes are detailed in several works in the series by Roy Millward and Adrian Robinson, Landscapes of Britain (1971–73). Classic illustrated works on physical geography include L. Dudley Stamp, Britain’s Structure and Scenery, 6th ed. (1967, reprinted 1984); and Gordon Manley, Climate and the British Scene (1952, reissued 1971). A.G. Tansley, The British Islands and Their Vegetation (1939, reissued in 2 vol., 1965), is a monumental classic on the ecology of the British Isles.

Useful sources on the human geography of the United Kingdom include J.W. House (ed.), The UK Space: Resources, Environment, and the Future, 3rd ed. (1982); and Vince Gardiner and Hugh Matthews (eds.), The Changing Geography of the United Kingdom, 3rd ed. (2000). Mohan Luthra, Britain’s Black Population: Social Change, Public Policy, and Agenda (1997), presents a study of the United Kingdom’s ethnic minorities. Information on recent developments in the country’s demography and social conditions appears in Britain (annual), published by the Central Office of Information.

William Ravenhill


Historical studies of economic development and growth include R.C.O. Matthews, C.H. Feinstein, and J.C. Odling-Smee, British Economic Growth, 1856–1973 (1982); Rex Pope, The British Economy Since 1914: A Study in Decline? (1998); Roger Middleton, The British Economy Since 1945: Engaging with the Debate (2000); Peter Browning, The Treasury and Economic Policy, 1964–1985 (1986); and Nick Gardner, Decade of Discontent: The Changing British Economy Since 1973 (1987). David Sinclair, The Pound: A Biography (2000), provides a popular history of Britain’s currency. General surveys of the economy by sector include M.H. Peston, The British Economy: An Elementary Macroeconomic Perspective, 2nd ed. (1984); and John Black, The Economics of Modern Britain: An Introduction to Macroeconomics, 4th ed. (1985). J.C.R. Dow and I.D. Saville, A Critique of Monetary Policy: Theory and British Experience (1988, reissued 1990); and C.A.E. Goodhart, Monetary Theory and Practice: The UK Experience (1984), explore monetary issues. Special studies of economic performance and economic conditions include Ben Fine and Laurence Harris, The Peculiarities of the British Economy (1985); John Kay, Colin Mayer, and David Thompson (eds.), Privatization and Regulation: The UK Experience (1986); and Rüdiger Dornbusch and Richard Layard (eds.), The Performance of the British Economy (1987). William Keegan, Mrs. Thatcher’s Economic Experiment (1984); Samuel Brittan, Capitalism with a Human Face (1995); and Will Hutton, The State We’re In, rev. ed. (1996), analyze the influence of government policy on the country’s economy. Hugo Young, This Blessed Plot: Britain and Europe from Churchill to Blair, rev. ed. (1999), provides an account of the United Kingdom’s relations with the rest of Europe during the second half of the 20th century. Historical and current economic developments are treated in OECD Economic Surveys: United Kingdom (annual), published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; National Institute Economic Review (quarterly); and Economic Outlook (monthly), published by the London Business School Centre for Economic Forecasting.

Ulric M. Spencer

Administration and social conditions

Discussions of governmental organization and politics include Dennis Kavanagh, British Politics: Continuities and Change, 4th ed. (2000); Ian Budge et al., The New British Politics (1998); Jeremy Paxman, Friends in High Places: Who Runs Britain? (1990); John Mohan (ed.), The Political Geography of Contemporary Britain (1989); David Butler, The Electoral System in Britain Since 1918, 2nd ed. (1963, reprinted 1986); Alan R. Ball, British Political Parties: The Emergence of a Modern Party System, 2nd ed. (1987); and John Kingdom, Government and Politics in Britain, 2nd ed. (1999). Philip Norton, The British Polity, 3rd ed. (1994); Peter Hennessy, Cabinet (1986); and Michael Ryle and Peter G. Richards (eds.), The Commons Under Scrutiny, 3rd rev. ed. (1988), discuss the constitutional framework. Peter Hennessy, Whitehall (1989), provides a detailed history of the civil service. Peter Hennessy, The Hidden Wiring: Unearthing the British Constitution (1995), presents a survey of current governmental and administrative practice.

Sources on the operations of local government include David Wilson and Chris Game, Local Government in the United Kingdom (1994); Tony Travers, The Politics of Local Government Finance (1986); Richard Jackman, Paying for Local Government (1986), a report to Parliament; and Tony Travers, Change for Local Government: A Commentary on the Government’s Proposals for Local Authority Finance (1998).

R.M. Jackson, Jackson’s Machinery of Justice, 8th ed., ed. by J.R. Spencer (1989); and Robert Reiner, The Politics of the Police, new ed. (1999), look at the political aspects of the administration of law and law enforcement. Considerations of education include Keith Evans, The Development and Structure of the English School System (1985), a study of school management and organization; and Roy Lowe, Education in the Post-War Years: A Social History (1988), which explores the change in policies in the mid-20th century that continue to influence the educational system of the United Kingdom. Michael Sanderson, Education and Economic Decline in Britain, 1870 to the 1990s (1999), explores the hypothesis that education policy has contributed to the United Kingdom’s recent economic problems.

Nicholas Timmins, The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State, rev. and updated (2001), offers a survey of the evolution of the United Kingdom’s welfare state since the 1940s. Contrasting views on the administration of welfare economics are discussed in Julian Le Grand, The Strategy of Equality: Redistribution and the Social Services (1982); Howard Glennerster, Paying for Welfare: Towards 2000, 3rd ed. (1997); Nicholas Barr, The Economics of the Welfare State, 3rd ed. (1998); and A.B. Atkinson, The Economic Consequences of Rolling Back the Welfare State (1999). Christopher Ham, Health Policy in Britain: The Politics and Organisation of the National Health Service, 4th ed. (1999), examines public policy and the politics of the health care system. Analyses of policies on income maintenance and redistribution and provision of housing include A.B. Atkinson, The Economics of Inequality, 2nd ed. (1983); J.A. Kay, The British Tax System, 5th ed. (1990); A.E. Holmans, Housing Policy in Britain: A History (1987); and Peter Malpass and Alan Murie, Housing Policy and Practice, 5th ed. (1999).

Nicholas A. Barr

Cultural life

Useful information on all aspects of the cultural and social life of the United Kingdom over the centuries appears in Alan Isaacs and Jennifer Monk (eds.), The Cambridge Illustrated Dictionary of British Heritage (1986), an alphabetically arranged reference work. Historical studies of social and cultural customs include Hugh Cunningham, Leisure in the Industrial Revolution: c. 1780–c. 1880 (1980); and Susan Lasdun, Victorians at Home (1981, reprinted 1985). A good description of the country’s architecture accompanies the excellent maps and photographs in Nigel Saul (ed.), The National Trust Historical Atlas of Britain: Prehistoric to Medieval (1993, reissued 1997). Other analyses of special topics include Alastair Fowler, A History of English Literature (1987, reissued 1991); Ian Ousby (ed.), The Cambridge Guide to Literature in English, new. ed. (1993); David Christopher, British Culture: An Introduction (1999); Peter Miles and Malcolm Smith, Cinema, Literature, & Society: Elite and Mass Culture in Interwar Britain (1987); Colin Seymour-Ure, The British Press and Broadcasting Since 1945, 2nd ed. (1996); and Iain Chambers, Popular Culture: The Metropolitan Experience (1986), which explores the relationship between the development and growth of cities and the complexity of modern popular culture. Richard Hoggart, An English Temper: Essays on Education, Culture, and Communications (1982), offers a wide-reaching examination of intellectual life. A criticism of the commercialization of British culture is found in Richard Hoggart, The Way We Live Now (1995; also published as The Tyranny of Relativism: Culture and Politics in Contemporary English Society, 1998).

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica


General works

The multivolume The Oxford History of England series, with the individual works cited in the appropriate chronological sections below, provides a comprehensive survey and excellent bibliographies. More concise overviews include George Macaulay Trevelyan, History of England, new illustrated ed. (1973); Arvel B. Erickson and Martin J. Havran, England: Prehistory to the Present (1968); Maurice Ashley, Great Britain to 1688: A Modern History (1961); K.B. Smellie, Great Britain Since 1688: A Modern History (1962); and Christopher Hibbert, The English: A Social History, 1066–1945 (1986). Christopher Haigh (ed.), The Cambridge Historical Encyclopedia of Great Britain and Ireland (1985); and E.B. Fryde et al. (eds.), Handbook of British Chronology, 3rd ed. (1986), are useful for quick reference.

Ancient Britain

Stuart Piggott, Ancient Europe from the Beginnings of Agriculture to Classical Antiquity (1965, reprinted 1980), a survey of the pre-Roman period; and Timothy Darvill, Prehistoric Britain (1987), a systematic account of the same five centuries, are both based on modern archaeological research. Peter Salway, Roman Britain (1981), from the above-mentioned Oxford series; and Sheppard Frere, Britannia: A History of Roman Britain, 3rd rev. ed. (1987), provide detailed analyses. A.L.F. Rivet (ed.), The Roman Villa in Britain (1969), describes various aspects of the Roman villas of Britain and the agricultural system and way of life they represent; Anthony Birley, Life in Roman Britain, new ed. (1981), studies the government, institutions, life, and religions of Roman Britain as they are reflected in archaeological finds and works of the ancient historians; and Eric Birley, Roman Britain and the Roman Army (1953, reprinted 1976), explores the organization of the Roman army through the evidence of inscriptions.

The Anglo-Saxon period

A valuable translation of and commentary on essential records and narrative material preserved in primary sources is provided in Dorothy Whitelock (ed.), English Historical Documents, c. 500–1042, 2nd ed. (1979), the first volume of a new edition of the noted multivolume series of sources. Modern general histories include Frank Stenton, Anglo-Saxon England, 3rd ed. (1971, reprinted 1989); Peter Hunter Blair, An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England, 3rd ed. (2003); D.J.V. Fisher, The Anglo-Saxon Age, c. 400–1042 (1973); Dorothy Whitelock, The Beginning of English Society, 2nd ed. (1954, reprinted 1982); and R.I. Page, Life in Anglo-Saxon England (1970). Special topics are covered in J.N.L. Myres, The English Settlements (1986); Martyn J. Whittock, The Origins of England, 410–600 (1986); J.M. Wallace-Hadrill, Early Germanic Kinship in England and on the Continent (1971, reprinted 1980); William A. Chaney, The Cult of Kingship in Anglo-Saxon England: The Transition from Paganism to Christianity (1970); Henry Mayr-Harting, The Coming of Christianity to Anglo-Saxon England, 3rd ed. (1991); John Godfrey, The Church in Anglo-Saxon England (1962); Frank Barlow, The English Church, 1000–1066: A History of the Later Anglo-Saxon Church, 2nd ed. (1979); H.R. Loyn, The Governance of Anglo-Saxon England, 500–1087 (1984), and The Vikings in Britain (1977); Frank Barlow, Edward the Confessor (1970, reprinted 1984); James Tait, The Medieval English Borough: Studies on Its Origins and Constitutional History (1936, reprinted 1968); Charles S. Orwin and Christabel S. Orwin, The Open Fields, 3rd ed. (1967); Christine Fell, Cecily Clark, and Elizabeth Williams, Women in Anglo-Saxon England and the Impact of 1066 (1984); and James Campbell, Essays in Anglo-Saxon History (1986).

England from 1066 to 1485

Translation of a wide range of sources, with commentary, can be found in David C. Douglas and George W. Greenaway (eds.), English Historical Documents, 1042–1189 (1953); Harry Rothwell (ed.), English Historical Documents, 1189–1327 (1975); and A.R. Myers (ed.), English Historical Documents, 1327–1485 (1969), all from the above-mentioned series. Other good anthologies are R. Allen Brown, The Norman Conquest (1984); Bertie Wilkinson, The Constitutional History of England, 1216–1399, 3 vol. (1948–58, reprinted as The Constitutional History of Medieval England, 1216–1399, 1965–67), and Constitutional History of England in the Fifteenth Century, 1399–1485 (1964). General works recommended include Helen M. Cam, England Before Elizabeth, 3rd ed. (1967); Austin Lane Poole, From Domesday Book to Magna Carta, 1087–1216, 2nd ed. (1955, reprinted 1998); Maurice Powicke, The Thirteenth Century, 1216–1307, 2nd ed. (1962); M.T. Clanchy, England and Its Rulers, 1066–1272: Foreign Lordship and National Identity (1983); May McKisack, The Fourteenth Century, 1307–1399 (1959, reprinted 1992); Anthony Tuck, Crown and Nobility 1272–1461: Political Conflict in Late Medieval England (1985); Michael Prestwich, The Three Edwards: War and State in England, 1272–1377 (1980); E.F. Jacob, The Fifteenth Century, 1399–1485 (1961, reprinted 1993); and M.H. Keen, England in the Later Middle Ages: A Political History (1973). Among studies of individual reigns are David C. Douglas, William the Conqueror: The Norman Impact upon England, new ed. (1999); Frank Barlow, William Rufus (1983); R.H.C. Davis, King Stephen, 1135–1154 (1967, reissued 1977); W.L. Warren, Henry II (1973); Michael Prestwich, Edward I (1988); G.L. Harriss (ed.), Henry V: The Practice of Kingship (1985); Bertram Wolffe, Henry VI (1973); Charles Ross, Edward IV (1974, reprinted 1999), and Richard III (1981, reprinted 1988). The history of government and administration are considered in W.L. Warren, The Governance of Norman and Angevin England, 1086–1272 (1987); S.B. Chrimes, An Introduction to the Administrative History of Mediaeval England, 3rd ed. (1966); and T.F. Tout, Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England: The Wardrobe, the Chamber, and the Small Seals, 6 vol. (1920–33, reprinted 1967).

Recommended works on special topics include R. Allen Brown, The Normans and the Norman Conquest, 2nd ed. (1985); V.H. Galbraith, The Making of Domesday Book (1961), superseded in many ways, but a classic; and Peter Sawyer (ed.), Domesday Book: A Reassessment (1985). Feudal society is the subject of Frank Stenton, The First Century of English Feudalism, 1066–1166, 2nd ed. (1961, reprinted 1979); Austin Lane Poole, Obligations of Society in the XII and XIII Centuries (1946, reprinted 1984); and J.C. Holt, Magna Carta (1965), the best account of the Great Charter. Also useful is J.C. Holt, Magna Carta and Medieval Government (1985). Studies of the nobility include K.B. McFarlane, The Nobility of Later Medieval England (1973, reprinted 1997), a most influential book; and Chris Given-Wilson, The English Nobility in the Late Middle Ages: The Fourteenth-Century Political Community (1987). Parliament is studied in G.O. Sayles, The King’s Parliament of England (1974); G.L. Harriss, King, Parliament, and Public Finance in Medieval England to 1369 (1975); E.B. Fryde and Edward Miller (ed.), Historical Studies of the English Parliament, 2 vol. (1970); and R.G. Davies and J.H. Denton (eds.), The English Parliament in the Middle Ages (1981). The economy of the period is characterized in J.L. Bolton, The Medieval English Economy, 1150–1500 (1980); Edward Miller and John Hatcher, Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change, 1086–1348 (1978); M.M. Postan, The Medieval Economy and Society: An Economic History of Britain in the Middle Ages (1972); Reginald Lennard, Rural England: 1086–1135: A Study of Social and Agrarian Conditions (1959, reprinted 1966); and John Hatcher, Plague, Population, and the English Economy, 1348–1530 (1977). England’s major trade is discussed in Eileen Power, The Wool Trade in English Medieval History (1941, reprinted 1987); and T.H. Lloyd, The English Wool Trade in the Middle Ages (1977). Also informative are Susan Reynolds, An Introduction to the History of English Medieval Towns (1977, reprinted 1982); and Maurice Beresford, New Towns of the Middle Ages: Town Plantation in England, Wales and Gascony (1967, reprinted 1988). Studies of the church include Frank Barlow, The English Church, 1066–1154: A History of the Anglo-Norman Church (1979); David Knowles, The Monastic Order in England: A History of Its Development from the Times of St. Dunstan to the Fourth Lateran Council, 940–1216, 2nd ed. (1963), and The Religious Orders in England, 3 vol. (1948–59, reprinted 1979); W.A. Pantin, The English Church in the Fourteenth Century (1955, reprinted 1980); and C.H. Lawrence (ed.), The English Church and the Papacy in the Middle Ages (1965, reprinted 1984). Studies of the law of the period include Frederick Pollock and Frederic William Maitland, The History of English Law Before the Time of Edward I, 2nd ed., 2 vol. (1898, reissued 1982), still fundamental; Doris M. Stenton, English Justice Between the Norman Conquest and the Great Charter, 1066–1215 (1964); Alan Harding, The Law Courts of Medieval England (1973); S.F.C. Milsom, The Legal Framework of English Feudalism (1976, reprinted 1986); and John Bellamy, Crime and Public Order in England in the Later Middle Ages (1973).

England in the 16th century

Collections of documents that address the political and administrative history as well as the legal and constitutional matters include G.R. Elton (ed.), The Tudor Constitution, 2nd ed. (1982); and G. Bray, Documents of the English Reformation 1526–1701 (1994). The best introductory surveys are J.S. Morrill (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of Tudor and Stuart Britain (1996); S. Brigden, New Worlds, Lost Worlds: Britain 1485–1603 (2000); M. Nicholls, A History of the British Isles 1529–1603: The Two Kingdoms (1998); and (making rather higher demands in terms of foreknowledge) J.A. Guy, Tudor England (1988). K. Wrightson, Earthly Necessities: Economic Lives in Early Modern Britain (2000), supercedes all previous works on economic and social development; although D.C. Coleman, The Economy of England 1450–1750 (1980); and C.G.A. Clay, Economic Expansion and Social Change 1500–1700, 2 vol. (1984), are important supplements. At a more detailed level, G.R. Elton, Reform and Reformation 1509–1558 (1977), is a classic statement of an influential interpretation; and P. Williams, The Later Tudors 1547–1603 (1995), is also informative. The best biographies of the Tudor monarchs are S.B. Chrimes, Henry VII (1972); J.J. Scarisbrick, Henry VIII, new ed. (1997); D. Starkey, The Reign of Henry VIII (1985), a pitiless dissection of the king; J. Loach, Edward VI (1999); D. Loades, The Reign of Mary Tudor (1979); J. Hurstfield, Elizabeth I and the Unity of England (1960), a short positive account among the hundreds written about the queen; and C. Haigh (ed.), Elizabeth I (1984), a negative view. Books that bring particular periods, events, and subjects to life include B. Thompson (ed.), The Reign of Henry VII (1995); S. Thurley, The Royal Palaces of Tudor England (1993); J. Guy, Thomas More (2000); D. MacCulloch, Thomas Cranmer (1996); E. Duffy, The Stripping of the Altars (1992); C. Haigh, English Reformations (1993); R. Rex, Henry VIII and the English Reformation (1993); D. MacCulloch, Tudor Church Militant (1999); P. Collinson: The Religion of Protestants: The Church in English Society 1559–1625 (1982); S. Alford, The Early Elizabethan Polity: William Cecil and the British Succession Crisis (1999); P. Collinson, Elizabethan Essays (1994); J.A. Guy (ed.), The Reign of Elizabeth I: Court and Culture in the Last Decade (1995); A. Walsham, Church Papists: Catholicism, Conformity and Confessional Polemic in Early Modern England (1993); T. Watt, Cheap Print and Popular Piety: 1550–1640 (1991); F. Heal and C. Holmes, The Gentry of England and Wales 1500–1700 (1994); J. Thirsk (ed.), The Agrarian History of England and Wales (1967); K. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic (1971); M. Spufford, The World of Rural Dissenters 1520–1725 (1995); D. Cressy, Birth, Marriage, and Death: Ritual, Religion, and the Life-Cycle (1997); B. Bradshaw and J. Morrill (eds.), The British Problem c. 1534–1707 (1996); J. Burns, The Trew Law of Kings: Concepts of Monarchy in Early Modern Scotland (1999); J. Wormald, Mary Queen of Scots (1988); and S.G. Ellis, Ireland in the Age of the Tudors, 1447–1603: English Expansion and the End of Gaelic Rule (1998).

Britain in the 17th century

Selections of documents that explore the political and administrative history as well as legal and constitutional history include J.P. Kenyon (ed.), The Stuart Constitution, 2nd ed. (1985); and J. Thirsk and J.P. Cooper, Seventeenth-Century Economic Documents (1972). D. Wootton, Divine Right and Democracy (1986), is a thoughtful collection of extracts from a wide range of polemical texts. The best introductory surveys are J.S. Morrill (ed.), The Oxford Illustrated History of Tudor and Stuart Britain (1996); M.A. Kishlansky, A Monarchy Transformed: Britain 1603–1714 (1996); and B. Coward, The Stuart Age: England, 1603–1714, 2nd ed. (1994). D. Hirst, England in Conflict 1603–1660: Kingdom, Community, Commonwealth (1999); G. Holmes, The Making of a Great Power: Late Stuart and Early Georgian Britain 1660–1722 (1993); and J. Hoppit, A Land of Liberty? England 1689–1727 (2000), are more advanced surveys. C. Hill, The Century of Revolution, rev. ed. (1990); and J. Scott, England’s Troubles: Seventeenth-Century English Political Instability in European Context (2000), are brilliant and controversial overviews. S.R. Gardiner History of England from the Accession of James I to the Outbreak of the Civil War, 1603–1642, rev. ed., 10 vol. (1883–84), History of the Great Civil War, rev. ed., 4 vol. (1893), and History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, new ed., 4 vol. (1903), 18 stellar volumes of narrative written in the second half of the19th century, still provide absolutely fundamental coverage of the years 1603–56 (except for the reign of James I). C.H. Firth, The Last Years of the Protectorate 1656–58, 2 vol. (1909), written by a friend of Gardiner’s, continues the narrative to the death of Oliver Cromwell. Thematic books covering the century include M.J. Braddick, State Formation in Early Modern England (2000), and The Nerves of State: Taxation and the Financing of the English State 1558–1714 (1996); D.L. Smith, The Stuart Parliaments 1603–1689 (1999); G. Burgess, Absolute Monarchy and the Stuart Constitution (1996); J. Spurr, English Puritanism 1603–1689 (1998); J. Ohlmeyer, Political Thought in Seventeenth-Century Ireland: Kingdom or Colony (2000); K. Brown, Kingdom or Province? Scotland and the Regal Union 1603–1715 (1992); K. Wrightson, Earthly Necessities: Economic Lives in Early Modern Britain (2000); C.G.A. Clay, Economic Expansion and Social Change 1500–1700, 2 vol. (1984); and J.A. Sharpe, Early Modern England: A Social History 1550–1760 (1987). There are few biographies of Stuart monarchs, but M. Lee, Great Britain’s Solomon: James VI and I in His Three Kingdoms (1990); C. Carlton, Charles I, the Personal Monarch, 2nd ed. (1995); R. Hutton, Charles II: King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1989); F.C. Turner, James II (1948); S.B. Baxter, William III (1966); and Edward Gregg, Queen Anne (1980), have all stood the test of time. In some ways the vignettes in J.P. Kenyon, The Stuarts: A Study in English Kinship (1958), are the most penetrating word portraits of all. The vast array of studies of particular problems and events includes such representative and evocative selections as C. Russell, The Causes of the English Civil War (1990); K. Sharpe, The Personal Rule of Charles I (1992); T. Webster, The Godly Clergy in Early Stuart England (1997); J. Morrill, The Nature of the English Revolution (1993), and Revolt in the Provinces: The People of England and the Tragedies of War 1634–1648 (1999); M. Bennett, The Civil Wars in Britain and Ireland (1997); B. Coward, Oliver Cromwell (1991); C. Hill, God’s Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution (1970), and The World Turned Upside Down (1972); T. Harris, Politics Under the Later Stuarts (1993); J. Spurr, The Restoration Church of England 1646–1689 (1991); N.H. Keeble, The Literary Culture of Nonconformity in Later Seventeenth-Century England (1987); J.R. Western, Monarchy and Revolution: The English State in the 1680s (1972); J.I. Israel, The Anglo-Dutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and Its World Impact (1991); J.H. Plumb, The Growth of Political Stability 1675–1725 (1967); G.V. Bennett, The Tory Crisis in Church and State 1688–1730 (1975); P. Laslett, The World We Have Lost, 3rd ed. (1983); E.A. Wrigley and R.S. Schofield, The Population History of England and Wales 1541–1871 (1981); P. Slack, The Impact of Plague (1985); Sara Heller Mendelson and P. Crawford, Women in Early Modern England, 1550–1720 (1998); K. Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic (1971); J.A. Sharpe, Instruments of Darkness: Witchcraft in England, 1550–1750 (1996); D.E. Underdown, Fire from Heaven: Life in an English Town in the Seventeenth Century (1992), a study of political and religious struggle in Dorchester; and R. Hutton, The Rise and Fall of Merry England: The Ritual Year, 1400–1700 (1994).

John S. Morrill

Britain, 1714–1815

Documentary sources of the period are gathered in D.B. Horn and Mary Ransome (eds.), English Historical Documents, 1714–1783 (1957); and A. Aspinall and E. Anthony Smith (eds.), English Historical Documents, 1783–1832 (1959). The Oxford series offers Basil Williams, The Whig Supremacy, 1714–1760, 2nd rev. ed., ed. by C.H. Stuart (1962, reprinted 1982); and J. Steven Watson, The Reign of George III, 1760–1815 (1960, reprinted 2004). The most accessible later introductions to the period include Roy Porter, English Society in the Eighteenth Century (1982); W.A. Speck, Stability and Strife: England, 1714–1760 (1977); Eric J. Evans, The Forging of the Modern State: Early Industrial Britain, 1783–1870 (1983); Paul Langford, The Eighteenth Century, 1688–1815 (1976); and John Cannon (ed.), The Whig Ascendancy: Colloquies on Hanoverian England (1981). Interesting information and strongly opinionated criticism of accepted historiographical and political thought on the period are found in J.C.D. Clark, English Society, 1688–1832: Ideology, Social Structure, and Political Practice During the Ancien Regime (1985). Surveys of Wales and Scotland in this period include Philip Jenkins, The Making of a Ruling Class: The Glamorgan Gentry, 1640–1790 (1983), a broader study than its title suggests; David J.V. Jones, Before Rebecca: Popular Protests in Wales, 1793–1835 (1973); and Bruce Lenman, Integration, Enlightenment, and Industrialization: Scotland 1746–1832 (1981). The Walpole era is examined in H.T. Dickinson, Walpole and the Whig Supremacy (1973); Jeremy Black (ed.), Britain in the Age of Walpole (1984); and, for the Opposition view, Linda Colley, In Defiance of Oligarchy: The Tory Party, 1714–60 (1982); and E.P. Thompson, Whigs and Hunters: The Origin of the Black Act (1975, reissued 1985). The Pelhams are at the centre of John B. Owen, The Rise of the Pelhams (1957, reprinted 1971); and F.J. McLynn, The Jacobite Army in England, 1745: The Final Campaign (1983). Broader developments in British society at this time are explored in John Cannon, Aristocratic Century: The Peerage of Eighteenth-Century England (1984); G.A. Cranfield, The Development of the Provincial Newspaper, 1700–1760 (1962, reprinted 1978); P.J. Corfield, The Impact of English Towns, 1700–1800 (1982); and Neil McKendrick, John Brewer, and J.H. Plumb, The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England (1982). The poor and the obscure are treated in Douglas Hay et al., Albion’s Fatal Tree: Crime and Society in Eighteenth-Century England (1975); and Dorothy Marshall, The English Poor in the Eighteenth Century: A Study in Social and Administrative History (1926, reprinted 1989). Developments after 1754 are studied in Richard Middleton, The Bells of Victory: The Pitt-Newcastle Ministry and the Conduct of the Seven Years’ War, 1757–1762 (1985); Lewis Namier, The Structure of Politics at the Accession of George III, 2nd ed. (1957, reissued 1975); John Brewer, Party Ideology and Popular Politics at the Accession of George III (1976, reprinted 1981); John Cannon, Parliamentary Reform, 1640–1832 (1972); and Robert W. Tucker and David C. Hendrickson, The Fall of the First British Empire: Origins of the War of American Independence (1982), a detailed analysis of the imperial policy toward the American colonies, with a rather controversial critique of established historiographical views on the subject. Britain’s recovery after the American Revolution is outlined in N.F.R. Crafts, British Economic Growth During the Industrial Revolution (1985); Linda Colley, “The Apotheosis of George III: Loyalty, Royalty, and the British Nation, 1760–1820,” in Past & Present, 102:94–129 (February 1984); and E.P. Thompson, The Making of the English Working Class, 3rd ed. (2000). Britain’s defeat of Napoleon and rise to world dominance is examined in Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000 (1987); Clive Emsley, British Society and the French Wars, 1793–1815 (1979); Ian R. Christie, Stress and Stability in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: Reflection on the British Avoidance of Revolution (1984); and C.A. Bayly, Imperial Meridian: The British Empire and the World, 1780–1830 (1989).

Linda J. Colley

Britain, 1815–1914

Documentary sources of the period include G.M. Young and W.D. Handcock (eds.), English Historical Documents, 1833–1874 (1956); and W.D. Handcock (ed.), English Historical Documents, 1874–1914 (1977). Elie Halévy, A History of the English People in the Nineteenth Century, 2nd rev. ed., 6 vol. in 7 (1949–52; originally published in French, 5 vol., 1912–32), has been extremely influential on subsequent accounts, even though it was written long ago. The major source on most aspects of British history apart from politics is now F.M.L. Thompson (ed.), The Cambridge Social History of Britain 1750–1950, 3 vol. (1990). The Oxford series volumes are Llewellyn Woodward, The Age of Reform, 1815–1870, 2nd ed. (1962, reprinted 1979); and K. Theodore Hoppen, The New Oxford History of England: The Mid-Victorian Generation 1846–1886 (1998). Other comprehensive histories include Colin Matthew (ed.), The Short Oxford History of the British Isles: The Nineteenth Century (2000); G.M. Young, Portrait of an Age: Victorian England, new annotated ed. (1977), a delightful and very influential short work; and Asa Briggs, The Age of Improvement (1959, reissued 1979). José Harris, The Penguin Social History of Britain: Private Lives, Public Spirit: Britain Taken 1870–1914 (1993), is one of the most interesting of the many surveys of British history published. Patrick Joyce, The Oxford Reader on Class (1995), has much information on the role of class in British history. Also informative are Asa Briggs, Victorian People: A Reassessment of Persons and Themes, 1851–67, rev. ed. (1996), Victorian Cities, new ed. (1968), and Victorian Things, rev. ed. (2003). Walter E. Houghton, The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830–1870 (1957); and Samuel Hynes, The Edwardian Turn of Mind (1968), observe cultural and intellectual life. Geoffrey Best, Mid-Victorian Britain, 1851–1875, rev. ed. (1973); and William L. Burn, The Age of Equipoise: A Study of the Mid-Victorian Generation (1964), focus on the middle period of the century. Economic conditions are surveyed in W.H.B. Court, A Concise Economic History of Britain, from 1750 to Recent Times (1954, reprinted 1976). Foreign relations, continental and colonial, and a shift in influence are discussed in R.W. Seton-Watson, Britain in Europe, 1789–1914: A Survey of Foreign Policy (1937, reprinted 1968); C.E. Carrington, The British Overseas: Exploits of a Nation of Shopkeepers, 2nd ed. (1968); Bernard Porter, Britain, Europe, and the World, 1850–1986: Delusions of Grandeur, 2nd ed. (1987); and Keith Robbins, The Eclipse of a Great Power: Modern Britain, 1870–1975 (1983). The transition from Victorian Britain to the 20th century is examined in Donald Read, Edwardian England, 1901–15 (1972).

Britain since 1914

J.H. Bettey, English Historical Documents, 1906–1939 (1967), offers a selection of documentary sources. Detailed exploration of the first half of the 20th century is presented in A.J.P. Taylor, English History, 1914–1945 (1965, reissued 1990), from the Oxford series. Peter Clarke, Hope and Glory: Britain 1900–1990 (1996), is a particularly good survey. Social conditions during World War I and its aftermath are examined in Arthur Marwick, The Deluge: British Society and the First World War (1965). Interwar politics are the focus of Charles Loch Mowat, Britain Between the Wars, 1918–1940 (1955, reissued 1971); and Bentley B. Gilbert, Britain Since 1918, 2nd rev. ed. (1980). Social and economic conditions before World War II are observed in Robert Graves and Alan Hodge, The Long Week-End: A Social History of Great Britain, 1918–1939 (1940, reissued 1995); and John Stevenson, British Society, 1914–45 (1984). F.S. Northedge, The Troubled Giant: Britain Among the Great Powers, 1916–1939 (1966), is a diplomatic history of the period. Political and social aspects of involvement in the war are analyzed in Paul Addison, The Road to 1945: British Politics and the Second World War (1975); and Angus Calder, The People’s War: Britain, 1939–1945, new ed. (1992). Paul Knaplund, Britain: Commonwealth and Empire, 1901–1955 (1956, reprinted 1974), treats the decline of the empire, including the first decade of postwar developments. Other histories reaching into the postwar years are W.N. Medlicott, British Foreign Policy Since Versailles, 1919–1963, 2nd rev. ed. (1968); Sidney Pollard, The Development of the British Economy, 1914–1980, 4th ed. (1992); and Alfred F. Havighurst, Britain in Transition: The Twentieth Century, 4th ed. (1985). David Butler and Gareth Butler, British Political Facts, 1900–1985, 6th ed. (1986), is an informative reference source. C.J. Bartlett, A History of Postwar Britain, 1945–1974 (1977), is an informative, sustained narrative, and Arthur Marwick, The Penguin Social History of Britain: British Society Since 1945, new ed. (2005), is lively and opinionated. Analyses of the postwar governments include Kenneth O. Morgan, Labour in Power, 1945–1951 (1984); and Peter Hennessy and Anthony Seldon (eds.), Ruling Performance: British Governments from Attlee to Thatcher (1987).

Paul R. Josephson

By The Way

London Classics

The following is a special collection of historically illustrative articles and excerpts focusing on London, England. These colourfully written, provocative, and often amusing pieces have been compiled from the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 8th editions of Encyclopædia Britannica and from the Britannica Book of the Year printings of World War II.

  • London in the 18th century, a contemporary description from the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, pages 270–272.
  • Bank of England, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, page 251.
  • Billingsgate, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, page 251.
  • Blackfriars Bridge, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, page 258.
  • Bridge-without, from “London,” in the 2nd edition (1777–84), volume 6, page 4282.
  • British Museum, from “Museum,” in the 2nd edition (1777–84), volume 7, page 5263; and “London,” in the 7th edition (1830–42), volume 13, page 538.
  • Crystal Palace, and its housing of the Great Exhibition of 1851, from the 8th edition (1852–60) articles “Exhibition,” volume 9, pages 453–454, and “Sydenham,” volume 20, pages 891–892.
  • Guildhall, from “London,” in the 2nd edition (1777–84), volume 6, pages 4287–88.
  • Lambeth, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, pages 262–263.
  • Leadenhall, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, page 251.
  • London Bridge, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, pages 246–247.
  • The Monument, from “London,” in the 2nd edition (1777–84), volume 6, page 4289.
  • Houses of Parliament, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, pages 265–266.
  • Royal Exchange, from “London,” in the 2nd edition (1777–84), volume 6, pages 4282–84.
  • St. Giles’s Church, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, pages 251–252.
  • St. Paul’s Cathedral, from both the 2nd edition (1777–84), volume 6, pages 4284–86, and the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, pages 255–257.
  • Tower of London, from “London,” in the 3rd edition (1788–97), volume 10, pages 247–250.
  • Vauxhall Gardens, from “London,” in the 2nd edition (1777–84), volume 6, pages 4288–89.
  • Westminster Abbey, from “London,” in the 2nd edition (1777–84), volume 6, pages 4286–87.

London in World War II:

Article History

Type Description Contributor Date
Updated currency exchange rate. Aug 25, 2024
Country Profile: Updated head of government. Jul 05, 2024
Deleted Web site: Historic UK - Historic November. May 17, 2024
Add new Web site: Historic UK - Historic November. Jan 19, 2024
Added a cross-reference to whore of Babylon. Nov 28, 2023
Corrected display issue. Oct 30, 2023
Links added. Oct 12, 2023
Links added. Jul 19, 2023
In the History section, added cross-reference. Apr 27, 2023
In the History section, noted that Humza Yousaf replaced Nicola Sturgeon as SNP leader and Scottish first minister in March 2023. Mar 29, 2023
Added cross-reference. Mar 13, 2023
Cross-reference added. Mar 13, 2023
Added cross-reference. Mar 08, 2023
Added cross-reference. Feb 22, 2023
In the History section, added a description of events leading up to Nicola Sturgeon's announcement in February 2023 that she would be resigning as leader of the SNP and first minister. Feb 16, 2023
Changed subhead from “The ascendancy of Rishi Sunak” to “The premiership of Rishi Sunak.” Oct 25, 2022
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Oct 25, 2022
In the History section, described events leading to Rishi Sunak becoming the leader of the Conservative Party in October 2022. Oct 24, 2022
In the History section, added a description of events leading up to Liz Truss's resignation as Conservative Party leader in October 2022. Oct 20, 2022
In the History section, added a description of the commemoration of Elizabeth II's death. Sep 19, 2022
In the History section, added a description of events surrounding the death of Elizabeth II. Sep 09, 2022
Country Profile: Updated head of state. Sep 08, 2022
In the History section, noted that Liz Truss became Conservative Party leader and prime minister in September 2022. Sep 06, 2022
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Sep 06, 2022
In the History section, noted Boris Johnson's resignation as Conservative Party leader on July 7, 2022. Jul 07, 2022
Corrected display issue. Jul 07, 2022
In the History section, added a description of the June 2022 vote of confidence in Boris Johnson's leadership of the Conservative Party. Jun 07, 2022
In the History section, added a description of events related to “Partygate.” Apr 27, 2022
Removed media. Oct 28, 2021
Removed media. Oct 06, 2021
Added a description of developments related to the coronavirus pandemic. Apr 13, 2021
Add new Web site: British Library - Windrush Stories - How Caribbean Migrants Helped to Rebuild Britain. Apr 29, 2020
Add new Web site: British Library - Windrush Stories - Windrush and the Making of Post-Imperial Britain. Apr 29, 2020
Add new Web site: British Library - Windrush Stories - Windrush and the Making of Post-Imperial Britain. Apr 29, 2020
Add new Web site: British Library - Windrush Stories - How Caribbean Migrants Helped to Rebuild Britain. Apr 29, 2020
Country Profile: Updated form of government. Feb 11, 2020
Article revised and expanded. Jan 31, 2020
Add new Web site: BBC Bitesize - Physical Landscapes in the UK. Dec 17, 2019
Add new Web site: BBC Bitesize - Physical Landscapes in the UK. Dec 17, 2019
Media added. Nov 27, 2019
Deleted media. Nov 01, 2019
In the Land section, media added. Sep 09, 2019
Media added. Sep 09, 2019
In the Newspapers section, updated the characterization of The Sun's political leanings and noted the popularity of the free paper Metro. Aug 07, 2019
In the History section, added descriptions of the results of the May 2019 European Parliament elections, Theresa May's resignation, and Boris Johnson's ascent to the prime ministership. Jul 25, 2019
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Jul 24, 2019
In the Prime ministers of Great Britain and the United Kingdom table, closed out the term of Theresa May and added Boris Johnson. Jul 24, 2019
In the Sovereigns of Britain table, replaced media. Jul 17, 2019
In the History section, noted that on April 11, 2019, the European Council announced that it had extended the deadline for Brexit until October 31. Apr 11, 2019
In the History section, added a description of events leading up to Parliament's third rejection of Theresa May's Brexit plan. Mar 30, 2019
In the History section, noted that the House of Commons voted on March 25, 2019, to temporarily usurp control of the body's agenda to hold indicative votes on alternatives to Theresa May's Brexit plan. Mar 27, 2019
Noted that on March 20, 2019, Theresa May asked the EU for a delay of Brexit until June 30. Mar 22, 2019
In the History section, added a description of events leading up the March 12, 2019, "meaningful vote" in the House of Commons on May's Brexit plan. Mar 12, 2019
Media added. Feb 08, 2019
Media added. Jan 24, 2019
Add new Web site: The Commonwealth - United Kingdom. Jan 21, 2019
Add new Web site: Easy Science for Kids - United Kingdom. Jan 21, 2019
In the History section, added the result of the January 15, 2019, House of Commons vote on the Brexit agreement and the January 16 vote of confidence on May's government. Jan 16, 2019
Noted that Theresa May survived the vote on her leadership of the Conservative Party on December 12, 2018. Dec 14, 2018
Revised and updated The early Stuarts and the Commonwealth portion of the History section. Dec 13, 2018
Added a description of the events leading up to the scheduled vote in the House of Commons on the Brexit withdrawal agreement scheduled for December 11, 2018, that was postponed by the prime minister. Dec 12, 2018
In the Sovereigns of Britain table, replaced the photograph of Elizabeth II. Oct 03, 2018
Country Profile: Expanded country profile. Sep 29, 2018
In the History section, added a description of events in the last half of 2017 and the first half of 2018. Jul 11, 2018
Add new Web site: Enchanted Learning - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Apr 11, 2018
In the Labour and taxation section, clarified that the value-added tax generates between one-tenth and one-fifth of government revenues. Jan 15, 2018
In the Urban Settlement section, clarified that some eight out of ten Britons live in a urban environment. Jun 21, 2017
Added locator map to the Introduction. Jun 21, 2017
In Trade section, added data charts. Jun 21, 2017
In the Ethnic groups, Religion, Urban settlement, and Demographic trends sections, added data charts. Jun 21, 2017
Added a description of the June 2017 general election. Jun 10, 2017
In the Premiership of Theresa May (2016? ) section, added a description of the terrorist bombing in Manchester on May 22, 2017. May 23, 2017
Media added. May 05, 2017
Noted that the House of Commons approved May's call for a snap parliamentary election to be held June 8, 2017. Apr 20, 2017
Noted that the tuition limit for higher educational institutions in England was raised to 9,250 pounds sterling in 2016. Apr 18, 2017
Added a description of events leading up to the invoking of Article 50 in March 2017. Mar 30, 2017
Media added. Mar 17, 2017
In the Regional government section, noted the assumption of lawmaking powers by the Welsh National Assembly in 2011, and in the Security section described the role of police and crime commissioners. Dec 22, 2016
In the Broadcasting section, added a description of changes to the governance and regulation of the BBC as a result of a new charter for the BBC enacted in 2016. Dec 20, 2016
Add new Web site: Easy Science for Kids - United Kingdom. Dec 05, 2016
Add new Web site: National Geographic Kids - Countries - United Kingdom. Dec 05, 2016
Removed the reference to Richard Neville as 1st earl of Warwick. Nov 08, 2016
In the Prime ministers of Great Britain and the United Kingdom table, replaced duplicate photograph of David Cameron with an image of Theresa May. Sep 07, 2016
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Aug 16, 2016
Noted that in 1994 the Arts Council of Great Britain devolved into the Arts Council of Wales, the Scottish Arts Council, and the Arts Council of England. Aug 09, 2016
In the History section, revised details pertaining to the 1950 and 1951 general elections and corrected the month in which the 1975 referendum on the EEC was held. Jul 22, 2016
In the Prime ministers of Great Britain and the United Kingdom table, closed out the term of David Cameron and added Theresa May. Jul 13, 2016
Noted ascent of Theresa May to prime minister in July 2016. Jul 13, 2016
Added descriptions of post-Brexit Conservative and Labour leadership struggles and of the Chilcot Report. Jul 07, 2016
Media added. Jul 07, 2016
Noted the United Kingdom's intention to leave the European Union after British voters chose to do so in a referendum on June 23, 2016. Jun 24, 2016
Added a description of the June 23, 2016, referendum in which British voters opted to take the United Kingdom out of the European Union. Jun 24, 2016
Media added. Jun 24, 2016
Media added. Jun 03, 2016
Media added. May 27, 2016
In Government and society section, changed the number of members of the House of Lords to 815, as of March 2016. Mar 15, 2016
Country Profile: Updated form of government; footnote revised for form of government. Mar 08, 2016
Described the European Council's agreement on reforms to British membership in the European Union and noted that Cameron scheduled the referendum on continued British membership for June 23, 2016. Feb 25, 2016
Noted that Sky PLC (formerly BSkyB) serves the cable and satellite market in Austria, Germany, Ireland, and Italy, in addition to the U.K. Feb 02, 2016
In the Government and society section, added a mention of the role played by the council tax in local government. Feb 01, 2016
In the Government and society section, added a description of the Fixed-term Parliaments Act of 2011. Jan 13, 2016
Noted the House of Commons' authorization on December 2, 2015, of British air strikes against ISIL in Syria. Dec 03, 2015
Changed ?Owen Glendower? to ?Owain Glyn Dŵr.? Nov 06, 2015
Changed "Scotland, ruled by an English monarch since 1603" to "Scotland, ruled from London since 1603" to account for the rule of James I. Nov 04, 2015
Added video. Aug 24, 2015
Added video. May 19, 2015
Added a description of the 2015 U.K. general election. May 08, 2015
Clarified that the Constitutional Reform Act of 2005 came into force in 2006. May 08, 2015
Changed National Record to Daily Record. Apr 28, 2015
Added descriptions of the economy in 2014 and the decision to participate in airstrikes in Iraq against ISIL/ISIS. Apr 24, 2015
Added video. Mar 24, 2015
Added video. Feb 04, 2015
Article revised. Nov 18, 2014
Added results of referendum on independence for Scotland. Sep 19, 2014
In the Cultural life section, changed "Five Nations' Cup" to "Six Nations Championship." Aug 19, 2014
Revised the Economy section to reflect the formation of the Unite labour union. Aug 19, 2014
Revised to remove dated language. Aug 01, 2014
Described changes brought to government financial regulation by the Financial Services Act of 2012. Jun 26, 2014
Noted debate regarding eavesdropping by GCHQ, developments in government press regulation, and results of the May 2014 local and EU elections. May 29, 2014
In the Adminstration and social conditions section, noted that the enumeration of the active members of the House of Lords was as of December 2013. Jan 24, 2014
Media added. Jan 23, 2014
Add new Web site: CRW Flags - Flag of United Kingdom. Nov 26, 2013
Noted Parliament's rejection of Cameron's proposal for support of military intervention by Britain in Syria. Aug 30, 2013
Noted the legalization of same-sex marriage in England and Wales and mentioned the birth of a son to Prince William and Duchess Catherine on July 22, 2013. Jul 22, 2013
In Sports and recreation section, added mention of the 2012 London Olympics and the 65 medals won by U.K. competitors in those Games. Jun 20, 2013
In Education section noted departments responsible for education in the constituent states, and added descriptions of academies and free schools. May 10, 2013
Noted that the economy avoided recession in spring 2013 and added results of May local elections in parts of England and Wales. May 03, 2013
Revised description of composition of House of Lords to 89 hereditary peers, 646 life peers, and 25 archbishops and bishops as of November 2012. Mar 15, 2013
Country Profile: Updated form of government; footnote revised for form of government. Mar 15, 2013
Add new Web site: Spartacus Educational - Conscription. Dec 14, 2012
Add new Web site: - United Kingdom. Dec 13, 2012
Changed "six counties of Ulster" to "six of Ulster's nine counties." Sep 07, 2012
Added mention of 60th anniversary of Elizabeth II's rule, the London Olympics, and the controversy over Ecuador's granting of asylum to Julian Assange. Aug 16, 2012
Country Profile: Changed form of government. Mar 13, 2012
Added description of David Cameron's veto of changes to the Lisbon Treaty negotiated at the December 2011 EU summit. Dec 12, 2011
Added mention of the government's intention to remove gender as a consideration in monarchical succession. Oct 28, 2011
Added photographs to the Sovereigns of Britain table. Sep 19, 2011
Country Profile: Added name of head of state and head of government. urban-rural, life expectancy, literacy, and GNI per capita statistics. Sep 06, 2011
Added photo of rioting in London, August 2011. Aug 10, 2011
Added descriptions of British involvement in Libya, the News of the World scandal, and riots of early August in London and elsewhere. Aug 09, 2011
Deleted painting that claims to be of Lady Jane Grey. It is now believed to be of Catherine Parr. May 13, 2011
Refined description of 2011 election outcome in the light of complete results. May 09, 2011
Added descriptions of legislation raising university tution, the results of the May 2011 local elections, and the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton. May 06, 2011
In Cultural life section, changed "Liverpool" to "Liverpool FC." Mar 17, 2011
Country Profile: Changed Form of government. Feb 03, 2011
In the discussion of the value-added tax, changed "17.5 percent" to "20 percent." Jan 19, 2011
National anthem added. Dec 21, 2010
Added description of budget-reduction plan announced in October 2010. Oct 20, 2010
Added map depicting the regional results of the 2005 United Kingdom General Election to the Britain from 1914 section. Oct 20, 2010
Add new Web site: History World - History of Great Britain. Jul 21, 2010
Added mention of the discovery of early stone tools. Jul 15, 2010
Table of U.K. flags removed from the article's history section; table is now in a separate article. May 27, 2010
In the prime minister table, closed out Gordon Brown's term. May 11, 2010
Added formation of Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government with David Cameron as prime minister. May 11, 2010
In the prime minister table, added David Cameron as the new PM. May 11, 2010
Added mention the raising of a change to proportional representation as part of the result of the 2010 general election. May 10, 2010
Added results for the 2010 general election. May 07, 2010
Changed number of members of Parliament from 646 to 650 and number of members of the House of Lords from 759 to 724. May 06, 2010
Country Profile: Updated Form of government. May 06, 2010
Country Profile: Updated area and population figures. Mar 12, 2010
Changed "Belfast Agreement" to "Good Friday Agreement." Feb 11, 2010
In History section, deleted reference to the European Community, which was eliminated in 2009. Jan 08, 2010
In Economy section, deleted reference to the European Community, which was eliminated in 2009. Jan 08, 2010
Added description of the creation of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. Oct 20, 2009
Country Profile: Updated Form of government; updated Official language. Oct 20, 2009
Deleted duplicate text in the section on "forestry." Sep 23, 2009
Bibliography revised and updated. Jul 09, 2009
Updated to note recession, political expenses scandal, and challenge to Gordon Brown's leadership of the Labour Party. Jun 10, 2009
Added new Web site: National Geographic - Travel and Cultures - United Kingdom. Apr 17, 2009
Added new Web site: Official Site of The Embassy of Japan in the United Kingdom. Feb 24, 2009
Deleted incorrect cross-reference. Feb 11, 2009
Article revised. Jan 29, 2009
Article updated to reflect constitutional changes. Oct 17, 2008
Article updated to reflect changes in British telecommunications sector. Oct 13, 2008
Article revised and updated. Oct 01, 2008
Media added. Sep 16, 2008
Added new Web site: Think Quest - United Kingdom. Sep 10, 2008
Added new Web site: Jewish Virtual Library - United Kingdom. Sep 09, 2008
Added new Web site: Official Site of United Kingdom Embassy in Saudi Arabia. Jul 24, 2008
Added new Web site: How Stuff Works - Geography - Geography of The United Kingdom. Jul 13, 2008
Added new Web site: - United Kingdom. Jul 07, 2008
Placement of table of prime ministers changed. Jul 02, 2008
Article revised and updated. Jul 02, 2008
Early Stuarts section updated. May 12, 2008
Changed Wyat to Wyatt in England under the Tudors section. May 12, 2008
Article revised and updated. May 12, 2008
Added new Web site: Official documents archive - The role of political parties. May 06, 2008
Added new Web site: History World - History of Great Britain. May 05, 2008
Article revised and updated. Apr 10, 2008
Early British history section updated. Mar 07, 2008
Britain from 1815-1914 updated. Mar 07, 2008
Britain since 1914 updated. Mar 06, 2008
Added new Web site: Directgov - Nationality and citizenship. Dec 17, 2007
Added new Web site: h2g2 - The British National Anthem. Dec 16, 2007
Media added. Oct 25, 2007
Added new Web site: - British Honours System. Sep 19, 2007
Added new Web site: The Three Types of Barons - Peerage. Sep 19, 2007
Added new Web site: Camelot International Royal Palace - The Peerage. Sep 19, 2007
Added new Web site: Woodlands Junior School Kent - British Life, Culture and Customs. Sep 05, 2007
Added new Web site: Official Site of British Embassy in Vienna. Jul 26, 2007
Added new Web site: Official Site of British Embassy in Prague. Jul 26, 2007
Media added. Jul 17, 2007
Article revised and updated. May 10, 2007
Added new Web site: British Geological Survey - United Kingdom Magnetic Survey. Dec 20, 2006
Added new Web site: YouthNet - UK marriage laws. Dec 19, 2006
Article revised and updated. Nov 21, 2006
Added new Web site: Official Site of Whirligig British Television.
  • Gaurav Shukla
Nov 20, 2006
Added new Web site: British Broadcasting Corporation - British History Timeline. Oct 03, 2006
Added new Web site: British Broadcasting Corporation - British History Timeline. Oct 03, 2006
Added new Web site: Library of Congress - United Kingdom - Selected Internet Resources. Aug 08, 2006
Added new Web site: Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - United Kingdom. Jul 25, 2006
Added new Web site: May 24, 2006
Article revised. May 12, 2005
Article revised. Mar 04, 2004
Article revised. Feb 26, 2004
Article revised. Feb 12, 2004
Article revised. Mar 28, 2003
Article revised. Mar 13, 2003
Article revised. Sep 27, 2002
Article revised. Jun 14, 2002
Article revised. May 17, 2002
Article revised. Oct 12, 2001
Article revised. Sep 28, 2001
Article revised. Feb 16, 2001
Article revised. Feb 15, 2001
Article revised. Feb 09, 2001
Article revised. Nov 01, 2000
Article revised. Oct 05, 2000
Article revised. Aug 25, 2000
Article revised. Aug 16, 2000
Article revised. Aug 09, 2000
Article revised. Mar 10, 2000
Article added to new online database. Aug 05, 1998
View Changes:
Article History