Virginia: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

Introductions to the state are provided by Writers’ Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Virginia, Virginia: A Guide to the Old Dominion (1940, reissued 1992), still worth consulting; and Jean Gottman, Virginia in Our Century (1969), a comprehensive analysis through 1968. DeLorme Mapping Company, Virginia Atlas & Gazetteer, 5th ed. (2003), contains topographic maps. Local geography and history are combined in Raus McDill Hanson, Virginia Place Names (1969); and James Hagemann, The Heritage of Virginia: The Story of Place Names in the Old Dominion, 2nd ed. (1988). Edmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, American Freedom: The Ordeal of Colonial Virginia (1975, reissued 2003), analyzes the social basis of early Virginian political thought; while J. Harvie Wilkinson III, Harry Byrd and the Changing Face of Virginia Politics, 1945–1966 (1968, reissued 1984), recounts more-recent events. Ben C. McCary, Indians in Seventeenth-Century Virginia (1957, reprinted 1992), briefly discusses the groups of Native Americans, their numbers, and their cultures at that time.

Louis D. Rubin, Jr., Virginia: A History (1977, reissued 1984), provides a survey of the state’s development over two centuries. Various periods in the state’s past are described in Richard L. Morton, Colonial Virginia, 2 vol. (1960); Warren M. Billings, John E. Selby, and Thad W. Tate, Colonial Virginia: A History (1986); Virginius Dabney, Virginia, the New Dominion (1971, reprinted 1992); Parke Rouse, Virginia: The English Heritage in America (1966), on the period before the Civil War, with a short epilogue that gives a contemporary assessment of the state; and A.W. Moger, Virginia: Bourbonism to Byrd, 1870–1925 (1968). Raymond Gavins, The Perils and Prospects of Southern Black Leadership: Gordon Blaine Hancock, 1884–1970, 1st paperback ed. (1993; originally published 1977), provides valuable background on race relations in Virginia in the first half of the 20th century. Robert A. Pratt, The Color of Their Skin: Education and Race in Richmond, Virginia, 1954–1989 (1992), is an excellent study of school desegregation in Virginia. Scholarly articles on Virginia’s history are printed in The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (quarterly).

Robert J. Norrell

Article History

Type Description Contributor Date
Cross-reference to Britannica's article on Harry F. Byrd added. Jul 29, 2024
Media added. Sep 06, 2023
Media added. Aug 31, 2023
Links added. Mar 14, 2023
Country Profile: Updated Governor. Jan 03, 2023
Add new Web site: NCpedia - ANCHOR - The Founding of Virginia. Aug 26, 2022
Removed media. Aug 20, 2021
Media added. Aug 19, 2021
Country Profile: Updated state song. Nov 18, 2020
Media added. Jan 24, 2019
Media added. Nov 19, 2018
Country Profile: Updated governor. Jun 13, 2018
Corrected display issue. May 03, 2018
Country Profile: Added cross-references to the Country Profile. Jan 11, 2018
Media added. Jul 21, 2017
Add new Web site: Mr.Nussbaum - Virginia, United States. Dec 21, 2016
Add new Web site: Maps of World - Virginia Map, United States. May 19, 2014
Add new Web site: USA 4 Kids - Virginia, United States. May 19, 2014
Add new Web site: Encyclopedia Virginia - Ku Klux Klan in Virginia. Apr 24, 2014
Country Profile: Updated governor. Jan 14, 2014
Replaced photograph. Aug 21, 2013
Media added. May 07, 2013
Add new Web site: Enchanted Learning - Virginia. Jan 31, 2013
Country Profile: Added Tim Kaine as U.S. senator. Jan 03, 2013
Country Profile: Changed "GMT +" to "GMT -." Aug 08, 2011
Add new Web site: Official Site of The Commonwealth of Virginia, United States. Jul 28, 2011
Add new Web site: Lonely Planet - Virginia, United States. Jul 28, 2011
Add new Web site: Enchanted Learning - Virginia, United States. Jul 28, 2011
Country Profile: Added governor, state song, U.S. senators, number of seats in House of Representatives, and time zone. Jul 22, 2011
Country Profile: State bird and flower information updated. Jun 11, 2010
Country Profile: Added area and population figures. Apr 09, 2010
Media revised. Apr 09, 2010
Population data updated. Apr 09, 2010
Added new Web site: National Geographic Kids - States - Virginia, United States. Apr 17, 2009
Added new Web site: How Stuff Works - History - History of Virginia. Nov 11, 2008
Added new Web site: How Stuff Works - Geography - Geography of Virginia. Jul 21, 2008
Bibliography revised and updated. May 30, 2008
Article revised and updated. May 30, 2008
Added new Web site: Official site of Town of Cape Charles in Virginia. Aug 31, 2007
Added new Web site: The Official Site of the Democratic Party of Virginia. Aug 03, 2006
Added new Web site: U.S. Census Bureau - Virginia QuickFacts. Aug 01, 2006
Added new Web site: Official Site of the Libertarian Party of Virginia. Jul 06, 2006
Added new Web site: NETSTATE - Virginia, United States. Jun 16, 2006
Article revised. Mar 13, 2003
Article revised. Nov 10, 1999
Article added to new online database. Jul 26, 1999
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Article History