kangaroo grass

plant genus
Also known as: Themeda

Learn about this topic in these articles:

East African grasslands

  • Buffalo Gap National Grassland
    In grassland: Biota

    …important in drier sites, and Themeda occurs in cooler places at higher altitudes. Herbivorous mammals include wildebeests, several antelope species, and—where they still survive—rhinoceroses, buffalo, and elephants. Carnivores include various dogs (jackals), cats (cheetahs, lions), hyenas, and mongooses.

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  • Serengeti Plain
    In savanna: Flora

    thatching grass (Hyparrhenia), and kangaroo grass (Themeda). In wetter savannas, Brachystegia trees grow above a 3-metre- (10-foot-) tall understory of elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum). The most-common West African savanna trees are in the genera Anogeissus, Combretum, and Strychnos.

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