Earth’s structure and composition

Learn about this topic in these articles:


  • Grand Canyon rock layering
    In geochronology: Early views and discoveries

    …all rocks outcropping from the Earth’s surface are sedimentary. Preserved in these rocks is the complex record of the many transgressions and regressions of the sea, as well as the fossil remains or other indications of now extinct organisms and the petrified sands and gravels of ancient beaches, sand dunes,…

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igneous rock

  • temperature of Earth
    In igneous rock

    Earth is composed predominantly of a large mass of igneous rock with a very thin veneer of weathered material—namely, sedimentary rock. Whereas sedimentary rocks are produced by processes operating mainly at Earth’s surface by the disintegration of mostly older igneous rocks, igneous—and metamorphic—rocks are formed…

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  • Earth
    In Earth: The interior of Earth

    More than 90 percent of Earth’s mass is composed of iron, oxygen, silicon, and magnesium, elements that can form the crystalline minerals known as silicates. Nevertheless, in chemical and mineralogical composition, as in physical properties, Earth is far from homogeneous. Apart from the superficial lateral differences near the surface (i.e.,…

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