Moon exploration

Also known as: lunar exploration

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Assorted References

  • major reference
    • Astronaut outside the International Space Station
      In space exploration: The race to the Moon

      In the immediate aftermath of Gagarin’s orbital flight, President Kennedy was advised by NASA and by his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson, of Braun’s belief that the Soviet Union, using Korolyov’s existing R-7 launcher, could well succeed in sending a multiperson…

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  • major treatment
    • near and far sides of Earth's Moon
      In Moon: Early studies

      Investigations of the Moon and some understanding of lunar phenomena can be traced back to a few centuries bce. In ancient China the Moon’s motion was carefully recorded as part of a grand structure of astrological thought. In both China and the Middle East, observations became accurate enough…

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  • Artemis program
    • Orion liftoff
      In Artemis

      …uncrewed Orion, which orbited the Moon about 70,000 km (44,000 miles) from its surface on a 25.5-day flight. The return of astronauts to space as part of a NASA program may happen as early as September 2025, when Artemis II could take a crew of four (commander Reid Wiseman, pilot…

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  • space exploration
    • Astronaut outside the International Space Station
      In space exploration: Motivations for space activity

      …to sending people to the Moon, because “dramatic achievements in space…symbolize the technological power and organizing capacity of a nation” and because the ensuing prestige would be “part of the battle along the fluid front of the cold war.” From 1961 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991,…

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Apollo program

  • Apollo program infographic.
    In Apollo

    …the first step of crewed lunar exploration: from Earth orbit it was injected into a lunar trajectory, completed lunar orbit, and returned safely to Earth. Apollo 9 carried out a prolonged mission in Earth orbit to check out the LM. Apollo 10 journeyed to lunar orbit and tested the LM…

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  • Buzz Aldrin on the Moon
    In Apollo 11

    …people to land on the Moon and walk the lunar surface. Apollo 11 was the culmination of the Apollo program and a massive national commitment by the United States to beat the Soviet Union in putting people on the Moon. All told, 24 Apollo astronauts visited the Moon and 12…

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  • Apollo 17: launch
    In Apollo 17

    crewed spaceflight to the Moon, launched on December 7, 1972, and successfully concluded on December 19, 1972. It was the final flight of the Apollo program, and Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt were the last humans to walk on the Moon.

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  • Moon landing
    • Neil Armstrong
      In Neil Armstrong: Moon landing

      …Apollo 11 vehicle toward the Moon (see Apollo program). Four days later, at 4:17 pm U.S. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), the Eagle lunar landing module, guided manually by Armstrong, touched down on a plain near the southwestern edge of the Sea of Tranquility (Mare Tranquillitatis). At 10:56 pm EDT on…

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    • Aldrin
    • Anders
      • William A. Anders
        In William A. Anders

        …first crewed voyage around the Moon was made. The astronauts, including Anders, Frank Borman, and James Lovell, remained in an orbit about 70 miles (112 km) above the surface of the Moon for about 20 hours, transmitting television pictures back to Earth and verifying that lunar landmarks could be used…

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    • Armstrong
    • Bean
      • Alan Bean
        In Alan Bean

        …hours were made on the Moon’s surface. Bean and commander Charles Conrad, Jr., piloted the lunar module Intrepid to a pinpoint landing near the robotic U.S. spacecraft Surveyor 3, which had landed two years earlier, while astronaut Richard F. Gordon, Jr., orbited overhead in the command module Yankee Clipper.

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    • Borman
      • Frank Borman
        In Frank Borman

        …first crewed flight around the Moon. The astronauts remained in an orbit about 112 km (70 miles) above the surface of the Moon for about 20 hours, transmitting television pictures back to Earth and verifying that lunar landmarks could be used for navigation to lunar landing sites. Three years earlier,…

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    • Cernan
      • Eugene Cernan
        In Eugene Cernan

        Cernan commanded the Apollo 17 Moon flight (with Ronald Evans and Harrison Schmitt, December 7–19, 1972). He and Schmitt, a geologist, explored the Taurus-Littrow region of the Moon’s surface (December 11–14), collecting some 115 kg (249 pounds) of lunar rocks and other surface material for study. That mission concluded the…

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    • Conrad
      • In Pete Conrad

        …Apollo 12 flight to the Moon. The success of the flight was characterized by the pinpoint landing (November 19) of the Lunar Module only 600 feet (183 meters) from the uncrewed Surveyor 3 craft, which had landed in April 1967. The total time spent on the lunar surface was 31…

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    • Irwin
      • James B. Irwin
        In James B. Irwin

        …almost three days on the Moon’s surface investigating the Hadley-Apennine site, 462 miles (744 km) north of the lunar equator. The two spent 18 hours outside the Lunar Module, traveled on the Moon’s surface in a specially designed vehicle, and collected many rocks and core samples. Alfred M. Worden piloted…

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    • Lovell
      • James A. Lovell, Jr.
        In Jim Lovell

        …first crewed flight around the Moon. This flight was the first of three preparatory to the Moon landing of Apollo 11. Apollo 13, with astronauts Fred W. Haise, John L. Swigert, Jr., and Lovell aboard, lifted off on April 11, 1970, headed for the Fra Mauro Hills on the Moon.…

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    • Mitchell
    • Roosa
      • Stuart A. Roosa
        In Stuart A. Roosa

        …the uplands region of the Moon, 15 miles (24 km) north of the Fra Mauro crater, was explored. While he orbited overhead in the Command Module, Commander Alan B. Shepard, Jr. and Edgar D. Mitchell landed on the Moon. While in orbit Roosa kept 500 seeds in his personal effects…

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    • Shepard
      • Alan B. Shepard, Jr.
        In Alan B. Shepard, Jr.

        …the first landing in the lunar Fra Mauro highlands. Near the end of his Moon walk, Shepard—an avid golfer—swung at two golf balls with a makeshift six-iron club as a playful demonstration for live television cameras of the weak lunar gravity. Shepard headed NASA’s astronaut office from 1963 to 1969…

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      • “After Apollo, What?”

        uncrewed exploration

        • Astronaut outside the International Space Station
          In space exploration: Solar system exploration

          …send robotic missions to the Moon in the late 1950s. The first four U.S. Pioneer spacecraft, Pioneer 0–3, launched in 1958, were not successful in returning data about the Moon. The fifth mission, Pioneer 4 (1959), was the first U.S. spacecraft to escape Earth’s gravitational pull; it flew by the…

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        • Chandrayaan
          • Chandrayaan-1
            In Chandrayaan

            … for “moon craft”), the first lunar space probe of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), found water on the Moon. It mapped the Moon in infrared, visible, and X-ray light from lunar orbit and used reflected radiation to prospect for various elements, minerals, and ice. It

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          • Chandrayaan-1
            In Indian Space Research Organisation

            …the Chandrayaan missions to the Moon (Chandrayaan-1, 2008; Chandrayaan-2, 2019; Chandrayaan-3, 2023) as well as the Mars Orbiter Mission( 2013), India’s first mission to Mars. ISRO plans to put astronauts into orbit with the Gaganyaan spacecraft in 2024.

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        • Chang’e
          • Chang'e 1
            In Chang’e

            lunar probes launched by the China National Space Administration. The satellites are named for a goddess who, according to Chinese legend, flew from Earth to the Moon.

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        • Clementine
          • Moon's south polar region
            In Clementine

            …observed all regions of the Moon over a two-month period in 1994 for purposes of scientific research and in-space testing of equipment developed primarily for national defense. It carried out geologic mapping in greater detail than any previous lunar mission; some of its data hinted at the possibility that water…

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        • Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory
          • The two GRAIL spacecraft, Ebb (right) and Flow (left).
            In Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory

            …Flow, designed to map the Moon’s gravitational field. GRAIL was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on September 10, 2011. To conserve fuel, the spacecraft traveled very slowly, taking three and a half months to travel to the Moon. (Most other missions to the Moon took only a few days and…

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        • Kaguya
          • Artist's conception of the Kaguya mission's Selene spacecraft in orbit around the Moon.
            In Kaguya

            …second unmanned mission to the Moon, launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency in September 2007. Its proper name, Selene (Selenological and Engineering Explorer), was derived from the ancient Greek goddess of the Moon. Kaguya, chosen from among many suggestions received from the Japanese public, is the name of a…

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        • Luna
          • Luna 9
            In Luna

            …first spacecraft to strike the Moon, and Luna 3 (October 4, 1959) made the first circumnavigation of the Moon and returned the first photographs of its far side. Luna 9 (January 31, 1966) made the first successful lunar soft landing. Luna 16 (September 12, 1970) was the first uncrewed spacecraft…

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        • Luna-Glob
          • In Luna 25

            …spacecraft designed to study the Moon. Luna 25 (originally called Luna-Glob, Russian for “Moon-Globe”) consisted of a probe that was designed to land near the Moon’s south pole, where there is likely water ice under the surface. It launched from the Vostochny Cosmodrome on August 11, 2023. It was Russia’s…

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        • Luna-Resource
          • In Luna-Resource

            …designed to land on the Moon. Scheduled for launch about 2025, it will be Russia’s first mission to land on the Moon since the Luna 24 mission in August 1976.

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        • Lunar Orbiter
          • Moon; Lunar Orbiter 1
            In Lunar Orbiter

            …placed in orbit around the Moon. Lunar Orbiter 1 was launched on Aug. 10, 1966; the last in the series, Lunar Orbiter 5, was launched on Aug. 1, 1967. The orbiters obtained 1,950 wide-angle and high-resolution photographs of much of the Moon’s surface, including the polar regions and the far…

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        • Lunar Prospector
          • Artist's rendering of the Lunar Prospector spacecraft.
            In Lunar Prospector

            …studied the chemistry of the Moon’s surface. Lunar Prospector was launched on Jan. 6, 1998, by an Athena II rocket from Cape Canaveral, Florida. It entered lunar orbit on January 11 and achieved its final mapping orbit, 100 km (60 miles) high, four days later.

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        • SMART-1
          • SMART-1 mission; Mare Humorum; Oceanus Procellarum
            In SMART-1

            Once there, SMART-1 scanned the Moon for signs of water in polar craters and mapped the lunar terrain. When its mission ended, it was crashed into the Moon on Sept. 3, 2006, and telescopes on Earth observed the impact in order to study the lunar surface.

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        • Surveyor
          • Surveyor 1
            In Surveyor

            space probes sent to the Moon between 1966 and 1968 to photograph and study the lunar surface. Surveyor 1 (launched May 30, 1966), carrying a scanning television camera and special sensors, landed on the Moon on June 2, 1966, and transmitted 11,150 photographs as well as information about environmental conditions…

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        • Zond
          • Zond
            In Zond

            …first spacecraft to orbit the Moon and return to a splashdown on the Earth, and it carried living specimens. Zonds 6, 7, and 8 (launched Nov. 10, 1968, Aug. 7, 1969, and Oct. 20, 1970, respectively) also made circumlunar flights; they too carried biological specimens and transmitted photography of the…

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