X chromosome


Learn about this topic in these articles:

designation as sex chromosome

  • In sex chromosome

    …are designated by scientists as X and Y. In humans the sex chromosomes consist of one pair of the total of 23 pairs of chromosomes. The other 22 pairs of chromosomes are called autosomes.

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genetic diseases

  • The routine monitoring of blood pressure levels is an important part of assessing an individual's health. Blood pressure provides information about the amount of blood in circulation and about heart function and thus is an important indicator of disease.
    In human disease: Diseases of genetic origin

    …are those located on the X chromosomes that have no complementary genes on the Y chromosome. Females have two copies of the X chromosome, but males have an X and a Y chromosome. Because males have only one copy of the X chromosome, any mutation occurring in a gene on…

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  • Barr body
    In human genetic disease: Abnormalities of the sex chromosomes

    …few genes, and, although the X chromosome is gene-rich, most of these genes become transcriptionally silent in all but one X chromosome in each somatic cell (i.e., all cells except eggs and sperm) via a process called X inactivation. The phenomenon of X inactivation prevents a female who carries two…

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metabolic diseases

  • Enzyme defects in urea cycle disorders.
    In metabolic disease: Inheritance

    Females have two X chromosomes, while males have an X and a Y chromosome. If a mutant gene is part of the X chromosome, the resulting disease is called X-linked. All male offspring who inherit an X-linked mutation are affected, because the Y chromosome of the XY pair…

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overabundance in X-trisomy

  • In trisomy X

    …human females, in which three X chromosomes are present, rather than the normal pair. Although trisomy X can be inherited, it most often is caused by a random failure in chromosome separation. When the error occurs via nondisjunction—the failure of chromosomes to separate at meiosis—an extra X chromosome is present…

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sex-linked character

  • In sex-linked character

    In humans, for example, the X, or female-determining, chromosome carries many genes, whereas the Y, or male-determining, chromosome is deficient in genes. A woman has two X chromosomes; a man has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. Several traits, including red-green colour blindness, arise from the interaction of genes…

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sexual differentiation

  • In sexual differentiation

    …a female sex chromosome (the X chromosome). Each sperm also contains 23 chromosomes: 22 autosomes and either one female sex chromosome or one male sex chromosome (the Y chromosome). An egg that has been fertilized has a full complement of 46 chromosomes, of which two are sex chromosomes. Therefore, genetic…

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Xg blood group

  • In Xg blood group system

    …greatly aided mapping of the X chromosome.

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  • red blood cell
    In blood group: Blood groups and genetic linkage

    …in being located on the X chromosome. Genes carried by the X chromosome are said to be sex-linked. Since the blood groups are inherited in a regular fashion, they can be used as genetic markers in family studies to investigate whether any two particular loci are sited on the same…

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